
Now Aubrey Marcus … what is going on?!

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I recently posted how disappointed I was to see Elon, Russell Brand and Rogan side with and endorse Trump. Now Aubrey? I can not tell you how disappointed I was to see him post this. 

Through some difficult times, Aubrey was an online inspiration for me. And I will always be indebted to his teachings. It was a goal of mine next year to go to his ‘fit for service’ retreat in Arizona. 

I just can’t wrap my head around how he can call Jordan Peterson, Tucker Carlson and Candace Owen’s heroes! And say the republicans stand for Truth, freedom, love, peace etc 

At this point all I need is @Leo Gura to turn round out of nowhere and say stuff like this and I’ll lose all faith in people. 

Seeing Aubrey say this has nearly made me start to think ‘am I the delusional one missing something here?!’

it’s also made me question psychedelics and the spiral dynamics model. Aubrey was clearly more psychologically developed than 95%, if not 99% of people in the world, and still he seems to have lost his way and fallen into a trap. What’s the point in all that development, if then you think Candace Owen’s is a hero?! 

I like having mentors and people who inspire me, it helps me towards a next chapter in life. But at this point i feel disillusioned by so many … it feels like there’s no one out there (apart from Leo) worth following and they become selfish and power driven in the end. They side with what serves them.

Maybe it’s a deep lesson that I can only follow my own path and not put any emphasis or trust in anyone I see online. 


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Yeah I get you, it's astounding how all wrapped up in the narrative of being the saviours against 'empire' he is. 

Ever since I heard him speak about this like he does, I could sense corruption and darkness in him and stopped listening to him.

You could clearly see the direction he was going in through the circle he got himself in, going way back to Joe Rogan and recently with RFK, Jake Paul, etc. There has also often been a tone of it being a prophecy to liberate people, as though this unfolding was seen in a medicine journey or who knows what other bs conspiracy they convinced themselves of. 

I'm disappointed to see Dan Koe approving of this too. 

1 hour ago, Thetruthseeker said:

Maybe it’s a deep lesson that I can only follow my own path and not put any emphasis or trust in anyone I see online.

This for sure, you're your own authority and you shouldn't outsource that to anyone else, although you can get inspiration from basically anyone. It helps to get good at distinguishing the motivations behind what people say by staying in your body as you listen to them.

You'll quickly distinguish the noise - contraction in your body -  from the signal, the genuine expansive, life-affirming, vibrant feeling lighting up inside.

Edited by Waves

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Liberals are too ideological that they haven’t noticed a inversion has taken place in terms of where the bad actors and imperial core is being run from, behind and beside - and that’s the Democratic Party for the most part. Some have and have realigned themselves.There is such a difference in narratives of what just happened and how it’s being perceived - some view it as a coming golden age, a win against the dark forces of a deep state establishment. Others view it as a dark age that Hitler is ushering in. Neither are correct, but the right may be more correct.

Liberals are generally blind to their own actions of censorship, silencing of dissent and clamping down on their political opposition through lawfare and a rhetoric that caused two assassination attempts. They can’t notice the projection and hypocrisy.

Just because people you admire move to the right, it doesn’t mean they like everyone amongst the right or share the same beliefs as the fringe extremes - just like liberals on the left don’t always share the far leftists beliefs. It’s more a matter of alignment on wanting the same things, but not all things. And right now, the right are generally more sensible in what they want so more people are aligning with them - less wars, less government overreach, less tax and regulation hindering business, safer streets and stronger borders, less focus on identity politics which racialises everything and is more divisive and discriminatory, less wokism being pushed, and mainstream media and health agencies to be held accountable for misinformation and malpractice.



It’s a red pill at mass scale, metaphorically and literally as the Republicans sport the colour red.

Edited by zazen

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Aubrey, like others, are Hypocrites..I remember he wrote a book awhile back about how to live a Healthy Exuberant Life, then a year after the book was released he comes out saying how he is struggling in life and bla bla bla, its total BS, he and others just have huge Ego's and want some recognition that's it, and they all repeat on their podcasts, same guest, same topics, same BS..we need less of these types, they make the path to a Higher Potential Life more confusing and complex, they are like the dis information coming from other countries to ppl that live here to confuse us, I would stop all association with type like Aubrey and Blu and those types of content creators...

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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All these people are an embarassment to mankind. Every one of them.

Don't let them gaslight you with their bullshit. They chase fame, success, and money, not truth.

History will record all these people as buffoons.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Something weird happening for sure. Why is everyone taking a side. Christians are doing something.

Edited by Hojo

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Democrats have really weak sauce people by them and despite being generally more evolved have too many corruption going on in their politics and funding

I don't really endorse Republicans but they were able to recruit so many great talented and actually more evolved people by their side which is probably why they won this time

Personally I think Kennedy was the best candidate out of all, but seems like it's hard to have good chance as independent indeed. Good thing future administration will allow him to do what he wanted to do as president 

Edited by Hello from Russia

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3 hours ago, Thetruthseeker said:

it’s also made me question psychedelics and the spiral dynamics model. Aubrey was clearly more psychologically developed than 95%, if not 99% of people in the world, and still he seems to have lost his way and fallen into a trap. What’s the point in all that development, if then you think Candace Owen’s is a hero?! 

You need to adjust your Spi-radar. This guy has always rubbed me the wrong way.

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46 minutes ago, Hojo said:

Something weird happening for sure. Why is everyone taking a side. Christians are doing something.

nothing weird is happening. you guys were just following grifters and now they are showing their faces

Death and decay 🥀

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@Something Funny They are all doing it collectively. 1 or 2 okay but everyone popular is doing it.

Edited by Hojo

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@Hojo wdym collectively? Obviously out of a million different influencers / celebrities, there will be some that will do that.

Death and decay 🥀

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Am not surprised from elon and Russell Brand, Russell always been too negative and lacking system thinking + being disillusioned with the system

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Nothing new here, he is antivaxx.

Thats a warning for you guys to be aware of who you take advice from.

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I swear we're living in an Onion video

There is no failure, only feedback

One small step at a time. No one climbs a mountain in one go.

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9 minutes ago, Recursoinominado said:

Nothing new here, he is antivaxx.

Thats a warning for you guys to be aware of who you take advice from.

Is he "antivaxx"

Or critical of basically forced covid vaccinations? 

I seriously don’t know, never watched his show.

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I can't believe you guys didn't notice which side of the fence Aubrey Marcus fell on. I could have told you years ago that he was leaning rightward in terms of his current political support. Same with Rogan, Musk, Friedman, Brand, etc. Here's another shocker if it's not so obvious, but Ana Kasparian is someone else who is clearly making the same move.

I apologize if this post comes off as brash. I'm just surprised it was such a question, even though none of them openly stated their allegiance. It's interesting that many on this list were previously solidly on the left.

Edited by What Am I

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14 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

Is he "antivaxx"

Or critical of basically forced covid vaccinations? 

I seriously don’t know, never watched his show.


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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

All these people are an embarassment to mankind. Every one of them.

Don't let them gaslight you with their bullshit. They chase fame, success, and money, not truth.

History will record all these people as buffoons.

Leo please do your part to become apart of the resistance. Voices of reason are being drowned out by right wing buffoonery and its leading far too many astray.

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