
Your suffering is incompetence

30 posts in this topic

13 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Btw, that of the suffering is happening to nobody doesn't work, the thing is open yourself to your true nature, not convince yourself that you are nothing. You are something, in fact everything 

You're right about that. I'm only speaking to the neurotic mind anyway, how's it going to understand this. When I suffer I feel it for sure but I've realized that its a sensation, a feeling, passing phenomena nothing personal I just think it is. But you're right the for no one doesn't work, infact nothing works. The only thing that works is for the mind to realize it's place, shut up and go sit in the corner, face the wall and stop the bitching and moaning and whining so I can have my coffee in peace.😅😅😅

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 hour ago, Arthogaan said:

Can you describe them?


I made these experiences pleasurable by removing/ignoring the negative stories I told myself about them. I first discovered this when I was getting into running…I used to be overweight and hated running because of the ideas and labels I attached to it. Once I let go of those, it sparked a curiosity that spread into other areas.

Here are some examples; Muscle cramps, muscle soreness, headaches, tooth pain and extreme exhaustion (I have ran ultradistances in extreme condotions, such as in the desert in the middle east and in snow storm in Iceland). 

It’s also not just about manipulating the narrative around these experiences….it’s about what’s actually there when you drop the resistance. Once the resistance is gone, what’s left is often genuinely pleasurable. This doesn’t mean I ignore the signs my body is giving me, but it allows for a pleasurable experience rather than the opposite.

This has also deepened with some of my recent awakenings. I’ve realized that, at its core, everything is absolutely beautiful/perfect….pure metaphysical love(hard to put it in words). I know  it sounds insane but I can genuinely see even the most horrible things as beautiful or perfect.

I’m fully aware this doesn’t fit into our reality/survival, I still have my biases and agendas, and I know certain actions have serious consequences. But it has undeniably shaped how I experience reality, it allowes alot more room for exploration. 

Edited by ivarmaya

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5 minutes ago, ivarmaya said:

I made these experiences pleasurable by removing/ignoring the negative stories I told myself about them. I first discovered this when I was getting into running…I used to be overweight and hated running because of the ideas and labels I attached to it. Once I let go of those, it sparked a curiosity that spread into other areas.

Here are some examples; Muscle cramps, muscle soreness, headaches, tooth pain and extreme exhaustion.

It’s also not just about manipulating the narrative around these experiences….it’s about what’s actually there when you drop the resistance. Once the resistance is gone, what’s left is often genuinely pleasurable. This doesn’t mean I ignore the signs my body is giving me, but it allows for a pleasurable experience rather than the opposite.

This has also deepened with some of my recent awakenings. I’ve realized that, at its core, everything is absolutely beautiful/perfect….pure metaphysical love(hard to put it in words). I know  it sounds insane but I can genuinely see even the most horrible things as beautiful or perfect.

I’m fully aware this doesn’t fit into our reality/survival, I still have my biases and agendas, and I know certain actions have serious consequences. But it has undeniably shaped how I experience reality, it allowes alot more room for exploration. 

Beautiful. This is true enlightenment. How to use the egoic mind to reform itself. To see itself for what it really is. Not to try to kill the ego and be nothing or no one to escape suffering. To truly reform suffering and to see it differently. A change in perspective. I love this very much.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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25 minutes ago, ivarmaya said:

I made these experiences pleasurable by removing/ignoring the negative stories I told myself about them. I first discovered this when I was getting into running…I used to be overweight and hated running because of the ideas and labels I attached to it. Once I let go of those, it sparked a curiosity that spread into other areas.

Here are some examples; Muscle cramps, muscle soreness, headaches, tooth pain and extreme exhaustion (I have ran ultradistances in extreme condotions, such as in the desert in the middle east and in snow storm in Iceland). 

It’s also not just about manipulating the narrative around these experiences….it’s about what’s actually there when you drop the resistance. Once the resistance is gone, what’s left is often genuinely pleasurable. This doesn’t mean I ignore the signs my body is giving me, but it allows for a pleasurable experience rather than the opposite.

This has also deepened with some of my recent awakenings. I’ve realized that, at its core, everything is absolutely beautiful/perfect….pure metaphysical love(hard to put it in words). I know  it sounds insane but I can genuinely see even the most horrible things as beautiful or perfect.

I’m fully aware this doesn’t fit into our reality/survival, I still have my biases and agendas, and I know certain actions have serious consequences. But it has undeniably shaped how I experience reality, it allowes alot more room for exploration. 

I ask because I have been experimenting in a similiar ways and all you say is totally believeable and in line with my experience. I lately am immersing myself with feeling of cold and hunger and there definitely is a point of immersion when hunger feels full, and cold feels warm. I still struggle to make this kind of immersion a baseline/default. I still find myself habitually eating even tough I am not fully hungry.

So it's interesting that I experienced hunger as pleasurable (even after 2 days of not eating anything) but I still fall into deeply imprinted patterns od behaviour - tough less and less.

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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2 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Delusion all the way. For you and for everyone else that is using Spirituality to end suffering. To think suffering is proof of anything, is utter neurosis and to say you're not handling things right is pure narcissism at its best. I really feel bad for all these egos who are trying their best but my dear lovely one, you will be eating you tail forever and going around in loops if this is what you're trying to do. Everyday you will wake up and maybe ease the pain a little bit from your neurotic mind but it will be right back there in the morning after next with another neurotic problem to fix and you will feel better again by doing your sadhana or vipanana or your pannini or whatever it is that you do and be right back to suffering that neurotic mind of yours again in no time until the day you WAKE UP out of your narcissistic neurosis and realize there's nothing to fix and no one to do anything to stop suffering because suffering is not happening to anyone its just the egos neurosis and sense of importance that thinks its suffering and all this is happening out in thin fucking air. Woo woo, hee, hee haw haw




Hahaha triggered? 😁🥱

I know exactly what Im doing.

You cannot understand the work Im doing Because right now you are at galaxies of consciousness of distance to understand It.

Additionally you want to simplify reality to confort your ego so your simplistic logic is expected.


Its Ok little girl, Enjoy your simplistic non duality Channel N°5 world. You have a lot of things to discover yet. 

Edited by Javfly33

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12 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:
2 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Delusion all the way. For you and for everyone else that is using Spirituality to end suffering. To think suffering is proof of anything, is utter neurosis and to say you're not handling things right is pure narcissism at its best. I really feel bad for all these egos who are trying their best but my dear lovely one, you will be eating you tail forever and going around in loops if this is what you're trying to do. Everyday you will wake up and maybe ease the pain a little bit from your neurotic mind but it will be right back there in the morning after next with another neurotic problem to fix and you will feel better again by doing your sadhana or vipanana or your pannini or whatever it is that you do and be right back to suffering that neurotic mind of yours again in no time until the day you WAKE UP out of your narcissistic neurosis and realize there's nothing to fix and no one to do anything to stop suffering because suffering is not happening to anyone its just the egos neurosis and sense of importance that thinks its suffering and all this is happening out in thin fucking air. Woo woo, hee, hee haw haw




Hahaha triggered?

@Javfly33Does my comments read like someone triggered. That's why I say delusion. You can't even spot when someone is triggered much less to stop your own suffering by controlling the out-of-control mind. You're right I'm galaxies away from understanding your delusional mind. Barely understand my own delusion. Not trying to though, it recognize it's nature and I will be a fool to try and understand my own mind's delusion. THAT'S WHAT IT IS. No sense in fighting a brick wall. You on the other hand put delusion upon delusion upon delusion and keep building upon the delusional mind and it's having a grand ole party of delusions. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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"My spiritual dick is bigger than your spiritual twat" and vice versa. 


Edited by Eph75

Want to connect? Just do it, I assure you I'm just a human being just like you, drop me a PM today. 

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23 minutes ago, Eph75 said:

"My spiritual dick is bigger than your spiritual twat" and vice versa.


I don’t think that’s a mature way of communicating….not the insult itself, but the laziness of not supporting your point or specifying whom it’s directed at. The standards should be higher. @Leo Gura

Edited by ivarmaya

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It's just a reflection, it's not about maturity. It's also very on point. You could ask about the desired  outcome, but then again, it's rather obvious. 

Edited by Eph75

Want to connect? Just do it, I assure you I'm just a human being just like you, drop me a PM today. 

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On 10/11/2024 at 7:37 PM, Princess Arabia said:

@Javfly33Does my comments read like someone triggered. That's why I say delusion. You can't even spot when someone is triggered much less to stop your own suffering by controlling the out-of-control mind. You're right I'm galaxies away from understanding your delusional mind. Barely understand my own delusion. Not trying to though, it recognize it's nature and I will be a fool to try and understand my own mind's delusion. THAT'S WHAT IT IS. No sense in fighting a brick wall. You on the other hand put delusion upon delusion upon delusion and keep building upon the delusional mind and it's having a grand ole party of delusions. 

@Princess Arabia

You lack a basic understanding (and pretty obvious one) of reality, and that is that reality has rules:

If you take a coffee it always will stimulate you, it you take 5-MeO it will always kick your ass, no matter your beliefs, every tool, thing, movement, works in a way and produces certain results in reality.

In the same way any other thing in reality creates certain concrete results, in Yoga there are asanas (postures), as well as breathing phases, which are specifically designed to open certain perceptions (or doors) , regardless if you 'belief' on it or not.

Unless you have a very deep and natural understanding of reality, these 'doors' or perceptions will not open up watching non duality talks in Youtube, or trying to 'sort out' non duality via thinking or logic.

If you want to be mediocre and have mediocre results, re assure yourself you are already Enlightened and that reality is very simple. The astronomical proportions of what Life is, will catch up to your arrogance sooner or later. 

Edited by Javfly33

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