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My mind wants to let go

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When I meditate, or even when I'm mindful of my thoughts during the day, I feel like I can physically let my mind go. It feels like someone has sunctioned a plunger at the top of my head and pulling on it. It feels like there's a large mass on the top half of my skull thats struggling to detach itself from my awareness like the venom symbiote from spiderman 3. When this happens. It feels like I can't breathe.

Some extra points: certain frequencies (like those hour long ones on youtube) help let it go. I theorize that it may be due to a lack of oxygen in my brain? I have a long history of overthinking that stems from age 12 to 26. I'm recovering from depression as well. Also have had an agressive youtube phone addiction.


Tbh I know why this is happening but I just wanted to hear other perspectives. Something a little more concrete to make more sense of why it feels like my brain is coming off and maybe gather some ideas to reduce it. Thanks people.

Edited by 2bequitefrank
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The reason is because your brain is using so much energy that when it stops it loses mass e=mc^2 thus m=e/c^2.

Na I’m joking that mass is way to small to feel but I can relate to similar experiences, not sure why though.

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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Focus on the breath. Put your attention on it all the time it starts to wander. And whatever happens, happens.

Breathe from the stomach:

Another School of Thought:

Self Inquiry might also help:

What is your mind letting go of?
What is letting go of your mind?
Does the mind exist outside of your own mind/thoughts/experience of it?

Personally, I've always had more energy with belly breathing than I ever used to, but I thought I'd offer the other video for balance.

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You have to continue until there is no you trying to let go of anything, but rather the opening is total, without limits. It is a slow process in which you first have to realize the total emptiness of reality and then merge with it and be it, then reality opens and is filled with you, who completely permeates the infinite, then you know what you are. and what reality is

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