
Epic Stage Yellow Rant on MAGA

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Good content and good example of stage yellow shooting from the hip

Edited by TrustTheProcess

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The worst is seeing these people are celebrating, while if you ask them about Trump, what he's done or said they just scream left-wing propaganda.

While they do seem to live in a different reality, mentally, they too shall feel the chaos of Trump, and the day will come when they shall scream in horror and confusion over what they've done.


Part of me hopes he goes all the way.

Edited by Fearey

INTJ 5w4. Cosmopolitan. Software engineer, data analyst and AI enthusiast.

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If he goes all the way it will be dark, we are talking about people that want to sell democracy for cheap, like it will literally have to involve blood and civil war before people start waking up, he might even go after the celebrities who appose full decorator mode. It’s going to be a serious system challenge to the US. 

Joe Biden was holding it together I swear to god.

Edited by Happy Lizard

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7 minutes ago, Pox said:

how is this stage yellow?

I guess he means it's yellow because the guy suggests laughing/humor as a response to MAGA instead of hair pulling and screeching into the void.

Not sure if i agree it's precisely yellow, but humor could seem like a better response than hair pulling and screeching. Could be high green, low yellow stuff.

Edited by Talinn

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2 hours ago, Stovo said:

This is 90% stage green with a hint of yellow.

Or even a hue of yellow.

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