
What are the Actualized.org beliefs

12 posts in this topic

Hi all, 


New to this forum. I'm attracted to a forum dedicated to personal development and the general topics found here. I am currently part of another forum however that is dedicated specifically to subliminal audios, and while it's personal development oriented, there's a specific bias towards subliminals. 

I share that bias as I think they're very effective, but a broader perspective would be appreciated. 

I noticed there's a shared beliefs structure here. 

Consciousness, "Stage Green/Orange Women." I have no idea what either of these are referring to. The stage thing I am completely clueless, and as per "Consciousness," well... everyone has their own definition. 

What are the shared knowledge structures here. What would be good content to consume to learn about that? Say, key videos from the channel? 

or even better, you reading this, what do YOU believe and how do you see the world, where does this forum fit in? thx

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The biggest themes on the forum are probably Spiral Dynamics (a pretty obscure developmental theory), non-duality ("reality is One thing"), and systems thinking (thinking in a very abstract way — but don't ask too much about how; they will say you're over-intellectualizing and wasting your time 😃😃). These only partially overlap with Leo's main focus.

Leo also has his own spin on spirituality (Alien Consciousness) which some pretend to understand but nobody actually understands.

Then you have the classic conflation of personal solipsism ("my limited screen of sensory perception is the only thing that exist") with cosmic solipsism ("pre-sensory, trans-personal, unlimited consciousness is the only thing that exists", a.k.a objective idealism or non-duality). This never fails to make its appearance at least once every other thread in the spirituality section.

Then you also have the conflation of epistemological nihilism ("I know nothing", or really just "I don't know how to use language" — the language game that cannot stop shooting itself in the foot) with non-duality. We surely talk a lot about ostensibly non-duality here.

Then you have enlightened leftism ("leftism kinda good, conservatism kinda bad"), enlightened pickup ("women kinda this, women kinda that"), and enlightened personal development ("what does my horoscop- I mean Spiral Dynamics chart say about my life?").

As for my personal favorites of Leo's videos:

  • 40 Signs That You Are Neurotic
  • Understanding How Paradigms Work
  • Understanding Absolute Infinity
  • Spiritual Enlightenment - The Most SHOCKING Truth You'll Ever Hear
  • How To Meditate - The No Bullshit Guide To Meditation
Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Best way to approach Leo's content is, in my opinion, to start with the foundational playlist on yt and then just bounce around from there. His content spans hours and hours, sometimes daunting but worth the journey. 

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There Used to be allot of "I am God" or "I am Jesus" posts where ppl proclaimed they are that and basically no one will understand them, but haven't seen too much of that lately.. As Carl said, lots of Solipsism talk, Non Duality talk, on the Spirituality forum, it seem some ppl go on there to consciously create drama to get attention, we've had a few that would constantly be starting new threads about this or that question, then they would freak out once inawhile will Large texts replies that came out of nowhere, then after like starting 50 threads they vanish..

What I find fascinating is for a Forum that is basically for those on the Enlightenment path, personal development or spiritually, the most looked at and replied threads are to do with War and Politics, too of the most Unconscious things in this world, that means something!!!

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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Thank you all, these are great responses. I never watched Leo's content. Truthfully I have no idea how i stumbled across this forum, I just liked the selection of topics covered. All videos posted plus the foundational playlist will be something I chip away at (so long as I find value after starting ofc). 

Wasn't sure if the content was the central theme or perhaps a book like Hawkins' power vs force. 


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If I had to summarize it I’d say the core teachings are about abundance and absolute infinity. 

It is a much more radical belief that would seem, human life is fundamentally about scarcity and limitation. 

Owner of creatives community all around Canada as well as a business mastermind 

Follow me on Instagram @Kylegfall <3


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What are considered to be the most helpful psychedelic practices towards those goals?

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On 11/7/2024 at 9:42 PM, Optimal_Prime said:

Hi all, 


New to this forum. I'm attracted to a forum dedicated to personal development and the general topics found here. I am currently part of another forum however that is dedicated specifically to subliminal audios, and while it's personal development oriented, there's a specific bias towards subliminals. 

I share that bias as I think they're very effective, but a broader perspective would be appreciated. 

I noticed there's a shared beliefs structure here. 

Consciousness, "Stage Green/Orange Women." I have no idea what either of these are referring to. The stage thing I am completely clueless, and as per "Consciousness," well... everyone has their own definition. 

What are the shared knowledge structures here. What would be good content to consume to learn about that? Say, key videos from the channel? 

or even better, you reading this, what do YOU believe and how do you see the world, where does this forum fit in? thx

hi this is a cult (im joking)

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2 hours ago, Optimal_Prime said:

love cults. hope you're only half joking. 

This forum certainly isn't a cult, but any community is guaranteed at least some aspects of group think. One of Leos most underrated series is the one on cult psychology, highly recommend you listen to those, but for someone new to the channel maybe don't start with that


On 11/8/2024 at 9:42 AM, Optimal_Prime said:

What are the shared knowledge structures here. What would be good content to consume to learn about that? Say, key videos from the channel? 

1. Deconstructing Science & various other epistemology videos:

Mixed playlist of my favourite videos-https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWq2PmY0jhcpCShDDL_H4D3CDdw4Y9DXm


2.Developmental Psychology

Spiral dynamics playlist-https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWq2PmY0jhcpz1T8_HCUrhuw0mRp1z7Aq


9 Stages of Ego Development playlist-https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWq2PmY0jhcoNIKRajYfmHfvJHBGJUEKa


On 11/8/2024 at 9:42 AM, Optimal_Prime said:

or even better, you reading this, what do YOU believe and how do you see the world, where does this forum fit in? thx

This video would have all the answers to this question + more:


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I like how the brand new forum member's first post is accidently very meta in a forum that prides itself on being meta.

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Ken Wilberism.

“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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