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30y/o canadian male, in sales, engaged, ready for purpose

3 posts in this topic

Hey all, I'll be keeping a journal here. For now, just introducing myself and made my title something easy to quickly understand so relevant and similar people can engage. 

Big fan of meditation, I've done 5 of the Goenka 10-day vipassana retreats, and have volunteered there as well. I am a member of mutliple men's groups, and in my main group, i've gained some leadership responsibilities. I've made as much as 200k/yr in sales in the past, and I'm currently at a crossroads of whether to continue down that road or switch careers to focus less on income and more on impact. 

I'm engaged to an Asian-Canadian woman two years my junior, and I've been offered teaching positions in her home country as much as 7k/mo CAD, which i often think about, and yet I wouldn't likely be able to accept without ending our relationship, which has me feeling some negative feelings of being trapped and not free. 7k/mo isn't an insane amount or antyhing, but it'd be 90% savings first of all since that country is so cheap, and, i deeply genuinely enjoy teaching... i'm considering going back to school to be a counselor or teacher, which would be a huge passion of mine, but also means that I'd have to wait 3-4 years, take on student fees in the 10's of thousands of dollars, and then start out as an entry level teacher, instead of getting higher pay and more meaning right away, all just to be able to do it in canada instead of abroad. 

Was quite depressed this year as i had been fired from a sales job under false pretenses and I cared about the people i worked with quite a lot, but I am on the up and up again and super excited to start working again. 


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Switched therapists, the session was conducted while I was out for a walk, talking to her on the phone. I really enjoy that format, works well for me. 

This is the first time I talked to someone about how my parents fought with each other and the styles they used with me. I found myself getting quite angry while re-telling the power dynamics that were at play both between them and I and between the two of them. Had to reflect after on how some of the things that I said were rather emotionally driven and irrational. Nothing wrong with emotions driving speech - not in therapy anyways - it's actually an opportunity to see where the wound is still raw and easily triggered. 

Making a mind-map of all the things I learn in therapy and how they connect to each other, as time goes on. 

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Last reply on a journal was in august. Are these journals pretty much dead?

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