
Letting go of fear

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Letting go of fear

Letting go of fear is one of most important things a person can be taught but hardly anyone actually learns how to do it. If they teach you anything in school about emotions it's usually along the lines of coping skills and management but schools rarely, if ever, teach you how to actually fully let go of fear/negative emotions.

How many of you know how to let go of fear?

If you have a mechanical understanding of how to let go of fear you can relatively easily let go of all of your fear in the span of only a couple years. Fear is not a difficult thing to let go of, it's actually extremely easy, people just don't know how to do it.

Understanding how fear works:

Fear and any other emotion is generated by your beliefs. Negative beliefs generate negative emotions, positive beliefs generate positive emotions. Any negative emotion is an emotion of fear. Any negative frequency is a frequency of fear. You can't have a negative experience unless you are buying into negative beliefs. You can't have a positive experience unless you are buying into positive beliefs.

Any kind of negative state is a fear based state. Any kind of neurosis you have is stemming from fear. Different kinds of negativity are just different expressions of fear.

Pay attention to your state of being, any negative frequencies are fear based frequencies. Negative frequencies are just subtler forms of fear that have a more persistent effect in the background of your state as opposed to being a stimulated fight or flight state of being.

Examples of different expressions of fear:  insecurity, judgement, comparison, overcomplication, self doubt, paranoia, resistance, perfectionism, corruption, neurosis, mental illness, phobias, ignorance, arrogance, etc.

How to let go of fear:

In order to let go of fear you need to let go of the negative beliefs that are generating the fear. Your fear is always generated by your negative beliefs. All you have to do in order to let go of your negative beliefs is to identify them and keep identifying them. The more you identify your negative beliefs the more you will expand your consciousness and automatically see that they don't actually make any sense, and when you see that they don't make sense they are automatically let go of.

The Process of letting go of fear:

1. Start by confronting individual fears, i.e. insecurity, judgement, comparison, overcomplication, self doubt, paranoia, resistance, phobias, etc. Confront the fear by doing something that you know will trigger/activate the fear, do this in a safe environment. You can do this by watching a video, using visualization, do anything that will bring out the fear in a safe way.

2. Once the fear is triggered/activated you need to investigate into the fear/negative frequency. To do this all you have to do is close your eyes and observe the negative frequency/fear and then ask yourself, "What would I have to believe is true in order to be feeling this fear?". Repeat this question to yourself in your mind like a mantra, you can make the question regarding any specific fear you have i.e. insecurity, judgement, comparison, overcomplication, self doubt, paranoia, resistance, etc. You can repeat the question mantra however quickly or slowly you want. You don't need to try to find the answer to the question, the answers will come to you automatically.

3. Continue repeating the mantra until the fear/negative frequency dissolves. This usually only takes 5/10/15 minutes. The answers to the question can come in many different forms and you might not even intellectually know what the answer was that led to the dissolving of the fear. This process is not designed for the intellect, the answers come automatically so your intellect doesn't actually need to be engaged, you just have to repeat the question while observing the fear.

4. Once the fear/negative frequency is dissolved go back to the stimulus that you used to trigger/activate the fear and observe the difference in the trigger/fear reaction, usually the fear will be less intense.

5. Continue this process of triggering/activating the fear and then doing the investigation mantra until the fear is no longer triggered/activated in reaction to the stimulus.

6. Do this with every single one of your fears until you can maintain at least a neutral state of being regardless of the situation/circumstances of your life.


If you have actually let go of all of your fears this means that you can maintain at least a neutral state of being no matter what


The understanding of how to let go of fear is crucial and needs to be taught to all of our children if we as a society want to continue evolving


Fear is the root cause of all of the misalignments on this planet, if this basic aspect of life is not addressed none of our political strategies will actually be sustainable


If you are willing, please use this understanding of how to let go of fear so that you can see for yourself its effectiveness. We need to take action to get understandings such as these taught in our education systems, its extremely important. If we could get just one United States president to understand how fear works and how to let it go they could relatively easily push to get this taught in the education systems.

Edited by Da77en

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@Da77en I know a technique to dissolve the feeling of fear, when I say dissolve I don't mean completely getting rid of fear, fear is a part of our whole system and is important to be where it is , simply by releasing tension and re focusing your attention,  we can use our breath to focus on , relax our muscles and release tension, this will bring you to a present , neutral moment where you can think clearly and decide wether the feeling of fear is needed here or not or wether it has a good basis for being present or is it your imagination that expanded it to enormous size. When we feel fear certain muscles get tense in our bodies through relaxation of those muscles we can influence the feeling of fear to be a lot less intense. 

I never think of fear as something I need to let go of because I know how valuable and useful  fear can be, I also know that as humans we are able to create any experience for ourselves this includes the experience of escalating fear, we are able to create the experience in which we will be afraid of a lot of things all the time, and it will feel very real, but we can also choose not to do that. So in summary I think what young humans should learn is the fact that they have a choice in how they prefer to feel about any situation, that we can literary choose our experience because we  create it. I really don't like to make an enemy of fear or anger, I prefer to integrate it and use it as tools to help me navigate my own feelings and emotions, like parts of the compass, if its there it is there to be useful. The way you look at it in my view is a little  complicated and makes the fear in to a being of its own, when in reality it is just a part of our system and serves us a purpose if you know how to use it.  

The important thing to learn is trust, because trust doesn't let the fear to take over, trust that whatever is happening always works out beneficially to you, trust in your own self and the ability to create your experience. 

''What would I have to believe is true in order to be feeling this fear?'' - this is something that Bashar says a lot, did you reference Bashar? Bashar applies it to everything , not just fear, and it is a useful fraise and effective but only if you fully understand what it says . As useful as it is I find it a touch too long to perform , it takes a lot less time to just release tension and re focus attention to the present moment, this is in my case of course im not speaking for anyone else. 

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15 hours ago, Da77en said:


Examples of different expressions of fear:  insecurity, judgement, comparison, overcomplication, self doubt, paranoia, resistance, perfectionism, corruption, neurosis, mental illness, phobias, ignorance, arrogance, etc.


I would say some of these listed above are not really "Fear" based, we need to be able to Judge, Compare, and feel Insecure anyways to survive another day, so those things are mostly about Your ability to Live another Day above Ground which not too long ago was a important skill to have, we have evolved in many ways socially and technologically but we are still Cave Men in many ways...

Fear comes from not knowing, not knowing has allot to do with the Future, ppl get Fearful of what may happen next.  The cure for this is to focus on where Life is found, that is within this Moment (this is an Awareness based Intelligence Living Now Totally). 

This does not mean You neglect the Past (which is memory) and Future (which is your imagination), you use them wisely, You get Wise from the past, this gives You Clarity, with Clarity You see how Life/Existence is set up, and from this no Fear can happen, You will see far ahead and in a way know what is going to happen at any given moment. Danger is real, we have to be Aware of what is dangerous, but Fear is mind based and totally under our control!

The other things You mention, like self doubt, paranoia, neurosis and such are I think based on the society we live in and the conditioning we have gathered from that Society, its all Ego based and we live in a horrible sort of Culture that conditions Us towards these sorts of Emotions and Experiences, our Society/Culture is completely Backwards and Disempowering to say the least, hence we have what we have today, 20-30% of the ppl have mental health challenges and problems, ppl addicted to everything that comes into their lives and individuals so Unconscious that they will kill or sell innocent children to get what they want, totally despicable!

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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9 hours ago, Evelyna said:

I never think of fear as something I need to let go of because I know how valuable and useful  fear can be

I understand there is this idea that fear is just a natural thing that shouldn't necessary be completely let go of, however, if you want to reach higher and higher levels of expansion of consciousness the fear is very important to fully let go of. If someone still has fear it is because their state of consciousness hasn't yet expanded to the point where they know the fear based ideas they are buying into aren't actually true.

9 hours ago, Evelyna said:

''What would I have to believe is true in order to be feeling this fear?'' - this is something that Bashar says a lot, did you reference Bashar? Bashar applies it to everything , not just fear, and it is a useful fraise and effective but only if you fully understand what it says .

When it comes to referencing Bashar I feel it is important to acknowledge that people have known many of these things for thousands of years and Bashar is just one person who has been serving to illuminate people on these things. I'm not actually taking this idea from Bashar, the process I listed is more in depth and direct then what Bashar talks about.

One thing that people often do when investigating negative beliefs is making it too much of an intellectual activity as opposed to using it specifically in a way that works directly on your consciousness. I suggest doing both but the most important thing is doing it so that it works on your consciousness directly and the method I listed is doing it in a way where the intellect isn't actually required at all in order to let go of all of your fear.

I have reached states of expansiveness so profound that wouldn't have been able to have be achieved without letting go of the fear completely because the fear holds you down and constricts you. If the fear of each individual is sufficiently addressed and let go of, the world will progress to profound levels of development, which would not be able to occur otherwise.

8 hours ago, Ishanga said:

I would say some of these listed above are not really "Fear" based

From my perspective, any kind of negativity is stemming from fear.

When I talk about judgement, I'm talking about buying into negative beliefs about someone or something. Judgement in this sense is projecting negativity/fear onto whatever you are judging as opposed to just seeing it the way it is. The comparison I'm talking about is similar to the judgement in the sense of believing/defining that something is less than/greater than something else. Seeing someone as more/less worthy, more/less intelligent, more/less deserving, etc. You can compare in an objective way but when you start comparing in a way that is putting someone/something above or below something else it becomes fear based as opposed to objective. Any kind of negative belief/definition you give to someone as a comparison is a projection of your own fear. Insecurity is fear based because it represents the ideas of being unworthy, undeserving, incompetent, unintelligent, etc. which are all fear based beliefs. Overcomplication is an expression of fear because you are insisting that things need to be complicated, as opposed to understanding that things are fundamentally very simple. Perfectionism is an expression of fear because it means you are resisting the perfection that is already built into your consciousness, you are already a perfect expression of whatever state of being/self you are being in any given moment. Consciousness is already perfectly designed and thus perfectionism comes from a fear based perspective of life.

The expressions of fear I listed are some of the fears that are most common in peoples daily lives and would be very high yield if we as a society could let them go.

There are "deeper" fears that most people aren't yet aware of and it's important to gain experience when it comes to letting go of fear so that you can eventually progress and face the deeper fears. If you aren't confident in your ability to let go of fear you wont take full action when it comes to expanding your consciousness because fear is a very natural thing that comes up when doing so. It's important for everyone in this society to eventually become a master of fear.

When it comes to the idea of seeing things in the most conducive way for survival the optimal way of doing that from my perspective is seeing things the way they actually are as opposed to projecting your own fear onto it. You may survive more safely by being fear based but living in fear doesn't allow for the kind of expansion that we need in order to live a life of ecstasy and enlightenment.

When it comes to bringing yourself into profound states of joy, love, bliss, passion, excitement, ecstasy, enlightenment, etc. l can't think of anything more important than letting go of fear because the fear prevents the sufficient expansion of your consciousness that is necessary in order to go into such states.

Lastly, there is this relatively common belief that if something is simple it's not worth doing or it's probably too good to be true. Letting go of fear is extremely simple but doing this one thing can single handedly resolve the suffering of humanity because suffering is caused by fear. If you let go of all of your fear then you are at least peaceful no matter what, if not blissful and ecstatic. People are subconsciously/unconsciously attached to their fear which is one reason people rarely talk about actually letting it go completely.

Edited by Da77en

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@Da77en For sure in today's world there is allot of projection, but I think this is a modern day phenomenon, back in the older days ppl were too busy trying to survive to be projecting much... The problem today is that ppl are not aware of how the body or mind works, they live via accident, are reactive not responsive, totally ignorant that the tree is a part of them via the O2 it provides for Us, that the Earth is a part of them via the Food it provides Us, and on and on it goes, ppl are totally disconnected and via that feel separate from everything and via that since they are tiny human beings Fear is the only thing to feel and experience, the other stuff goes of this basic situation...

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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@HojoThis is a good point. I've done mushrooms and ayahuasca and can account for psychedelics being one of the most powerful tools when it comes to confronting your fears. Pairing psychedelics with the understanding on how to let go of fear is what I recommend so that you can go deeper into psychedelics. I recommend gaining the understanding of how to let go of fear and having experience in that first before I recommend someone doing psychedelics.

If someone has let go of all of their fear that means no matter the psychedelic they take, there is still no fear.


1 hour ago, Ishanga said:

The problem today is that ppl are not aware of how the body or mind works, they live via accident, are reactive not responsive, totally ignorant that the tree is a part of them via the O2 it provides for Us, that the Earth is a part of them via the Food it provides Us, and on and on it goes, ppl are totally disconnected and via that feel separate from everything and via that since they are tiny human beings

Yes, good point. It's unfortunate that the education systems teach practically nothing about the internal mechanics of the body and mind. The entire system of education is structured around the materialist and scientific paradigm which leads us to learn almost exclusively about physical phenomena as opposed to consciousness itself.

The average student in the United States spends 15,210 hours in public school. This amount of time being exclusively taught about the materialist paradigm is going to leave most of these students with a very distorted understanding of life because the materialist paradigm is looking at life from the complete opposite context of how it actually works. The way life actually works is that consciousness generates physicality, physicality does not generate consciousness.

Edited by Da77en

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@Hojo Are you saying that if you let go of your fear, psychedelics will be experienced as weird as opposed to fear inducing?

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23 hours ago, Da77en said:

Letting go of fear

Letting go of fear is one of most important things a person can be taught but hardly anyone actually learns how to do it. If they teach you anything in school about emotions it's usually along the lines of coping skills and management but schools rarely, if ever, teach you how to actually fully let go of fear/negative emotions.

How many of you know how to let go of fear?

If you have a mechanical understanding of how to let go of fear you can relatively easily let go of all of your fear in the span of only a couple years. Fear is not a difficult thing to let go of, it's actually extremely easy, people just don't know how to do it.

Understanding how fear works:

Fear and any other emotion is generated by your beliefs. Negative beliefs generate negative emotions, positive beliefs generate positive emotions. Any negative emotion is an emotion of fear. Any negative frequency is a frequency of fear. You can't have a negative experience unless you are buying into negative beliefs. You can't have a positive experience unless you are buying into positive beliefs.

Any kind of negative state is a fear based state. Any kind of neurosis you have is stemming from fear. Different kinds of negativity are just different expressions of fear.

Pay attention to your state of being, any negative frequencies are fear based frequencies. Negative frequencies are just subtler forms of fear that have a more persistent effect in the background of your state as opposed to being a stimulated fight or flight state of being.

Examples of different expressions of fear:  insecurity, judgement, comparison, overcomplication, self doubt, paranoia, resistance, perfectionism, corruption, neurosis, mental illness, phobias, ignorance, arrogance, etc.

How to let go of fear:

In order to let go of fear you need to let go of the negative beliefs that are generating the fear. Your fear is always generated by your negative beliefs. All you have to do in order to let go of your negative beliefs is to identify them and keep identifying them. The more you identify your negative beliefs the more you will expand your consciousness and automatically see that they don't actually make any sense, and when you see that they don't make sense they are automatically let go of.

The Process of letting go of fear:

1. Start by confronting individual fears, i.e. insecurity, judgement, comparison, overcomplication, self doubt, paranoia, resistance, phobias, etc. Confront the fear by doing something that you know will trigger/activate the fear, do this in a safe environment. You can do this by watching a video, using visualization, do anything that will bring out the fear in a safe way.

2. Once the fear is triggered/activated you need to investigate into the fear/negative frequency. To do this all you have to do is close your eyes and observe the negative frequency/fear and then ask yourself, "What would I have to believe is true in order to be feeling this fear?". Repeat this question to yourself in your mind like a mantra, you can make the question regarding any specific fear you have i.e. insecurity, judgement, comparison, overcomplication, self doubt, paranoia, resistance, etc. You can repeat the question mantra however quickly or slowly you want. You don't need to try to find the answer to the question, the answers will come to you automatically.

3. Continue repeating the mantra until the fear/negative frequency dissolves. This usually only takes 5/10/15 minutes. The answers to the question can come in many different forms and you might not even intellectually know what the answer was that led to the dissolving of the fear. This process is not designed for the intellect, the answers come automatically so your intellect doesn't actually need to be engaged, you just have to repeat the question while observing the fear.

4. Once the fear/negative frequency is dissolved go back to the stimulus that you used to trigger/activate the fear and observe the difference in the trigger/fear reaction, usually the fear will be less intense.

5. Continue this process of triggering/activating the fear and then doing the investigation mantra until the fear is no longer triggered/activated in reaction to the stimulus.

6. Do this with every single one of your fears until you can maintain at least a neutral state of being regardless of the situation/circumstances of your life.


If you have actually let go of all of your fears this means that you can maintain at least a neutral state of being no matter what


The understanding of how to let go of fear is crucial and needs to be taught to all of our children if we as a society want to continue evolving


Fear is the root cause of all of the misalignments on this planet, if this basic aspect of life is not addressed none of our political strategies will actually be sustainable


If you are willing, please use this understanding of how to let go of fear so that you can see for yourself its effectiveness. We need to take action to get understandings such as these taught in our education systems, its extremely important. If we could get just one United States president to understand how fear works and how to let it go they could relatively easily push to get this taught in the education systems.

No one is on control. Knowing that is the biggest key. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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@James123 My understanding of control is this:

Mechanically speaking, being completely out of control is the same thing as being completely in control. If you are in control of one thing and not another thing then that's a relative distinction, but if there is no relative distinction then it's equivalent. Your body and mind is definitely not designed to control everything, the only thing you directly control with your body and mind are your actions, everything else is functioning automatically. Consciousness is fundamentally automatic, actions are manual but everything else it automatic. Your consciousness has a flow to it which is automatic, your actions are designed so that you can guide the automatic flow of your consciousness in the direction you prefer by taking action in that direction. Letting go of your fears with the process I listed is one example of an action you can take to guide the automatic flow of your consciousness in the direction you prefer.

Edited by Da77en

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@Da77en I appreciate your post, thank you!

The video too ;)

Edited by Vibes

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@Vibes Thanks man. I was going to post the video but I made it off the cuff without any preparation so I removed it.

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1 hour ago, Da77en said:

@James123 My understanding of control is this:

Mechanically speaking, being completely out of control is the same thing as being completely in control. If you are in control of one thing and not another thing then that's a relative distinction, but if there is no relative distinction then it's equivalent. Your body and mind is definitely not designed to control everything, the only thing you directly control with your body and mind are your actions, everything else is functioning automatically. Consciousness is fundamentally automatic, actions are manual but everything else it automatic. Your consciousness has a flow to it which is automatic, your actions are designed so that you can guide the automatic flow of your consciousness in the direction you prefer by taking action in that direction. Letting go of your fears with the process I listed is one example of an action you can take to guide the automatic flow of your consciousness in the direction you prefer.

You have billion cells in a body, if one does not act well, you are sick. How can you be in any control whatsoever?

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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@VibesI appreciate it! I'll probably film more videos in the future because there are certain understandings of consciousness that are absolutely vital and need to eventually be common knowledge.

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4 minutes ago, James123 said:

You have billion cells in a body, if one does not act well, you are sick. How can you be in any control whatsoever?

This kind of perspective is generally coming from the materialist paradigm which is that physicality determines consciousness as opposed to consciousness determining physicality. Each and every one of your cells are functioning as a reflection of whatever state of being you are in. Your entire experience is a reflection of your state of being/frequency. For example, if you are in a state of fear, your cells will respond to that and function as a reflection of that. Your chemistry, biology, physiology, and everything else you experience is functioning as a reflection of whatever state of being you are in and your state of being is generated by your beliefs/definitions.

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1 minute ago, Da77en said:

This kind of perspective is generally coming from the materialist paradigm which is that physicality determines consciousness as opposed to consciousness determining physicality. Each and every one of your cells are functioning as a reflection of whatever state of being you are in. Your entire experience is a reflection of your state of being/frequency. For example, if you are in a state of fear, your cells will respond to that and function as a reflection of that. Your chemistry, biology, physiology, and everything else you experience is functioning as a reflection of whatever state of being you are in.

This is just your personal opinion. The body is definitely not under your control. Even if you are state of fear and your body grows a cell of cancer, it shows that body is not depends on outside conditions. It just acts to outside conditions. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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14 minutes ago, James123 said:

This is just your personal opinion.

I validate your perspective and I will respond in saying that these understandings can be experienced directly; you can become directly conscious of these things for yourself. Nothing exists but consciousness, consciousness uses energy/frequency to generate experiences and thus everything you experience is your energy/vibration. You can observe for yourself that any frequency/vibration you experience is generated by your beliefs. You can start by becoming directly aware of your beliefs generating your emotions, then you can become directly aware that your beliefs are generating your state of being as a whole. Observe how the situations and circumstances are responding to your state and become aware that your state of being is the only thing you actually experience. The situations and circumstances that you experience are formed and shaped out of your own state of being/consciousness.

Edited by Da77en

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7 minutes ago, James123 said:

This is just your personal opinion. The body is definitely not under your control. Even if you are state of fear and your body grows a cell of cancer, it shows that body is not depends on outside conditions. It just acts to outside conditions. 

Whenever You Non Dual, Nothing to do, nothing is happening types get stumped by a response You all say the samething "This is just Your Opinion", well so is what You share, its just opinion, so that is what we do here, share opinions! This is not Spirituality, Truth or Reality in any sort of way, but if Your going to participate one needs to know what they are talking about...

Try this experiment, stay in a state of Fear for a year straight, everyday Fear is all You feel, but before this take some bio marker tests, then at the end of that Year you will see everything is worse off, the opposite is true if Your Happy or Optimistic or any other Empowering Emotion, the markers will show improvement... I shared this on another thread, Deepak Chopra shared a report where a bunch of senior citizens that had health problems were put into an environment that was from the 1950's, when they were much younger, they were in that environment for a few weeks, at the end of it they de aged, so there is scientific evidence contrary to what You say, the whole question is can one be conscious of these things and control them,,,

Check out Swami Rama, Scientist tested him, he controlled his heart rate, different temperatures on each sides of his hands, and other things, so it is possible...


Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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