
Why Do We Compare ??

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This morning i saw a video on " stop comparasion " i totally agree with the content  but when it comes to our daily life how to stop ourselves to compare with others ? I know that it limits us cuz when we compare we stop ourself to realize our own capacity . So how to deal with it ?

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We do this because we like to rationalize EVERYTHING. Because we believe that for everything there is a reason out there! Sad. We believe we must reach something OTHERWISE we will miss out in life! Loool. Life is now.


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  On 5/2/2017 at 9:35 AM, Ritu said:

...when it comes to our daily life how to stop ourselves to compare with others ? I know that it limits us cuz when we compare we stop ourself to realize our own capacity . So how to deal with it ?

Hello Ritu.

Do not forget we are still human beings. We still have an ego, which is fear-based. Therefore fears will pop up. Comparing, and all other forms of tension, is fear-based. So, we cannot stop it from arising. However, we can quiet it down to a point where it stays dormant, or appears to be. It can be very cunningly subtle.

So, the quest then is to recognize the truth of our comparing (our fear), and accept it. Then suddenly it will no longer be relavent. So the quest is to do this before the comparing becomes us. Note, this is not like denial. Denial does not accept the truth, or else it would not deny it.

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  On 5/2/2017 at 10:43 AM, Visitor said:

. So the quest is to do this before the comparing becomes us. 

I agree with everything but this☝

And that is because comparison appears in a very young age and in this case you cant do anything to stop it.It just comes and u feel awful seeing ur parents comparing u with other kids. But parents can stop it before the child is born. So both of the parents can agree to raise a child without these bullshit.

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  On 5/2/2017 at 10:43 AM, Visitor said:

...So the quest is to do this before the comparing becomes us...

  On 5/2/2017 at 11:15 AM, egoeimai said:

I agree with everything but this☝

And that is because comparison appears in a very young age and in this case you cant do anything to stop it.It just comes and u feel awful seeing ur parents comparing u with other kids. But parents can stop it before the child is born. So both of the parents can agree to raise a child without these bullshit.

Hello egoeimai.

I was talking about our own quest to acknowledge, accept and find irrelevant our fear about why we compare. It is not about stopping it but disarming it by its truth.

In case of confusion with my words for 'before the comparing becomes us', it refers to 'before the comparing becomes a person (us) who compares'.

Hope this is clearer.

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