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Only two Wills?

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Only two Wills? 1. will of God (higher self,  infinite) 2. Will of the ego (Temporary) 3. The body is just a house without Will of its own? Hhhhmmmn, is it more like a phone and it's software,  but the ego is like a virus, or is the ego a part of the master plan of the higher self? Wow understanding feels just as intense as Psychedelics experience @Leo Gura

Thanks  as always 🙏

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I like to use 666 as the will of the ego, the sign of the beast, the devil within, the Freudian Id, the survival and reproduction drives, lower survival consciousness.

Then I use 777 as the will of the divine self, the I Am, the channelling of the infinite eternal divine into the finite temporal divine, the higher spiritual consciousness.

Then I use 888 as the will of the infinite divine, the absolute, the eternal, the ultimate, the all, the totality, the reality, the truth.

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@TreyMoney nice I see parallels to 6th ,7th and 8th density. Described by Matias Destefano. 

Edited by ChrisZoZo

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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