
How do you deal with close friends / family members who don't share your politics?

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One of my closest friends just told me that he hopes Trump wins and that he agrees with Elon that this might be the last true election...

My heart sank when I heard him say that because he's a great human being and I don't want our relationship to be affected by our disagreement.  It makes me realize just how attached I am to my opinions when I get triggered like this and feel my heart wanting to close. 

Edited by martin_malin

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I guess if they are to resistance to new ideas that don’t even bother. If they are open and the right opportunity comes along then you can go for it. A lot of fixing society is from small steps. 

Watch your self judging/becoming arrogant when people have differing opinions it’s a good opportunity to better your self.

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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Were you able to communicate your disagreement with his position in a respectful manner?


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I don’t see disagreement as a problem. However, if I notice that the other person responds emotionally and isn’t open to the possibility of being wrong, I end the conversation and make sure not to discuss politics with them in the future. I don’t mind if a person has little education, but I can’t stand anymore sectarian who never admit they might be wrong. 

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5 hours ago, Yimpa said:

Were you able to communicate your disagreement with his position in a respectful manner?

We had a good convo today!

I started out by pointing to him just how tricky politics can be because of the online echo chambers and our own self-deception. I then listed everything I didn't like about the Biden administration or the Democratic Party. After that, I laid into Trump and the Republican Party with facts that can't be contested.

He thought I brought some ''very fair points'' and admitted that he didn't know much about some issues like healthcare or the environment. Had I come to him with a condemning attitude or one of superiority, I'm sure the conversation wouldn't have gone so well. 

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14 hours ago, martin_malin said:

We had a good convo today!

I started out by pointing to him just how tricky politics can be because of the online echo chambers and our own self-deception. I then listed everything I didn't like about the Biden administration or the Democratic Party. After that, I laid into Trump and the Republican Party with facts that can't be contested.

He thought I brought some ''very fair points'' and admitted that he didn't know much about some issues like healthcare or the environment. Had I come to him with a condemning attitude or one of superiority, I'm sure the conversation wouldn't have gone so well. 

Did he change his mind? 

I agree with Elon and Joe Rogan aswell. You can practice acceptance and understanding on me haha. 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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You got to learn more acceptance rather than trying to mould friends and family to your political views. If it really bothers you, try and figure out why it triggers you so much.

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You'll never find anyone with the same views as you. Just dont talk about it and if you do just once. A stranger with the same political views as you probably would  not  help you or even a friend of yours but your family with different views will be there for you. You have to remember that. 

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Take each case as it comes. Some people you can talk to about politics, some you can't. I have very delusional family members who I refuse to discuss politics with. Politics can tear down relationships so you have to decide which is more important to you. Being right, or the relationship.

Some people are open to hearing and considering facts. For others, facts don't matter at all. I personally no longer feel like I have to convince anyone of anything now that I understand that peoples' minds don't change easily.

I show this video to a lot of people to back up what I am currently saying in this thread. It is literally called "Facts don't win fights." What I find is that the facts in this video fall on deaf ears and people will deny these facts despite the research that has been done on the subject.



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I feel like this is kind of an America issue where you can't deal with people having different views than you. It seems to me like America has kind of a bigoted culture in general, both on the left and right side of politics. Bigoted as in attached to ones ideas and prejudiced against people on the basis of perceived affiliation to certain groups.

You really have to deal with it in my opinion. There will always be people who think differently to you. That doesn't mean that the relationship can't be a good one. Its when you start judging someone that friction sets in, both you and the person your relating to. There have been raised a lot of good points already for why you shouldn't let politics determine the quality of your relationships. Its really kind of silly if you think about.

Practice kindness and tolerance. If someone has views you disagree with, you can challenge them lightly at first to see how open they are to new ideas. Always frame rebuttals as questions. Then you are inviting your counterpart to think about the issue instead of preaching at them. If someone doesn't doesn't want their views challenged then that is their right. Doesn't mean you have to tolerate being in a relationship with them but only if they are actually an asshole. I personally enjoy the discussion for its own sake so I don't care if I'm right or not.

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Just don't talk about politics with each other when you have different views and you or the other can't handle these different views.

Avoid talking about politics with each other as best as you can if you or him are close minded about it.

If even one side is close minded that's it don't even bother because it could get ugly.

Edited by Atb210201

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