
Is pickup just a hack?

10 posts in this topic

I've been gaming consistently for around a month now, and I already see some gains. Especially in how much funnier, charismatic and happier I've become.

And I didn't even feel like it's been particularly difficult. There are painful moments but you tend to get into the swing of things via state and thanks to cool wings.

So I'm now hesitant to even tell anyone about game and pickup lol. Like pickup is the secret key to success with women, and I want to keep my competitive advantage.

So my question is: is pickup really just a 'hack' that anyone can activate?

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1 hour ago, thenondualtankie said:

So I'm now hesitant to even tell anyone about game and pickup lol. Like pickup is the secret key to success with women, and I want to keep my competitive advantage.

You can tell 1000 people about how pickup is the answer. 90% wont believe you, 9% will believe you but wont do anything about it, 1% will actually take action, and maybe of that 1% only a few will stick to it long enough to see results. 

Anyone can do it, but in reality almost nobody will

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Something in between "everything is a game" + "stages & chapters"

For instance: your "hesitation to tell anyone" is subliminally conveying how YOU hold (in high regard) this "secret". Its kinda similar to a poor upcoming businessman finding a "working secret/business model".

To directly answer your question: "Yes", I suppose. But like most toys, the trick gets old you and move onto another game when you (feel) "beat all the levels"

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Point of game is that one is not in competition with others,but being in leauge of its own.

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Leo did say game was like a nuclear bomb. I haven't upped it to truly hitting on girls , but a month ago I couldn't even approach a stranger. The difference in my self love is night and day. 

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What are some resources for learning game besides Leo's videos?

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Less than 1 in 1000 will actually do the work to learn it. It takes too much work.

It's not really a hack, it's just massive experience. 10,000 hours of experience will make you good at anything.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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26 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

10,000 hours of experience will make you good at anything.

But how many hours are worth dedicating to pickup? @Leo Gura

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