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I tried opium for the first time yesterday and I think it dulls your consciousness but good for pain as it was used as an Anaesthesia from a long time. Anyone tried opium here? 

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I found cool that opium closes the pupils, while psychedelics does the opposite. It seems like psychedelics wants our eyes too expand and see more of the reality while opium does the opposite.

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@shubhamsharma Interesting. I wouldn't recommend opiates. Stay safe.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Had similar experience with kratom, which isn’t an opioid per say but almost. What I gathered from it is that opioids are trash and I have zero desire to use any of them ever.

Sailing on the ceiling 


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2 minutes ago, Rigel said:

Had similar experience with kratom, which isn’t an opioid per say but almost. What I gathered from it is that opioids are trash and I have zero desire to use any of them ever.

The only time i tried an opioid i vomited mu gut lol.

Never again.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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