Princess Arabia

If You Think You're Aging At 25+ (My approx age revealed)

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I just posted some contrasting pics on my journal "Potpourri of Thoughts". The first batch was approx 20yrs ago, and the second batch approx one year and less old. They show how I looked 20yrs ago and how I look now. Without revealing my exact age, you can do the math and i'm being conservative with the numbers because the first batch was more than 20yrs ago, but I just rounded it off without getting too carried away with precise figures. They are not any sooner than that.

I'm showing how you are getting paranoid with numbers; and if you take care of yourself, you can still look young 20yrs from now. I won't reveal my exact age, but I will say I'm over 40. I just stopped getting carded just a few yrs ago and people judge my age to be 20yrs than how old I actually am. Yes. That's right. People think I'm 20yrs younger than what I really am. 

I credit it to my use of natural products and staying away from too much toxic foods and medication, pills and maintaining a more holistic lifestyle. No kids probably helped. So apart from showing off, hehe, I'm really putting this out there to show that don't think old and aging, think living and maturing. 

Go take a look at the contrast and know that it's possible for you too. The first batch was in my modelling days so they're a bit risque, but nothing too risque. The second is me now a year or less ago. Age is nothing but a number and if I was to reveal my exact age, you'd all be really shocked but I'll leave that to the imagination. I'm a kid at heart and sometimes I do wish I would grow up. This is why I get shocked to hear 20 somethings talk about aging. I still don't see myself as aging at 40+ hehe no I won't say exactly. Guys would say women reach their peak at 25. After that they're done. Well, I still have teenagers hitting on me sometimes even though I want to tell them I could be their mother, maybe grandmother if I had a child very young at maybe 14, not sure of the math. It's all in your head.   

P.S. My profile Pic is about 2yrs old, maybe 2 1/12.

Edited by Princess Arabia



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Just now, Yimpa said:


Ok thank you goy secretary. I didn't think to do that. You also asked me how old I was earlier today, as so many have, well now you know (approx, anyway). Hehe Thanks for sharing the exact link.



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@Princess Arabia You def are more conscious now

In your old pics I see a normal girl

In your recent pics it's clear you are into spirituality. I can feel it, your presence

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Virtuous and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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I'm 28 and people think I look 18. Don't know if it's something to be happy about. I feel much older at heart xD

9 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Go take a look at the contrast and know that it's possible for you too.

From reading you, I feel like you still underestimate the genetic aspects of aging. For example, I don't think any amount of good diet or holistic healing could prevent a receading hairline to happen for a man if it is in their genes.

The fact that it is possible for you to look younger than your age doesn't mean it is possible for everyone (granting a similar self-care routine).

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4 hours ago, Davino said:

@Princess Arabia You def are more conscious now

In your old pics I see a normal girl

In your recent pics it's clear you are into spirituality. I can feel it, your presence

Wow, seriously. I can't tell, but I'm the fish in the water, so it's not that obvious to me. Def feel it though.



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You should give people advice how to be so free spirited. That's the most impressive thing for me in you. 

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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4 hours ago, Clarence said:

I'm 28 and people think I look 18. Don't know if it's something to be happy about. I feel much older at heart xD

From reading you, I feel like you still underestimate the genetic aspects of aging. For example, I don't think any amount of good diet or holistic healing could prevent a receading hairline to happen for a man if it is in their genes.

The fact that it is possible for you to look younger than your age doesn't mean it is possible for everyone (granting a similar self-care routine).

No one said anything about receding hairline. You guys are the ones attributing that to aging. I mean, from the moment you were born the aging process starts, but let's not be cynical about this, we know that's not what we mean.

It's not even about the looks alone, actually I wasn't even referring to attractiveness or beauty in the vain sense. Old people are still beautiful and attractive; as that's all relative. 

About the genes, yes, I do attribute it somewhat, but it's not all. I get it all the time from people that it's not about diet and taking care of yourself and no amount of eating healthy etcetc...that's not true. In fact, when I veer of a healthier diet and splurge, I feel it. Lethargy, bloating and other symptoms appear, if that was how I ate normally, don't you think it would all lead to disease and rapid aging. I know it would have. 

People say that all the time, but it's because of ignorance, not in a bad sense, but are unaware what a more holistic lifestyle can do VS the opposite. You think it's all because of genes. You are underestimating the power of toxins. I try to help people but they refuse to understand. Only the ones already in the lifestyle gets this. It's not just about diet which plays a huge role, but also about cleaning products personal care products and the stress levels. 

My post is not just about how I look, I also feel healthy. Not saying I'm perfect, but most people my age are sick and visit the doctor regularly for symptoms. I don't. No matter how much I try to help people they keep insisting it's just genes, while they end up with all sorts of illnesses only because they want to continue their toxic lifestyle. Granted I'm not toxic free and do things that aren't healthy but it's very minimal and it sure does help. Receding hairline for men in there 20's is a cosmetic issue, that can be fixed, most aren't concerned with how they feel and in your 20's if you feel you're aging imagine in your 40's and 50's. It's also a mindset. That can age you quicker than anything else. 



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12 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

You should give people advice how to be so free spirited. That's the most impressive thing for me in you. 

Stop taking life and yourself so seriously. Yes, get down to business and take care of stuff, but it's all meant to be fun and enjoyable even through the challenges. No one really cares about what you're doing, only you; and we judge ourselves so harshly and others. A lot of it is a personality thing, but it can also be learnt. Worry, fear and doubt are crippling and static. I'm also the youngest in my family so maybe that helped, but I'm also the type to not let things bother me as much and to quickly let go of the things that do. I don't hold on to grudges and don't hate on people.

Some will see my post and begrudge it saying she thinks she's all that and look at it on the outside thinking so what and who cares and blah blah. There's an underlying message here that I'm trying to share but I get hit with rebuttals and gene pool remarks underestimating the power of a more holistic way of living and seeing the world. It all ties together and that's the main point. It's not about looks and youth, but about your way of being and how we see ourselves and the world and also our challenges.



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3 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

No one said anything about receding hairline. You guys are the ones attributing that to aging.

I said it's one example, and from my point of view, it comes from aging and genetics. A child generally doesn't have a receding hairline. It's a feature which usually makes someone look older, especially when it starts early in life—reason why I used that example in particular. It can be fixed, but only if it's not too bad.

I don't have it personally. But it's a point I made to say that not everyone can look 20 years younger than their age, even with a lot of effort.

3 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

You think it's all because of genes.

I don't think it's all about genes, but there are limits that come from genes. That's all I'm saying.

I don't disregard good self care, healthy diet, mindset, and so on. I know those things can make a huge difference.

3 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

in your 20's if you feel you're aging imagine in your 40's and 50's. It's also a mindset.

I haven't said that. I don't feel like I'm becoming old yet. I look like a teenager more than an adult. My body feels young too. I feel older than my age in terms of maturity. Not everyone needs to feel younger than their age to be or feel healthy.

But from my experience, the fact that I look young is due from my genetics only. I don't do anything specific to be this way (no specific diet, detoxes, supplements or even mindset—I'm just me). I couldn't look older if I wanted to. But despite that, I agree that self care can help some or many people look and feel younger.

I respond because I disagree that everyone can look like a 30 years old at 50. There are far too many factors in play to declare such a thing.

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2 hours ago, Clarence said:

I respond because I disagree that everyone can look like a 30 years old at 50. There are far too many factors in play to declare such a thing.

I never said that and I agree. In fact, most people won't. It's not so much looking younger than your age but feeling good and youthful at any age. Anyway, I get your points. I also know 70 year Olds that look 70 but are walking around like teenagers. So ilm not advocating for looks as much as just overall health and vitality. 



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@Princess Arabia I don't know if You've ever read the book "Ageless Body, Timeless Mind" by Deepak Chopra, its one of his first books, like from the 80's or 90's, its one of the first books that got me onto Spirituality, in it there is a study he references, where they took some senior citizens, all of them had some sort of medical conditions, they did a bunch of tests on them to set a baseline, then they put them in an isolated environment, where they set everything up like it was from the 1950, architecture, music, pictures, and all sorts of factors, they let them live there for a couple of weeks, then they retested them  and found that they all de aged allot, I can't remember by how much but it was significant, so the Mind and Perception and how we Experience it within ourselves is super powerful, some may call this a belief of sorts, but it can make great changes in all aspects of what You call Yourself, and transform Yourself into whatever it is You want to Be!


Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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1 hour ago, Ishanga said:

@Princess Arabia I don't know if You've ever read the book "Ageless Body, Timeless Mind" by Deepak Chopra, its one of his first books, like from the 80's or 90's, its one of the first books that got me onto Spirituality, in it there is a study he references, where they took some senior citizens, all of them had some sort of medical conditions, they did a bunch of tests on them to set a baseline, then they put them in an isolated environment, where they set everything up like it was from the 1950, architecture, music, pictures, and all sorts of factors, they let them live there for a couple of weeks, then they retested them  and found that they all de aged allot, I can't remember by how much but it was significant, so the Mind and Perception and how we Experience it within ourselves is super powerful, some may call this a belief of sorts, but it can make great changes in all aspects of what You call Yourself, and transform Yourself into whatever it is You want to Be!


Thanks for posting this. I hope @Clarencesees it. Deepak brought up some interesting points. The same ones I brought up. People might think I'm trying to show off or something like that. I jokingly said that, but I really feel compassion for when people speak of aging. Deepak also said it's a mindset which I also said. He said genetics plays a tiny role and went on to say it's diet and lifestyle on a whole which i also said. 

I've posted enough on here for people to know a little bit about my lifestyle, the way I eat, the natural holistic approach I take with respect to medications and healing and so on, so I didn't feel the need to have to go into that here as to why I look and feel so much younger than i am at my age. It's to show that at age 25 and 30 you're not old. The things out there on the market these days are rapidly aging our youth in more ways than one very fast, even their mindsets. I post stuff to try and show there are natural alternatives (not always, but sometimes with the minor stuff and even some major ones). Nobody listens and only come back with excuses and rebuttals. I'm not saying I'm perfect with all this, and that I'll never get sick or diseased but I've prolonged it for very long and I know it's because of the choices I've made. 



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9 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

I never said that and I agree.

You did… you said that people think you look 20 years younger than your age, and then you told everyone reading to look at your pictures and know that it's possible for them too. Anyone and everyone could be reading . It's not right to make such a statement, especially if you also agree that it isn’t possible for everyone

7 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

It's to show that at age 25 and 30 you're not old.

I don't think many people think that. I haven't done research, but it's likely, at most, a very small minority of people who would think such a thing. However, it is still a fact that the body and mind change from 15 to 30 years old. So young people are not wrong when they feel older than they were—they actually are. But that doesn't mean that feeling older, when you're still that young, means feeling like an average 60-year-old. It just means that people have changed from how they used to be.

I definitely have changed over the last 10 years. I'm not at all the 18-year-old I was anymore. I'm not old, but I'm older still. My physical appearance has changed and my mind has too (both for the better). I'm very different from who I was then, though l don't consider myself old. I think you make an unnecessary generalization about young people's mindset towards aging.

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@Princess Arabia We Humans are given basically Free Rein here to do or be what we want to be, of course there are limits due to the Body and Mind, but if You want to be Healthy, You can be no matter what, we can control genes, dreams, experiences and know most everything we need to know about ourselves and the universe if we strive enough, that is the power of being Human..

Today we are completely brainwashed by our societies, the power players that want to keep us Down, and slaves basically, so they portray us as weak, needy, and the life is outside of Us, its not, until one realizes this as a basic thing nothing in their life will change!

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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5 hours ago, Clarence said:

You did… you said that people think you look 20 years younger than your age, and then you told everyone reading to look at your pictures and know that it's possible for them too. Anyone and everyone could be reading . It's not right to make such a statement, especially if you also agree that it isn’t possible for everyone

I don't think many people think that. I haven't done research, but it's likely, at most, a very small minority of people who would think such a thing. However, it is still a fact that the body and mind change from 15 to 30 years old. So young people are not wrong when they feel older than they were—they actually are. But that doesn't mean that feeling older, when you're still that young, means feeling like an average 60-year-old. It just means that people have changed from how they used to be.

I definitely have changed over the last 10 years. I'm not at all the 18-year-old I was anymore. I'm not old, but I'm older still. My physical appearance has changed and my mind has too (both for the better). I'm very different from who I was then, though l don't consider myself old. I think you make an unnecessary generalization about young people's mindset towards aging.

Did you watch the video Ishanga posted. Maybe you should if you didn't. All those statements about how you look and feel different than 18 and appearance have changed and you're not who you used to be at 18 is besides what I'm posting about. That's everybody just about. If you're going to make an argument about how young people feel older than they were a decade before you have lost my point completely. I feel and look older than I was a decade ago. Saying you are older still than you were a decade ago is still besides the point. You are arguing for your limitations and racking up excuses for what I'm trying to point to. No sense in going on with this with you as all you'll do is find and point out things you think I'm wrongly saying and what ilve said and didn't say. The bottom line, like Ishanga has recognized from the point I'm trying to make is that we can improve our appearance and how we feel from our lifestyle choices. Thats it.



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4 hours ago, Ishanga said:

@Princess Arabia We Humans are given basically Free Rein here to do or be what we want to be, of course there are limits due to the Body and Mind, but if You want to be Healthy, You can be no matter what, we can control genes, dreams, experiences and know most everything we need to know about ourselves and the universe if we strive enough, that is the power of being Human..

Today we are completely brainwashed by our societies, the power players that want to keep us Down, and slaves basically, so they portray us as weak, needy, and the life is outside of Us, its not, until one realizes this as a basic thing nothing in their life will change!

Yes. People will constantly talk about genes and ignore the fact that I did put constant, conscious work into this. Undermining the power of a more natural way of living while guzzling down their soda and junk food and popping pills. It's a way for the mind to argue for it's limitations. I see it all the time and i also do it with other things and I recognize it with other things in myself that's why I can recognize it in others. It's just in this context, it's my strength. Writing a forum posts and for the sake of brevity, I can't get into writing a book on what I'm really pointing to. We all know that not everyone will look 20yrs younger and if I have to point that out, as in Clarence's case, then it's pointless to even go on trying to make a point there. You've understood because you are also health conscious. I can tell, I don't have to ask. It's within the essence of your response, you're not endlessly rebutting me and coming up with reasons why it's not the same for everybody and pointing out my flaws in what I'm saying.



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