Rafael Thundercat

Books on Wars,Human Violence,Corruption,all the darkside of things

3 posts in this topic

Still waiting for Leo Book list on books to undertand human corruption? No. Lets share our sources.

I will start with one I am reading called " An End to Murder by Colin and Damon Wilson- Human beings have always been cruel,savage and murderous. Is all that about to change? 

I will not post link here. Make your own search and find out if you like. 

Just a short story from WW2 from the second page of the book:

" A young soldier was captured by the enemy. They discovered that he was an excellent pianist,so they sat him at a piano and told him to play. He was also told that the moment that he stopped playing,he would be taken outside and shot. The young man played continuously for over twenty-two hours,until his arms and fingers were in agony. Eventually he collapsed in tears unable to play another note. His captors heartly congratulated him for such Herculean effort. Then they took him outside and shot him.

Examine your emotional reaction at this moment.How much do you empathise with him? With his fear and pain,and his final despair when he realized that his captors laugther and slaps on the back did not mean that they were going to spare him.

How do you feel about the men who tortured and murdered the young soldier? 

Can there ever be any justification for such heartless cruelty?

Now consider the following additonal facts: The man was member of the Waffen SS- the Nazi Party elite shock troops,who ruthlessly carried some of the worst atrocities of the war. The Russians who tortured and killed him had just fougth their way across hundreds of miles of scorched earth, and knew of compatriots by the thousand-non-combatant men,woman and children,who had been murdered by the retreating Nazis.

How much did your emotional reaction to the story just changed? You would be a remarkable person if you found out that your moral indignation had not reduced,if only by a fraction.

You dont know that the young Nazi ever personally commited any crime,yet the fact that he died wearing the most hated uniform in modern history moved at least a step closer to approving his horrific murder.

This is typical human trait: We almost automatically start to rationalise and justify any violence that happens to serve purpouses of which we approve. On instinctual level we act as if the ends justify the means, even if intelectually,we reject that repugnat excusse. The ongoing mystery of unnecessary human violence is a classic case of not being able to see the wood for the trees: We tend to concentrate on individual cases -The trees- and fail to consider the vast forest of our apparently habitual brutality."




Edited by Rafael Thundercat

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Origins of Debt. Interview with Michael Hudson. 

Recommended by a friend who was talking about someting from the Past Called Jubile or the Forgiveness of Debts, a way in the past to prevent Oligarchy



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Some links and specialist names to follow







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*Chris (Lynn) Hedges - Prespyterian Minister, 
1990-2005 for New York Times, regular in Scheerpost …. 

*Patrick Lawrence ( Consortium News) writer, commentator …
(much appreciated!)

*Aaron Maté - Pushback on Grayzone & Useful Idiots

*Abby Martin* - American journalist, activist, host of „Empire Files“ , co-founder of Media Roots…

*Max Blumenthal - Grayzone - author and blogger 

*Robert Scheer- Scheerpost 
American veteran journalist, writer, activist 

*Glenn Greenwald - Co-founder of Intercept , Edward Snowden’s first contact , “System Update“ !

Edward Snowden

*Yanis Varoufakis - Greek economist and politician. Since 2018, he has been Secretary-General of Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 (DiEM25), a left-wing pan-European political party he co-founded in 2016.

*Caitlin Johnstone- Consortium 
News - sharp

Jason Hickel - economic anthropologist 

Vijay Prashad - Indian historian …

Ramzy Baroud -  is an American-Palestinian journalist and writer.

*M.K. Bhadrakumar - Indian ex diplomat - Indian Punchline ( must read, really good) 

*John Pilger- Australian journalis, writer, scholar and documentary filmmaker ( close friend of Julian Asange) 

*Jonathan Cook - British writer and freelance journalist ( about Israeli-Palestinian conflict) excellent 

*Jaques Baud - former member of the Swiss Strategic Intelligence, a specialist in Eastern Europe and former head of Doctrine of the United Nations Peace Operations.

*Emmanuel Todd is a French historian, anthropologist, demographer, sociologist and political scientist

Margaret Kimberley - Black Agenda Report (afro-american 

*Jeffrey D. Sachs- an American economist and public policy analyst, professor at Columbia University, former director of The Earth Institute.

*Michael Hudson - outstanding economist, professor of Economics, author of fascinating books on debts …
( on “ Multipolarista”, geopolitical economy)

*Radhika Desai - Professor at the Department of Political Studies, and Director, Geopolitical Economy Research Group, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.

*Noam Chomsky - “father of modern linguistics”, intellectual, social critic 

*Jeffrey St. Clair - is editor of CounterPunch. 

Eve Ottenberg .- novelist and journalist ( counterpunch regular)

Gareth Porter - American historian, investigative journalist, author and policy analyst specializing in U.S. national security issues.

Jimmy Dore - stand-up comedian, political commentator 

Kit Klarenberg - investigative journalist exploring the role of intelligence services in shaping politics and perceptions.

*Ben Norton - editor of geopolitical economy - the site „multipolarista“ , journalist and analyst whose work focuses primarily on geopolitics, international political economy, and US foreign policy. 

Jeremy Kuzmarov - managing editor of CovertAction Magazine, 
Ph.D. in American history

 Afshin Rattansi 
British broadcaster, journalist and author, who presents
“going underground” on x

Briahna Joy Gray  - American political commentator, lawyer, and political consultant

Richard Medhurst 
independent journalist and political commentator, born in Damascus …

Lowkey - British rapper and activist

Dennis Kucinich - 
honest American politician 
( pré-candidate for President in 2004 & 2008)

Whitney Webb-  professional writer, researcher and journalist since 2016. She currently writes for her own outlet Unlimited Hangout and contributes to The Last American Vagabond and MintPress News.

Craig Murray
Scottish author, human rights campaigner, journalist and former diplomat (close to Julian Assange) 

Jeremy Corbyn

Joe Lauria - editor-in-chief of Consortium News 

*Jeremy Scahill - co- founder of The Intercept, launching Dropsitenews.com 

*Pepe Escobar - Brasilian journalist and geopolitical analyst (great insight into multipolar development)

Henry Armand Giroux -is an American-Canadian scholar and cultural critic. One of the founding theorists of critical pedagogy in the United States, he is best known for his pioneering work in public pedagogy, cultural studies, youth studies, higher education, media studies, and critical theory

*Alexander Mercouris - “the Duran”

*Scott Ritter - former military and UN inspector ( in Iraq) military analyst 

Russel Brand
comedian on Rumble ( and X) 

Dimitri Simes Jr -
host of New Rules podcast

*Judge Andrew Napolitano -
on his youtube channel 
“Judging Freedom “ 
( great interviews) 

*Alastair Crooke, a former British  diplomat, who advocates for engagement between political Islam and the West 
( most influential contributor to 
“Strategic Culture”)

*Glenn Diesen - Norwegian political scientist 

*John Mearsheimer - American political scientist and international relations expert 

-Danny Haiphong is a socialist activist, writer, and political analyst. Streamer. 

-Dan Cohen - Journalist:
Filmmaker:@Killing Gaza, …, 
Haiti: Intervention versus Revolution 

-Peter Osborne - British journalist and broadcaster (DDN)

George Galloway - Scottish politician, broadcaster and writer

Diana Johnstone - (born 1934) is an American political writer based in Paris, focuses principally on European politics and Western foreign policy.

Anja Parampil - US-based anti-imperialist journalist who works for The Grayzone.Underneath The Grayzone brand, she has her own brand called Red Lines.

*Ilan Pappé - Israeli historian, political scientist and former politician

Rania Khalek - Lebanese American journalist and political activist 

Mohammad Marandi is an Iranian-American academic and political analyst

Mike Benz - Executive Director of the Foundation for Freedom Online, is a former State Department diplomat who specialized in international communications and information technology matters.

Jim Kavanagh  - taught Literary and Cultural Studies and writes political analysis for independent media.

Yves Engler - is a Canadian Montreal-based writer and political activist.

George Monbiot
( DDN)

Kim Iverson - American radio hostess and journalist

Brian Berletic - former US- marine, focused on geopolitics in Eurasia 

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