Whitney Edwards

Hindu Calendar

137 posts in this topic

 10 kids came at our door dressed in cape and masks. We gave them chocolates and candies. Rest will come tomorrow for Halloween. 

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So my mom bought this for the door decoration. It's my mom standing in the Pic. 



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And I bought a ton of gift boxes this Diwali. Diwali is for 5 days. 





Some drinks that I'm currently addicted to. 



My mom bought these lights. Like a string of lights. They look beautiful. 



I bought a ton of lamps. They are called diyas. 





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We put this door hanging on. 



And I had to assemble a huge diya stand or lamp stand. Lot of hard work went into decorating and assembling everything. 



Assembled it. 



This is how it looks when fully lighted with clay pot lamps. 




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Then I bought some more lamps. These are for my dining table. As Diwali Decor. 




Edited by Buck Edwards

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I also bought a beautiful lamp hanging for my door. One can place a tea light candle holder in it. It's the most beautiful piece I bought this festival season. 




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It's a big day for our family. I decorated the floor outside my apartment with designs made out of colored powder. These are called rangolis.




I placed Lotus shaped lamps at the door corners. And a beautiful red doormat. 



Then I placed the huge lamp at the center of it. 



The other smaller lamp is called Samai in Hindu language. 


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Then we bought a few gift hampers for our neighbors. These are sweets we distribute to our friends, relatives and neighbors on Diwali. 

I found nice red colored baskets with red mesh  veil to cover it. It looks cute. 











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Finally my Diwali celebration video uploaded on my YouTube channel. 


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I bought these beautiful golden  pumpkin basket lamps during Halloween. I just love them. 



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On 16/08/2024 at 8:37 AM, Buck Edwards said:



On 16/08/2024 at 8:41 AM, Buck Edwards said:

Morning activation music. 



On 16/08/2024 at 9:58 AM, Buck Edwards said:

Heart Chakra energy block removal. 



On 16/08/2024 at 0:34 PM, Buck Edwards said:

This video has really influenced me in the direction of Kundalini awakening. 



On 16/08/2024 at 4:56 PM, Buck Edwards said:

This helped me understand Linga.



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