Princess Arabia

Reality Is Not An Illusion - You Are

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When I say you, i mean the individual person you think you are. Yeah, yeah. I know. Hear me out.

Reality is Mind. Mind is something Consciousness is doing. Just as if you were dancing or walking. Consciousness is MINDING. All of Reality is an activity. It is NOT an activity of Mind; Mind is the activity itself - just as dancing is the activity itself. Dancing, as an activity, cannot do anything; it is being done. In this case, MIND, as an activity, cannot do anything, it is being done - by Consciousness which is a current in motion that is self aware. We call this energy. 

You, as the human, is being imagined by consciousness within this activity called Mind. Imagine you doing a dance and moving around and forming different moves. This is what form is. Imagine one of those moves being called the "human move" and this move, which is consciousness, is imagining that move to be a real person with thoughts, emotions, perceptions, feelings etcetc. This is all within the dance moves and all a part of this activity called Mind. They are all a part of the one dance, but within the dance, comes this move called the I. That's the illusion. There is no I standing alone. It is only one movement of activity which the I is a part of. This "I" isn't really doing anything, it is still just the activity called mind that consciousness is doing. It's like a dance move that thinks it's separate from the dance.

That I is analogous to a dance move within the dance. That I is mind the activity being done by consciousness and within that activity, consciousness is imagining a person with it's own identity. It is all within the one activity and all one movement. Nothing else is happening and no mind is doing anything. What you see in Reality is an activity called Mind. All of it. Nothing excluded. All the same activity being done by consciousness and this activity is all form and everything else including you. 

This is not the mind of consciousness, It is an act of Consciousness called Mind. This is real, what you see is the activity happening, but the I is the illusion and is being imagined by consciousness to be an actual person that Is doing things on it's own. It's impossible for there to be a person doing anything. Why? How? You are consciousness, everything is consciousness. How can an activity separate itself and do something different than what it is. How can walking or a dancing become skiing or boating. A walk is a walk, and a dance is a dance. Same with Mind. Mind is the activity itself and cannot be separated. Where is this person at doing anything. It's all one activity called Mind, just as a walk is a walk and a run is a run. 

The person didn't turn itself illusory, it isn't being misled into thinking it's a person. No. There's nothing there to say "oops, I'm acting as a person when I'm not, so let me not act this way". Nooooo. It is a part of the activity called mind. The difference is that within this activity consciousness is imagining the person. The person isn't imagining itself. There's nothing that can be done about it, until the whole activity death....however that comes. That will be consciousness that stops doing that activity and mind no long is. Consciousness will always remain as it is eternal. Reality is really happening, what you see is all happening. It is an activity called Mind-ing. One activity. The illusion is the I that consciousness is imagining but it doesn't know it's not real, it thinks it's separate from the activity and got lost in it's imagination.

Inspired by @A Fellow Lighter


Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Princess Arabia

There is a high probability that what you wrote, or rather "copied" from what you heard, saw, read - is true. What's more, I think very similarly. Nevertheless, recent events in my life have made me realize that I really don't know. At this point, it may be worth quoting Marcus Aurelius: "Everything you hear is just an opinion; everything you see is just a perspective, not the truth."

I am not writing this in opposition to you, in any way. I value your posts very much. This is just a general reflection on us, humans. This is our constant search for meaning, which can so easily change under the influence of circumstances. How do we know that we know - this question has been drilling a hole in my head lately.

In reality, I know most strongly what I should do, and it comes from the heart, which is somehow not tormented by any questions.

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51 minutes ago, Kuba Powiertowski said:

@Princess Arabia

There is a high probability that what you wrote, or rather "copied" from what you heard, saw, read - is true. What's more, I think very similarly. Nevertheless, recent events in my life have made me realize that I really don't know. At this point, it may be worth quoting Marcus Aurelius: "Everything you hear is just an opinion; everything you see is just a perspective, not the truth."

I am not writing this in opposition to you, in any way. I value your posts very much. This is just a general reflection on us, humans. This is our constant search for meaning, which can so easily change under the influence of circumstances. How do we know that we know - this question has been drilling a hole in my head lately.

In reality, I know most strongly what I should do, and it comes from the heart, which is somehow not tormented by any questions.


Thank you for your kind remarks. Marcus's quote is on point - just a matter of perspectives.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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