
Is it possible to fully trust someone in a relationship?

35 posts in this topic

22 hours ago, Genius100x said:

I have seen

So what. I've seen where people never betray their trust. Are you living your life based on what you've seen or are you excited about what's to come. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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2 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

So what. I've seen where people never betray their trust. Are you living your life based on what you've seen or are you excited about what's to come. 

We have to prepare for the worst. I don't think only about betrayals. I also think about good things. Do I look cynical? No. 

Yes I m excited about good things. 

I see the full picture that there is both good and bad. In this thread I am talking about the dark side. Good sides will be talked about anywhere else. 

Edited by Genius100x

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You don’t want to lose energy to wonder if your partner cheats on you or not, it’s a kind of magic thinking.

Edited by Schizophonia

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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2 minutes ago, Genius100x said:

We have to prepare for the worst.

No, because it will change nothing.


Edited by Schizophonia

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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7 minutes ago, Genius100x said:

Yes I m excited about good things. 

Both cannot live in the same place. It's either you're excited about your future and creating it now, or you're stuck in the past and creating the future from that. Both are potential creations. If your mindset is we have to prepare for the worst, then you are creating the worst. This is not about positive thinking. The mind is also making that distinction. It's about how your beliefs are influencing what you experience. Preparing for the worst is a sure way of experiencing the worst because thats where your focus is, the worst.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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4 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

. Preparing for the worst is a sure way of experiencing the worst. 

What a joke 🤣. When North Korea attacks America, it shouldn't prepare for the worst. Got it. 

I have no issues thinking about the worst. I know how to manage my emotions. Don't make assumptions about me. 

4 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

It's either you're excited about your future and creating it now, or you're stuck in the past and creating the future from that. Both are potential creations

Only assumptions. 

Foolish people don't learn from the past mistakes of others. If I have no problem thinking about bad things. Then why are you worrying? 

Edited by Genius100x

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1 minute ago, Genius100x said:

What a joke 🤣. When North Korea attacks America, it shouldn't prepare for the worst. Got it. 

I have no issues thinking about the worst. I know how to manage my emotions. Don't make assumptions about me. 

Sorry, I will leave you be if you can't differentiate between a generalized statement and an assumption about you, which you yourself said that you do. This conversation has proved my initial point. I will quote it to make myself clear before I exit. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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3 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Sorry, I will leave you be if you can't differentiate between a generalized statement and an assumption about you, which you yourself said that you do. This conversation has proved my initial point. I will quote it to make myself clear before I exit. 

Your whole conversation from beginning till end was pointless. It has no logic and no relation to this topic. My post was clearly articulated. And I m correct. 

I can't debate further unnecessarily. I have posting limits. 

Edited by Genius100x

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24 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

. If somebody leaves a comment on how to solve this invisible problem, it will debunk, rebut, and tell them how they're not making any sense. That's what it does. 

@Genius100xThis comment. I don't talk out my ass. It's experience after experience and studying the mind's behavior and becoming more aware and blah blah, where I speak from. I'm also aware that I created this debunking, and rebutting and your constant negutting. just because I expected it. That's what it means to be consciousness and that everyone is you pushed out and there's only one Universal mind. I was simply trying to suggest to you how you're doing the same. The consequences of me creating this scenario is minimal compared to you ending up in a relationship that betrays your trust. I'm out.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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42 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

You're not in dilemma, the mind that only sees past and future is. It created a problem that isn't there and now it wants a solution for the problem it created. It is a never-ending cycle that leads to suffering on different levels. If somebody leaves a comment on how to solve this invisible problem, it will debunk, rebut, and tell them how they're not making any sense. That's what it does. 

The problem of mistrust has been created before the relationship has even started based on past and probable future. I'm just trying to show and make you aware of how problems get created out of thin air. What does someone else's relationship past has to do with your present circumstances. Nothing. You are anticipating the future and also creating the future NOW. You have, with this inquiry, created mistrust in your coming relationships without even realizing it. 

@Princess Arabia 

I get this. I agree. 

But u are overlooking something. 

42 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

What does someone else's relationship past has to do with your present circumstances. Nothing. You are anticipating the future and also creating the future NOW. You have, with this inquiry, created mistrust in your coming relationships without even realizing it. 

I am NOT worried about MY relationships. It's NOT about MY problem. I started this thread for discussing a general problem of MANKIND. It's only about discussing how much trust and how much caution we should have. That's it. 

I haven't created mistrust in coming relationships. I MUST create a balance between trust and caution. Don't make assumptions. 

Don't Talk About What I Have Did To My Future Relationships. It's Not At All About Me. I Know Veey Well How To Manage My Stuff. 

Edited by Genius100x

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The purpose of life is to put all your chips in and then not be fazed when they leave.

To see that the chips are a fiction.

Edited by Hojo

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45 minutes ago, Genius100x said:

I am NOT worried about MY relationships. It's NOT about MY problem. I started this thread for discussing a general problem of MANKIND.

A general problem of mankind was covid, the flu, cancer, drunk driving, drug overdose and drug problems, fear, anxiety, depression, murder rape, genocide,,,,,,,,,,,,not anticipation of a loved one's betrayal. That falls under the anxiety category. There are plenty of people who never have to face that issue and never have. That's an anticipation problem, not a betrayal of trust problem. This can never be known and has to be dealt with when it occurs. No one can anticipate if and when they will be betrayed.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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You only ever trust to the degree that you can.

And if you feel you can trust more than you already are trusting; then you trust more.

Trust happens little by little.

When you see their actions you develop trust little by little.

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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I would reflect on what you mean by trust and what you are hoping to protect. Why not build your life in a way where if someone does so you wrong, it’s just a shrug of the shoulders?

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4 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

Why not build your life in a way where if someone does so you wrong, it’s just a shrug of the shoulders?

Meh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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