
What's with the TDS, guys?

9 posts in this topic

Hi friends,

I can't help but to wonder, how so many smart people here are near mental breakdown, when Trump gets mentioned or mere thought of him apears in your consiousness.

I don't believe any of you claiming he's some big fascist mastermind who will corrupt everything and everyone, actually believe it, do ya? Do you actually believe that your country's system and institutions are so fragile? Do you actually believe the country like US would be gambled every 4 years? You really think rulling elite (definitely not the DC politicians) would just stand idle while the populus decides who's the ruller for next period… please. You must be crazy if you think some orange retard will be the end of US, makes me wonder who else here is retarded 9_9

You do realise that he's just a backlash to the current system? How is more of "current system" (absolute establishment candidate with absolutelly zero personal perspective on governing) solve anything? Trump might serve like a pressure valve, if elected he actually could give americans few more years before an inevitable, real and COMPETENT fascist arrives. Wouldn't you agree that is the trajectory current establishment system is going?

To simplify:

If Kamala elected: Hitler in 5-10 years

If Trump elected: Hitler in 10-15 years

point of notice: I'm not a MAGAt nor do I think that Zion Don is some sort of savior of America or the world. He's just an old guy with a huge ego. And I do understand that he might usher some corrupt assholes along with him, but Washington has seen worse.

I'm being a bit provocative here, so please calm your tits if you already started flapping them. Lets explore the topic from different than usual perspective.

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Love the attitude. Calm your That's all folks...I'll leave the politics to my other halves.

Know thyself....

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17 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Love the attitude. Calm your That's all folks...I'll leave the politics to my other halves.

Sorry, Princess, just my way of searching for silver lining in this :x

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@MrTruf Please don't use that stupid notation. It's okay to have no idea what you're talking about. Generally, the less of a clue you have, the more you should know to shut up about it. You clearly have no idea who Donald Trump is or what he's done, and I'm not going to spend the next 5+ hours summarizing to you, or every other dummy utterly incapable of doing even the tiniest bit of research on their own, every outrageous thing Trump has done in the last few years that would immediately get any democratic candidate booted.

From your wording, I take it you are very, very young (13 to 20), and very much in over your head. Your entire post screams Dunning Kruger. Know when to shut up about something, and instead try to gain wisdom from those that have done their research, and better, stop being lazy and do it yourself.

If you look back on your post 10 years from now, you're going to die of cringe.

Edited by Fearey

INTJ 5w4. Cosmopolitan. Software engineer, data analyst and AI enthusiast.

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3 minutes ago, Fearey said:

@MrTruf Please don't use that stupid notation. It's okay to have no idea what you're talking about. Generally, the less of a clue you have, the more you should know to shut up about it. You clearly have no idea who Donald Trump is or what he's done, and I'm not going to spend the next 5+ hours summarizing to you, or every other dummy utterly incapable of doing even the tiniest bit of research on their own, every outrageous thing Trump has done in the last few years that would immediately get any democratic candidate booted from their position.

From your wording, I take it you are very, very young, and very much over your head. Your entire post screams Dunning Kruger. Know when to shut up about something, and instead try to gain wisdom from those that have done their research, and better, stop being lazy and do it yourself.

Case in point.

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Case in point lol. 

Ironically, truly integrating a stage within spiral dynamics means accepting it as part of your history and understanding its place in human development, not reacting with revulsion or disdain. Yet, I see many users react to any mention of religion, tradition or conservatism (or the Wests flaws) as if hell is dripping from my lips.

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You shouldn't take the most extreme voices as representative of the general vibe. Yeah, some people feel strongly about Trump for example but there are often good reason for that if you are willing to listen and give the benefit of the doubt.

A lot of discourse on social media deteriorates because A) the loudest and most extreme floats to the top and B) people don't tend to give the benefit of the doubt when someone sounds stupid or dramatic even though they might have a point to a certain degree. Just don't take it so seriously.

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@MrTruf Hi, by the way I replied to you on the other thread and you didn’t reply back. All I wanted to say welcome back my friend after being banned on political forum and making nice comeback. And by the way under your previous name, we actually ended up on good terms so I am even a bit upset that you brushed me off this time. But it’s ok I forgive you. 

Anyways to serious topic, you asked a good question for General Development and not it does not have to do with politics really. As you can see on this forum for various topics some people get triggered despite their high development level, including myself. That really has to do with our human character and being emotional, at the end of the day we are all emotional beings and while one person maybe sober for so many topics, there will be few that they will get triggered. Indeed, I pretty much see with many if not all people, some more and some less but nevertheless I see that pretty much everyone gets triggered for something. 

However, the state turquoise people like Sadguru and others, I see their reaction is not to react to it, or not really be emotional to it. Let’s say you are in a park and you see two ants forging with each other, what would you do? You wouldn’t start pondering who started or why are they even fighting or whatever, your basic instinct would be that this is just how life is, that’s how things are and you would quickly forget it. Now if you would apply all situations on this world, that’s mastery. I know many will disagree with me on that, but it’s because many are not on that level yet, including myself. 

Hope that answers you a more broader question. 

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@MrTrufi like your post. It's a unique perspective and you raise some good points.

But if the left has TDS then the right definitely has Harris Derangment Syndrome. Elon Musk says if Trump doesnt win "it will be the last election", like what? Harris presidency is basically the status quo. 

You should also consider that Trump IS the threat that some claim. Hitler was democratically elected. If you are truly open minded then you would consider this possiblity too. 

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