
Not wanting to live past 60

30 posts in this topic

44 minutes ago, Hibahere said:

@caspex @UnbornTao Its just health ...I have hypochondria...idk if this will change in the future. And also...just something about living longer than when you have already accomplished or actualized your life purpose does not sit with me. Seeing that i have now developed allergies which get severe..and some other health issues (minor) just at 22 scares the hell out of me. 

Why would life purpose be a fixed concept? If one accomplishes it, create another. Or better yet: Why do you presume that a life purpose is what should keep you going? You could just do stuff, learn, have insights, create things, follow hobbies and passions, and master something (perhaps your mind included), for their own sake. Might as well enjoy your time. 

Edited by UnbornTao

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52 minutes ago, Hibahere said:

I fear bad health which seems to be a huge factor.

Do not fear bad health, love good health instead. Focusing on bad health only creates bad health. Fearing bad health is feeding the energy of bad health. You have to understand this. This is how it works. Please don't take what i've said lightly, it is the foundation of how you approach life with everything. This is not about positive thinking either, it's about energy and life force.

See yourself in good health, watch, read and listen to things that promotes good health. Living in fear weakens you, and will bring upon you what you fear. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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3 minutes ago, Hibahere said:

@Princess Arabia I like your perspective ❤️

Just some wisdom coming from the masters before us. They speak to you through me. It's your own higher self, that's why it felt good to hear and why it resonated.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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2 hours ago, Hibahere said:

@Evelyna I'm happy for you! It's the health part that scares me the most. I fear bad health which seems to be a huge factor. I've seen elders in my family be seen as a burden on their children which breaks my heart into pieces...I feel for them. I might be childish in saying this but I wish i could give the elders their youth back its like...they are still kids in an older body... 

The Positive Whatif: A lot of fear gets out of control because we get locked into the idea of "What if (something bad) happens?" It becomes a trap when we just keep wondering without making any specific plans for that.

A surprisingly easy way out is to immediately ask yourself, "But what if something good happens instead?" It might sound too easy, but you may be amazed at how well it works. It does work because it forces a shift to a positive expectation or memory. That shift leads to a relaxation of tension in your body and a calming of emotion that helps the fear disappear.
Hit the fear with Information: you could educate yourself in what you need to do to keep Your body healthy, what foods are better, how to stay healthy , you could become an expert in those subject and lessen your fear or make it disappear by knowing what to do. 
Those aren’t magical permanent solutions but they are practical techniques you can try if you wanted to, to help aid the situation. 

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2 hours ago, Hibahere said:

@UnbornTao that's interesting. Yeah we can have multiple purposes..

And we can take action, whether one has a life purpose or not, too, as useful as it is.

I just want to acknowledge that possibility.

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17 hours ago, Evelyna said:


I appreciate your perspective, but I think there’s a crucial nuance being overlooked. It’s great to acknowledge that life can be fulfilling at any age, but the emphasis on desiring to end it at a certain point based on the idea of avoiding suffering could be limiting and created  from a place of fear not positive thinking. 

Yes it can be true for many individuals.

But my experience is different. And I wrote previous posts based on that. 

When I decided that I would cease living at 80, it was not exactly from a place of fear. (and 80 is just a number, it can be 90 too, depends.)

I saw the reality that even the healthiest person becomes miserable beyond a certain point. This is the REALITY. It doesn't give a fuck how many +ve thoughts you have. 

And I don't want to die a slow, agonizing death. So why shouldn't I go for euthanasia and quick death? (Should live only if there remains a big purpose to fulfill...that is even bigger than the suffering.) 

It didn't come from a place of fear. It came from ambition and a desire for perfection/quality and weeding out trash. I just want to see myself strong and not a weakling. 

Whatever wisdom says, I will do that. Whether +ve thinking or living or dying. 

17 hours ago, Evelyna said:


The belief that old age equates to inevitable suffering can shape their outlook and choices today, potentially stunting their dreams and experiences.

MY EXPERIENCE is that it cannot affect my dreams or potential AT ALL.

If I know I have to live till 80, I will live on my full potential till 80. Full enthusiasm and EVERY THING which is worth doing and learning. 


Maybe at 100 when I won't be able to walk, I'll sit on my chair and write books (or read something good). But if there is constant suffering, it's my personal choice to die. 


So these were my experiences. I don't see any problem in this philosophy. Maybe it's not for others. 

17 hours ago, Hibahere said:

@Genius100x I understand your pov! It comes down to being miserable. No one wants to live miserably...society has definitely shaped my perspectives into believing that people as they age get more miserable. I see it as a reality because it happens around me. I hope it doesn't happen to me.

@Hibahere @Evelyna @UnbornTao 

I don't want to talk about the future 60 years later; it's ridiculous someone is barely 22. And talking about 80. I look like an idiot while writing this. 

But I had to do this becz I started replying in this thread.  


Edited by Genius100x

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@Genius100x I like the fact you emphasised “ my experience”. When people write replies they often forget that everyone has a different experience/perspective. It’s wonderful that we all have different perspectives , it’s all lessons in a way, I always learn a lot from conversations like this and by discussing different views in a harmonised flow can help someone make a choice on what perspective they want to take on or not. 
Thank you Genius100x for good talk !!! 

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I dont think about it in the way of, "this is the exact year i go", but instead like...

Everyday im thinking deeply about, whether or not the white light is with me or not, as ive already had a near death experience, and so im always analyzing it in this way, the silver ends are. But to be is to then see around the outer edge of my self, looking at the skirt, seeing where i can interject and explore... how closeup i can get where, new information seems relevant, and i can reinact by thinking about the exact image im at where the lights instantiated (sometimes nearby) - typve thing (which is hard to explain since im describing the nde)  And thats all to say, that at 22 the fear of having a fear thing thats like, acknowledging something twice—work towards stripping away that second sortve echo of the fear.. If you focus on the noise you can circumvent the sound of these looming issues that are themselves an echo of the natural reaction towards hearing something to fear, however then you have to turn down the noise XD, if u know what i mean... anyway, hope this helps to see in new way(s)

Edited by kavaris

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