Spiritual Warfare

Leo Gura Is Wrong About Existence

253 posts in this topic

Just now, Breakingthewall said:

The bottomless infinite abyss is full of you, that's what you are. Everything fades until becoming nothing if you spread it in infinity, except your essence. It never fades, it encompass all the infinity, the bottomless eternity, that's what you are . 

I find it very hilarious that we're here and others have to tell us who we are. (Not you in particular, just in general). I laugh at some of this stuff, not laughing at in a cynical way, but in a humorous way with child-like humor.

It's hilarious. Who am I, what am I, what is the mind, what are thoughts, where did I come from, but we know exactly what oxycodone and percocets are. Had to check the spellings. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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2 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

I find it very hilarious that we're here and others have to tell us who we are. (Not you in particular, just in general). I laugh at some of this stuff, not laughing at in a cynical way, but in a humorous way with child-like humor.

It's hilarious. Who am I, what am I, what is the mind, what are thoughts, where did I come from, but we know exactly what oxycodone and percocets are. Had to check the spellings. 

Not so easy, if fact quite difficult, placing yourself in the absolute perspective is done by first realizing that reality is unreal, of the total emptiness that underlies the appearance, then you realize the endless emptiness, and for that you have to be totally empty, without any mental grip, then the second step is to realize that in the emptiness is always you, and open that you, your true being, that expands limitlessly. that is the real, the absolute and what you or anything else is.

It's not something obvious like oh, it was in front of my face and I didn't realize, then I did that neti neti thing and voila. no, there are energetic blockages, it's a real work. 

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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

What's a thing ?🤔 

My big dick🥹

The end of separation is the end of desire. It’s life, it’s death, it’s unity; it is the absolute. In this profound realization, we find perfection eternal, a state of everlasting harmony.

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19 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

I find it very hilarious that we're here and others have to tell us who we are. (Not you in particular, just in general). I laugh at some of this stuff, not laughing at in a cynical way, but in a humorous way with child-like humor.

It's hilarious. Who am I, what am I, what is the mind, what are thoughts, where did I come from, but we know exactly what oxycodone and percocets are. Had to check the spellings. 

Because we live in a society we don´t spent a single minute on investigating the core of one´s existence, instead completely focused on survival.

By the way, percocets are just oxycodone with acetaminophen 😉

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8 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

By the way, percocets are just oxycodone with acetaminophen 😉

I guess i am just consciousness with a bit of mind added.😜😜

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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On 24/10/2024 at 10:20 AM, Spiritual Warfare said:

The truth is negative, and if you can’t understand that

When you go back to the spirit realm you will find this very funny. 🤣 

you came from infinite joy to experience limitation and hate I can’t blame you. I can be pretty boring having infinite joy and love. Well not really, have fun with the launch to the positive when you choose this. 

I bless you @Spiritual Warfare in what ever you want. 

Edited by ChrisZoZo

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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On 24/10/2024 at 8:12 PM, Spiritual Warfare said:

I need evidence of that

You have a great empirical mind, and it should be utilized in the manifested world. From your discussion, you may have karmic accounts that need purification before realizing pure consciousness. Spiritual bypassing will not help. You cannot think your way through pure consciousness. 

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Unless you're willing to go all out in spirituality, it doesn't make sense to bother yourself too much with understanding the why of reality. If it is no longer interesting or causing you distress, just put it on the back burner and come back to it when you feel like it. In the meantime, occupy yourself with things you enjoy. You don't have to know right now and if you insist that you do, that should be let go of. It sounds like a form of OCD; uselessly and neurotically fixating on something, telling yourself that you must, but in reality, you just need to learn to shift your focus and accept that sometimes things must be let go.

Edited by Joshe

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10 hours ago, Joshe said:

Unless you're willing to go all out in spirituality, it doesn't make sense to bother yourself too much with understanding the why of reality. If it is no longer interesting or causing you distress, just put it on the back burner and come back to it when you feel like it. In the meantime, occupy yourself with things you enjoy. You don't have to know right now and if you insist that you do, that should be let go of. It sounds like a form of OCD; uselessly and neurotically fixating on something, telling yourself that you must, but in reality, you just need to learn to shift your focus and accept that sometimes things must be let go.

Also, one can't get the why before the what.

Looking for the why of something presumes that it is already known.

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2 hours ago, Yimpa said:

Wow I am surprised Leo wrote that almost 7 years ago.

His oldest video on YouTube was 12 years ago and he still remembered some stuff he said.

Some people cannot even remember what they said a month ago or that they have changed their stance towards certain subject within a month.


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Reality tends to stray in the wrong ways when you’re not thinking straight.


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to answer the question of why would god forget?

When I lost my ‘I, let go of everything, everything dissolved. The void of No thingness ( awareness) had to reconstruct reality from scratch to get back into it.( it took what seemed like forever and each and everything was meticulously thought out).

I came across ‘belief’ or ‘self deception’ as a reality creation tool. In order to imagine a reality and project myself back into it to experience it in a coherent, consistent and linear manner, I had to ‘believe’ it was real to hold it in consciousness. ( con=with science=knowing) 

that belief or ontological self deception is why I as a human, forgot who I was as the god or awareness. 

I did it to myself as I expanded from a singularity into consciousness and as I focused and solidified into a distinct and separate expression of that one. 

Each and every time I reincarnate into a solidified reality, I do it. And I forget. 

when you know you are a spectrum of infinite states of consciousness, you keep dissolving if you can’t focus and hold it. Belief( self deception) help hold a consistent state to experience something meaningful.

i make a distinction between awareness and consciousness where awareness is a singularity or source of potential and consciousness is the god head or mind/ocean that forms out of that awareness. From that ocean forms patterns or the appearance of solidity triggered by the ripple of thoughts. When awareness becomes aware that it is aware, it is creating a feedback of ‘knowing’ on itself which is consciousness. 

we remember when we stop and become self aware and do inner work.


prior to that we are always focusing awareness outward and expanding, grasping at the experience believing it is a world ‘out there’.


this is not a rationalisation or logical conclusion but something I experienced directly when I unintentionally dissolved back into no experience. 

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