Rafael Thundercat

The Issue or Topic of Being a Self-Proclaimed ( Guru,Expert etc..)

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Imagine I Proclaim to be a Shaman Healer here or in a Plataform. Of course I can back up my Title with deeds and maybe a lineage( ex: I trained with several masters from amazon etc..) but in the end it still will be self-proclaimed. There is actually anything else but Self-Prockamation? 

A little text from Google search to reflection


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I find everywhere personal development gurus saying  stuff like: "I had a [instagram, etc] with 1 Million followers, but it was taken down due to saying too much the truth". It's disgusting, their marketing. I don't want to become a personal dev coach and do marketing like that.


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The self can proclaim, but it can't make people follow. Something else is doing that. If you want to see how good the claim is look at how many followers there are. They could be paid actors or lied about subscriptions too tho.

You could shit on Sadhguru for being self proclaimed but then you could look at his following and see he is known throughout the planet, hes not doing that God is.

I can self proclaim but no one follow me that God saying I don't know anything and not doing things right.

Edited by Hojo

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Anyone can say they are an expert at something without having to back it up. That is why we institutionalize a lot of skills that are significant for society, like medicine. The education system and degrees is an attempt to weed out quacks by creating an a system of approval essentially.

A degree guarantees that you passed your studies in X course. Its why educational institutions care so much about their reputation, it is the lifeline that justifies their existence.

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3 hours ago, Hojo said:

The self can proclaim, but it can't make people follow. Something else is doing that. If you want to see how good the claim is look at how many followers there are. They could be paid actors or lied about subscriptions too tho.

You could shit on Sadhguru for being self proclaimed but then you could look at his following and see he is known throughout the planet, hes not doing that God is.

I can self proclaim but no one follow me that God saying I don't know anything and not doing things right.


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On 27/10/2024 at 4:43 PM, Hojo said:

The self can proclaim, but it can't make people follow. Something else is doing that. If you want to see how good the claim is look at how many followers there are. They could be paid actors or lied about subscriptions too tho.

You could shit on Sadhguru for being self proclaimed but then you could look at his following and see he is known throughout the planet, hes not doing that God is.

I can self proclaim but no one follow me that God saying I don't know anything and not doing things right.

That's not a perfect metric. It has some overlap, but not completely.

I believe getting followers leans more towards BEING GOOD AT GIVING THE IMPRESSION OF SKILLFULNESS rather than being skillful by itself. It's like guys doing game for dating. Faking can only take someone so far, but that can be enough to get a lot of women and followers and money. Like so many of those productivity gurus on YouTube are actual doctors, but people think they are in a position to give the best advice on productivity, when in reality, their videos have very shallow and basic advice that gets nowhere close to what Leo Gura gives.

But also it can be a fake-it-until-you-make-it kind of catch-22 situation, so I think we shouldn't be so quick to judge. But that's what marketing does, it biases us towards doing what is good for marketing, but isn't high conscious.


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1 hour ago, Lucasxp64 said:

That's not a perfect metric. It has some overlap, but not completely.

I believe getting followers leans more towards BEING GOOD AT GIVING THE IMPRESSION OF SKILLFULNESS rather than being skillful by itself. It's like guys doing game for dating. Faking can only take someone so far, but that can be enough to get a lot of women and followers and money. Like so many of those productivity gurus on YouTube are actual doctors, but people think they are in a position to give the best advice on productivity, when in reality, their videos have very shallow and basic advice that gets nowhere close to what Leo Gura gives.

But also it can be a fake-it-until-you-make-it kind of catch-22 situation, so I think we shouldn't be so quick to judge. But that's what marketing does, it biases us towards doing what is good for marketing, but isn't high conscious.

You got close of what I was trying to say. Of course that if I claim I do amazing Barbecue online and people who actually ate my food knows I am not that good they maybe will ridiculize me online as a false pro-claimer. But with the advent of marketing, good rethoric can make miracles to shity product when sometimes the best products suffer for being to good at content but having no shiny marketing. Example,where in the mainstream mediuns you hear about Susan-Cook? 9 Ego Stages? 

Of course the world is flood with data and books so good stuff get drowned and just people like Leo and some of us are Divers to find Tresures in this ocean of Bullshit. 

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People all too often wish to look towards a savior instead of looking towards themselves 

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