
Connection Between the Deep State and Your Mind

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As (I think) should be obvious to those doing this work, there are enormous similarities between how your mind functions and how society as a whole functions. A particularly interesting thing I've been contemplating is the similarity between the deep workings of the mind and the deep state (covert actions and secret true motivations of those in power on higher level in government, intelligence agencies, corporations as well).

Regular people are not ready for the government's ugliness to be transparent. And that's because they are not ready to face the ugliness in THEMSELVES!

Of course facing this supposed "ugliness" is the only way to true beauty and clean government. But I think fact to the matter is that it's just too scary for now. The way to solve the corruption of the state would to be to face OURSELVES. But who's down for that? No, let's just blame the evil people in government.

I work at a corporation and I feel its corruption getting to me. In truth SO MUCH depends on interpersonal relations and not so much on the "official established processes". You can wipe your ass with the processes if you have enough friendly faces up top. You can skip some things which are unskippable for others. You just have it easier. And I myself am engaging with this corruption, eg. by giving preferential treatment to partners in my work which have better relations with me, by prioritizing their cases over others' cases for example. I am supposed to be biased towards MY team, MY partners and I am rewarded for it. And I just KNOW that's exactly how it works on higher levels as well. It's so obvious.

I AM corrupt. Why shouldn't I be? Why should I be truthful in a corporation if A) I don't care that much about it and B) I am rewarded for being corrupt - with appreciation, better position, etc?

Hahaha! That's EVERYONE'S reasons for corruption. How funny how that works.

But besides the corruption I'd just like to mention how interesting it is that there are these covert actions and motivations from the government, intelligence agencies we know nothing about. And that's exactly what's happening in our minds as well! In my mind there are deep energies I am unconscious of which are basically running my life for the most part. The same is almost sure to be for you. You're not above it - if you don't see it in yourself, it's much more likely you're UNCONSCIOUS of it. :) In contrast to that not being present there in you.

After you study and observe yourself, you will see the same dynamics in other people and groups, sociology, politics, history , etc...

You understand the outside by understanding the inside. :)

Edited by Sincerity

Words can't describe You.

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28 minutes ago, Sincerity said:

You're not above it - if you don't see it, it's much more likely you're UNCONSCIOUS of it. 

Be worry about how mirror effect works.

It's because something is unconscious that you see it, not the opposite ; When you say "ahahah ok society is corrupt so that must mean i'm corrupted myself" you actually still see corruption because it's put in deny, you still consider it as a problem, something which should be corrected, and so something that don't that does not belong to you.

It's actually when you accept being "corrupted", that you love it, that this duality isn't a subject anymore and disappears.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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@Schizophonia I meant if you don't see it in yourself, you're probably unconscious of it. Seeing it outside is easy (understanding it is not though).

I accept my corruption. It's good for me and I welcome it. For now.


Words can't describe You.

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Some claim we are in the Kali Yuga where spiritual knowledge is very low.  It is just getting worse with the worldwide acceptance of materialism.  But ultimately civilization can’t function without making the unconscious conscious.  If material values are the most important, then corruption makes perfect sense. 

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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13 hours ago, Sincerity said:

@Schizophonia I meant if you don't see it in yourself, you're probably unconscious of it. Seeing it outside is easy (understanding it is not though).

I accept my corruption. It's good for me and I welcome it. For now.


Oh ok, mea culpa. 👍

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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