Spiritual Warfare

Earth is a punishment

198 posts in this topic

6 hours ago, Thought Art said:

If it wasn’t a mystery it would be so lame and boring lol.

I agree to some extent, but all people want to know the full truth about existence rather than it being a mystery.

The end of separation is the end of desire. It’s life, it’s death, it’s unity; it is the absolute. In this profound realization, we find perfection eternal, a state of everlasting harmony.

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3 hours ago, VeganAwake said:

@Spiritual Warfare Sounds like your convinced that understanding reality would be the end of suffering.

Reality is completely unknowable and infinite. How could anyone possibly understand that which has no beginning or end....unfathomable!

You could live 100,000 lives attempting to know reality, and you still would be completely stumped....trust!

There is no hope, no use, no value in understanding. But obviously the mind is very stubborn hehe.

Even if there was a deep understanding, your still going to die like you mentioned!

Maybe not giving a fuck is the freedom you seek brother?


That’s a good point, not caring can be very helpful, but the thing is, I really want to know at least something about what happens after death. I don’t need to know everything, but at least something that isn’t just speculation💓

The end of separation is the end of desire. It’s life, it’s death, it’s unity; it is the absolute. In this profound realization, we find perfection eternal, a state of everlasting harmony.

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11 hours ago, Spiritual Warfare said:

Living as a human being on Earth is hell. It doesn’t matter if you’ve solved the riddles of existence, which you haven’t, damn it. It doesn’t matter if you meditate and experience pure love. The truth is that existence on Earth is more of a curse than a gift, and anyone who understands the nature of it all knows that. People want to live alone, but they’ll experience suffering, unnecessary suffering. Even if someone wants to make friends or find a lifelong partner, they’ll suffer when that friend dies. Everything you do brings suffering, which is so frustrating and unfair. What the hell is this, really? Leo, you’re right about the nature of existence on many levels, but you have to stop saying that existence is wonderful here on Earth, because it’s not. I don’t mean to scare you, but I feel suicidal when I think deeply about this. I can’t accept that this is reality.



You are still young ..you still have a lot to experience in life which might twist your perspective on existence upside down. Don't be quick to judge something you don't fully understand..by your own admission. Live your life first before you make such conclusions. 

And between me and you..as the wise @Thought Art have said ...we are indeed blessed . Practice gratitude. Meditation in nature .look at the sea..the sun..the birds ..life is literally a miracle. You just need a clear mind to see this .

Life is not as hellish as you might think  ..and the punchline is that at least you are incarnated into a human in the 21st century with Internet and technology etc..maybe if you kill yourself you will incarnate as a cow in a slaughter shop..then you will know what hell really is .

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3 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Yes, there is a s suffering, and it can feel like hell sometimes; but what about the good times. Plenty of people are experiencing more heavenly times than hell all over the world and vice versa. This is duality. Stop seeing yourself as a human only and stop living in your head and trying to control things and the pain will lessen. My mom passed and I cried like hell, and sometimes I still do, but I'm not suffering over it because it's a choice and a matter of thoughts. You seeing the world how you would like it to be to suit your needs and not how it is. None of us are seeing it as it is but at least some of us aren't having temper tantrums with it and being mature about how they view their experiences. The Universe doesn't give us more than we can handle, it's the mind that gets in the way and wants to be the boss.

The universe definitely gives us things we cannot handle; not everything is a bed of roses. I don’t care about temporary happiness. You say I should stop caring about seeing myself as human, but you don’t know for sure what our nature is. I don’t care if it’s 90 percent logical that we are divine, I want to know with 100 percent certainty.


The end of separation is the end of desire. It’s life, it’s death, it’s unity; it is the absolute. In this profound realization, we find perfection eternal, a state of everlasting harmony.

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3 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

If you had a girlfriend that was robotic, predictable and does the same shit everyday with no change in sight, you'd wish for her to be like life. Spontaneity, fun, mysterious and unpredictable are great traits to have in life yet you bitch to the Universe that it's a mystery. The same traits you find attractive in someone, are the same traits you dislike about the world. Think about it and be honest.

This has nothing to do with my point. I’m not saying that I need to understand everything, but I at least want to understand why I am here on Earth as a human, because that is the most important thing and it’s only fair.

The end of separation is the end of desire. It’s life, it’s death, it’s unity; it is the absolute. In this profound realization, we find perfection eternal, a state of everlasting harmony.

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2 hours ago, martin_malin said:

 Therefore, be a light unto the darkness, and curse it not. And forget not Who You Are in the moment of your encirclement by that which you are not. But do praise to the creation, even as you seek to change it. And know that what you do in the time of your greatest trial can be your greatest triumph. For the experience you create is a statement of Who You Are—and Who You Want to Be.

Conversation with God book 1


The end of separation is the end of desire. It’s life, it’s death, it’s unity; it is the absolute. In this profound realization, we find perfection eternal, a state of everlasting harmony.

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10 minutes ago, Spiritual Warfare said:

I really want to know at least something about what happens after death. I don’t need to know everything, but at least something that isn’t just speculation💓

Your body will decompose and get distributed into the soil and then turn into plants then to animal then some human will eat you up then some sperms will fertilise some egg then you will be born as me ...;)

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38 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:


Sure, the issue here is that you don´t know what existence is. 

You think existence is a 'thing'. 

eternal non-existence is precisely what you are. 

If doesn´t matter if you can´t die because what you are is literally the absence of existence (No-Thing/That Which is Not: Shiva).

Any kind of existence or Experience (doesn´t matter if is a DMT realm with no body and just mind) is still Maya and suffering.

The only reason you are experiencing a planet earth and a body is because you are entangled and not liberated. And you are not working towards liberation so you will reincarnate after you die again. As most of the people in this forum will. 


Spirituality is not about experiencing some samadhi and feeling One with the universe or tripping endlessly and have insights. Those are just opening some doors. That is not escaping the prison.

In fact the more doors you open without the clear focus of escaping the more deep you´ll get in the prison. 


If you don´t know where you are going, if you just start opening doors sensessly, you easily can get more lost and deep in the building.

Once you know where you are going (You had a 'peak' outside the prison) you know is real and now every step you take and every door you open is just you looking for the exit, with this attitude one day you will be out. 

Thank you, but existence is one thing. It is an emptiness, yet the emptiness exists.

The end of separation is the end of desire. It’s life, it’s death, it’s unity; it is the absolute. In this profound realization, we find perfection eternal, a state of everlasting harmony.

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43 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

@Sugarcoat DO not believe this guys.

They haven´t seen what I´ve seen. 

Careful some devil stealing the possibility of Liberation for you. 


Sure, the issue here is that you don´t know what existence is. 

You think existence is a 'thing'. 

eternal non-existence is precisely what you are. 

If doesn´t matter if you can´t die because what you are is literally the absence of existence (No-Thing/That Which is Not: Shiva).

Any kind of existence or Experience (doesn´t matter if is a DMT realm with no body and just mind) is still Maya and suffering.

The only reason you are experiencing a planet earth and a body is because you are entangled and not liberated. And you are not working towards liberation so you will reincarnate after you die again. As most of the people in this forum will. 

Life is not a video game dude. I hope I will reincarnate into a dinosaur and bite you in the arch. 

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13 minutes ago, Someone here said:

You are still young ..you still have a lot to experience in life which might twist your perspective on existence upside down. Don't be quick to judge something you don't fully understand..by your own admission. Live your life first before you make such conclusions. 

And between me and you..as the wise @Thought Art have said ...we are indeed blessed . Practice gratitude. Meditation in nature .look at the sea..the sun..the birds ..life is literally a miracle. You just need a clear mind to see this .

Life is not as hellish as you might think  ..and the punchline is that at least you are incarnated into a human in the 21st century with Internet and technology etc..maybe if you kill yourself you will incarnate as a cow in a slaughter shop..then you will know what hell really is .

There are too many unnecessary limitations. You also wrote that I shouldn’t judge something I don’t understand, and that’s true, but the problem is we will never understand, and therefore I have every right to judge.

The end of separation is the end of desire. It’s life, it’s death, it’s unity; it is the absolute. In this profound realization, we find perfection eternal, a state of everlasting harmony.

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8 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Your body will decompose and get distributed into the soil and then turn into plants then to animal then some human will eat you up then some sperms will fertilise some egg then you will be born as me ...;)

I would have loved that. You seem like an interesting character with exciting adventures.

The end of separation is the end of desire. It’s life, it’s death, it’s unity; it is the absolute. In this profound realization, we find perfection eternal, a state of everlasting harmony.

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2 minutes ago, Spiritual Warfare said:

There are too many unnecessary limitations. You also wrote that I shouldn’t judge something I don’t understand, and that’s true, but the problem is we will never understand, and therefore I have every right to judge.

You are confusing the relative level with the absolute level ..at the relative level you can definitely understand partial truths like why does the earth rotate around the sun or why does objects fall down into the floor if you throw them up ..the explanation is gravity .

On the absolute level existence is absolute infinity ..which means it will never be understood fully by definition since any understanding is part of infinity itself . 

You need not understand everything to live a happy life .you need to just set your priorities straight . 

Don't be sad please. 

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9 minutes ago, Spiritual Warfare said:

I would have loved that. You seem like an interesting character with exciting adventures.

I'm you 😇

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2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

You are confusing the relative level with the absolute level ..at the relative level you can definitely understand partial truths like why does the earth rotate around the sun or why does objects fall down into the floor if you throw them up ..the explanation is gravity .

On the absolute level existence is absolute infinity ..which means it will never be understood fully by definition since any understanding is part of infinity itself . 

You need not understand everything to live a happy life .you need to just set your priorities straight . 

Don't be sad please. 


The end of separation is the end of desire. It’s life, it’s death, it’s unity; it is the absolute. In this profound realization, we find perfection eternal, a state of everlasting harmony.

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2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I'm you 😇


The end of separation is the end of desire. It’s life, it’s death, it’s unity; it is the absolute. In this profound realization, we find perfection eternal, a state of everlasting harmony.

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@Spiritual Warfare if I can go back in time and   give myself advice when I was going through something similar to you it's would be don't worry about anything..everything is OK as it is .love is real.god is good .

is there anything available to you right now that you would like to do..that you enjoy? Watching the sky..yoga..basking in the sun..watching birds and butterflies outside or in the park.. drinking a glass of water.. eating something.. sleeping.. working out.. jog. walk. .....?

There's always something I can come up with..just do that.. if you can. You're not productive being negative anyways..so you may as well do what you want to do.. it makes you positive for production and you're doing what you want.

Edited by Someone here

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2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Spiritual Warfare if I can go back in time and   give myself advice when I was going through something similar to you it's would be don't worry about anything..everything is OK as it is .love is real.god is good .

is there anything available to you right now that you would like to do..that you enjoy? Watching the sky..yoga..basking in the sun..watching birds and butterflies outside or in the park.. drinking a glass of water.. eating something.. sleeping.. working out.. jog. walk. .....?

There's always something I can come up with..just do that.. if you can. You're not productive being negative anyways..so you may as well do what you want to do.. it makes you positive for production and you're doing what you want.

Thank you very much, my friend. I am trying very hard to focus on the positive aspects of myself. Every day is a struggle, but I will try to make it more balanced and enjoyable.

The end of separation is the end of desire. It’s life, it’s death, it’s unity; it is the absolute. In this profound realization, we find perfection eternal, a state of everlasting harmony.

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@Spiritual Warfare if earth was truly hell, you wouldn't be such an awesome human being. 

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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2 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

@Spiritual Warfare if earth was truly hell, you wouldn't be such an awesome human being. 

You are talking about yourself💓


The end of separation is the end of desire. It’s life, it’s death, it’s unity; it is the absolute. In this profound realization, we find perfection eternal, a state of everlasting harmony.

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3 minutes ago, Spiritual Warfare said:

You are talking about yourself💓


All of us ❤️ 

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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