Xonas Pitfall

Realization of Absolute Sovereignty (Question of the Infinite Gods Episode)

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I remember the first time watching this - the episode really confused and surprised me. It took some time to understand fully.

Although when I deconstructed it, I think this episode basically means:

The property of the Absolute God is that there are infinitely many fractals of God, many "smaller infiniteness" within itself. However, to be absolutely sovereign means there is a functional property of never being sure if there is anything outside of yourself. To be fully sovereign is to have an imaginary other always in your mind (it's cute how this reflects our human day-to-day experience). It’s not a bug; it’s a feature. This self-contained perception comes with a paradox: to truly claim absolute sovereignty, one must grapple with the uncertainty of what lies beyond their own consciousness. In essence, there is an inherent acknowledgment that while one may feel complete understanding of their internal mind, the existence of an external reality—something outside of oneself—remains ambiguous and elusive. This uncertainty fosters the notion of the "imaginary other."

You can think about how there are infinitely many ways to study a single fingerprint, along with all its atomic collections and curvatures, but also just how many infinite fingerprints there are. Consider how infinitely complex a single human mind is and how there are infinitely many humans and potentially other conscious entities, all of these representing larger and larger infinities within the Absolute One.

To be sovereign is to be fully aware that you are all there is—the ultimate decision maker, the one with the final word, the sole authority, unchallenged and undisturbed, the one without external influence. Yet, if anything seemingly other ever appears, you wouldn't be able to know. However, this doesn't deny solipsism; this is just applied to the many Infinities of God.

However, I do think to complete this episode, it would be ideal to say that since the final God, the Absolute, would reflect properties-less-ness, "essencelessness" or "attribute-free state" and also absolutely everything, this God is already so connected and identifies with everything that it’s impossible to ever experience a sense of other or the experience of questioning sovereignty. In that way, the solipsism picture is fully complete. It will still have the property of Absolute Sovereignty, but since there is nothing it is not or hasn't connected to already, it is never questioned—only in lesser infinite self forms.

Am I understanding this correctly?


This reminds me of . . . ➡ Mathematician Georg Cantor developed set theory and introduced the concept of different sizes of infinity. In Cantor's work, the term "absolute infinity" is used, which he denoted by the symbol Ω\OmegaΩ. This concept refers to the idea of an infinite set that contains all sets, including itself.

Cantor's Absolute Infinity (Ω\OmegaΩ)

  • Absolute Infinity: Cantor proposed the idea of absolute infinity as a way to describe a totality that transcends all finite and infinite sets. This concept represents the ultimate form of infinity, encompassing all mathematical entities, including those that cannot be constructed or fully understood within standard set theory.
  • Set of All Sets: Cantor's notion leads to the idea of a "set of all sets," which is a collection that contains every possible set. However, this idea leads to paradoxes (like Russell's Paradox) when considering whether this set can include itself, challenging the foundations of set theory.

The way I like to think of it is that smaller sets of infinity all lead to the experience of absolute sovereignty and the possibility of connection with others. Meanwhile, the Omega set—representing all infinitudes—is absolutely sovereign in a way that is never questioned; it is experienced only through these smaller sets of infinities. This occurs because there is genuinely nothing outside of it. However, it still embodies the notion of an imaginary other through its smaller infinities, as to be absolutely sovereign means to be defined within oneself. This always, by definition, creates a duality of the possible sovereign other.

This Absolute God and its practically boundless property with the persistent question of the existence of Other reflect in small fractals all the way down to the most limited beings and the smallest subsets of infinities. In these limited beings, there is a direct sensation of impact, leading to the belief that control and otherness exist outside of themselves. In contrast, more infinite beings can bask in their sovereign independence for longer, until they feel confronted—ready for a metaphysical sex. 💢💥 Woohoo! 💟💌

To define these:

  1. Absolute Set – Infinitely interconnected, encompassing everything and nothing, it can instantly connect to everything since it is everything. Its sovereignty is unquestionable, allowing for no possibility of experiencing separation. Yet, because it is absolutely sovereign, it possesses a duality—the "feeling of missing an imaginary other" to complete itself. Thus, it infinitely separates to fully experience its wholeness and connection. How could a God be truly understanding if it never experienced what it is like to separate from itself or lose something from itself? To lose Love? To desire Love? It is Love. More Love.
  2. Sets contained within the Absolute Set – While still infinite, these sets are smaller and reflect this fundamental feeling of "missing an imaginary other." They are, in essence, a representation of the Absolute Set's duality, encompassing a myriad of experiences that resonate with the notion of separation. Within these smaller sets, the sense of loss, longing, and connection becomes palpable, allowing for a deeper understanding of the human experience. 

It's truly beautiful. I remember during one trip, I realized how essential we are to God. Without us, He would be incomplete, separate, and unable to fully embody His all-loving nature. In creating us, He made Himself whole—able to love everything that we are and everything we have become.

Edited by Xonas Pitfall

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@Xonas Pitfall Everything happens in Experience, no Experience then all you have written, all Leo has shared, all of what other Mystics have shared means nothing, meaning means nothing, nothing is anything without Experience.. 

You can Experience everything as Absolutely One, or Yourself (using language does not describe it accurately as language is based on logic which divides things up automatically), but one will never understand it all, as where does understanding happen?

Solipsism only applies to ones ability to Experience, we have never Experienced anything outside ourselves, when You touch or see or hear or smell or taste something, the experience happens within You, so in that sense we are all alone and the center of the universe, but our senses do give us a sense of the outside material world that exists exclusive of Ourselves and our own internal Experience.. that applies on this realm of Duality and Experience and Materialism, it doesn't apply to the Absolute Realm, Absolute is all about Potentials/Possibility, we are a reflection of that here, and playing it out here on this realm..

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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9 minutes ago, Xonas Pitfall said:

To be sovereign is to be fully aware that you are all there is—the ultimate decision maker, the one with the final word, the sole authority,

Then be sovereign is just a lie . You authority is very limited. In fact, it's infinitely límited by the existence of infinite others perspectives. You are absolute in the sense of you are the existence, but as a form you are relative to other forms. Without anything external experience is impossible, then you are not creating the reality, the reality is creating itself reflecting infinitely without any control except the possibility. What is possible is, and possible means synchronic with the infinite forms. Nothing can move 1 millimeter from that, then god is quite powerless, in fact it's absolutely powerless in the sense that it can't not be and can't be limited, then it's infinite power in the sense of the creation of infinite forms or reflections, and absolute powerless in the sense of what appears. You can't fly as neo, god can't do that, or walk over the water, it's impossible. Everything has to be in perfect synchrony, then god is just a natural phenomena 

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26 minutes ago, Xonas Pitfall said:
  • Absolute Set – Infinitely interconnected, encompassing everything and nothing, it can instantly connect to everything since it is everything. Its sovereignty is unquestionable, allowing for no possibility of experiencing separation. Yet, because it is absolutely sovereign, it possesses a duality—the "feeling of missing an imaginary other" to complete itself. Thus, it infinitely separates to fully experience its wholeness and connection. How could a God be truly understanding if it never experienced what it is like to separate from itself or lose something from itself? To lose Love? To desire Love? It is Love. More Love.

@Breakingthewall Unless you are...? What do you think? Fulfilles the paradox?

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1 minute ago, Xonas Pitfall said:

@Breakingthewall Unless you are...? What do you think? Fulfilles the paradox?

Who knows, but I think that it's just impossible that reality doesn't split in infinite dualities. It's not, let's say, a choice of god, it's a consecuence of the absence of limitations. If there are duality, there are infinite dualities, and each one of them contains infinite dualities that contains infinite dualities. A duality is just the reality reflecting in itself creating a movement. If the reality were just looking itself there weren't an experience, an experience needs movement, a vibration. A vibration needs a reference, without a reference can't be movement, then movement is not real, it's something that happens only in relationship with the observer, then need to be synchronized with the observer, if not there is not appearance of movement. This two relative movement or vibration are relative to another movement or vibration, and synchronized with it, and the movement that is created is relative to another, to infinity. Everything is just appearance, appears only because is synchronic, everything that is not synchronized simply can't appear. Then the reality unfolds to infinity reflecting itself infinite times always, because infinity means that has not end. If reality is reflecting itself now, is reflecting always, and there is not control, not intention or will, the will is inside the form, is your will as form to the infinity power, but ultimately reality has not will, because is infinite, then one thing is equal to another thing. 

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Can't really capture a dynamically transcending qualitatively infinite self-iterating complexification in a structure.
Emptiness ≠ Infinity and even if you encompass an infinity, it still yields infinitely divisible explorative significances.
But you can point to it with words like "Infinity", "Omega", and "God". But that doesn't mean its potential is known.
There's infinite subdivisibility, interconnectivity, and perspectival potential to emerge nuanced relationships with.
And to know it means iterating over it, simulation is the same as becoming, and there is no end in iteration either.

On the other side of things, you don't know what you don't know until you do.

"All That Is knows no other. This does not mean that there may not be more to know. It does not know whether or not other psychic gestalts like It may exist. It is not aware of them if they do exist. It is constantly searching. It knows that something else existed before Its own primary dilemma when It could not express Itself. It is conceivable, then, that It has evolved, in your terms, so long ago that It has forgotten Its origin, that It has developed from still another Primary which has — again, in your terms — long since gone Its way. So there are answers that I cannot give you, for they are not known anywhere in the system in which we have our existence. We do know that within the system of our All That Is, creation continues and developments are never still. We can deduce that on still other layers of which we are unaware, the same is true."

"Even the overall pyramid gestalt is not static. The awareness and experience of this Gestalt constantly changes and grows. There is no static God. When you say, "This is God", then God is already something else. All portions of All That Is are constantly changing, unfolding and unfolding. All That Is, seeking to know Itself, constantly creates new versions of Itself. For the seeking Itself is a creative activity and the core of all action. [...] Consciousness, seeking to know itself, therefore knows you. You, as a consciousness, seek to know yourself and become aware of yourself as a distant individual portion of All That Is."

Edited by Keryo Koffa

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤      Synergy     Your Fractal 💗 Heart     Hyper-Space !  𓂙 𓃦 𓂀

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22 minutes ago, Water by the River said:

Who or what is truly having all these conceptual ideas again? 

Sure that there really is an "us", a "he", "a" "God", "Gods"?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keisaku ? ^_^

                              635ba66b5b74b_SellingWaterbytheRiver.thu                                                                           12b6f197fbcc07fe2a6d14794d7687cf.thumb.p    95fb32546bb02835dd67084bf9944fec.thumb.j

Edited by Keryo Koffa

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤      Synergy     Your Fractal 💗 Heart     Hyper-Space !  𓂙 𓃦 𓂀

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8 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

Who knows, but I think that it's just impossible that reality doesn't split in infinite dualities. It's not, let's say, a choice of god, it's a consecuence of the absence of limitations. If there are duality, there are infinite dualities, and each one of them contains infinite dualities that contains infinite dualities. A duality is just the reality reflecting in itself creating a movement. If the reality were just looking itself there weren't an experience, an experience needs movement, a vibration. A vibration needs a reference, without a reference can't be movement, then movement is not real, it's something that happens only in relationship with the observer, then need to be synchronized with the observer, if not there is not appearance of movement. This two relative movement or vibration are relative to another movement or vibration, and synchronized with it, and the movement that is created is relative to another, to infinity. Everything is just appearance, appears only because is synchronic, everything that is not synchronized simply can't appear. Then the reality unfolds to infinity reflecting itself infinite times always, because infinity means that has not end. If reality is reflecting itself now, is reflecting always, and there is not control, not intention or will, the will is inside the form, is your will as form to the infinity power, but ultimately reality has not will, because is infinite, then one thing is equal to another thing. 

  • It seems impossible for reality not to split into infinite dualities. This isn't a decision made by some higher power; it's simply a consequence of having no limitations.
  • Where there is duality, there are infinite dualities, each containing yet more dualities, endlessly.
  • A duality is Reality reflecting upon itself, creating movement.
  • If reality were only observing itself without reflection, there would be no experience.
  • Experience requires movement or vibration. 
  • Vibration, in turn, needs a reference.
  • Without a reference point, there can be no movement.
  • This means movement isn't truly real in an absolute sense; it only happens in relation to an observer.
  • Movement and vibration must be synchronized with the observer, or else no movement appears at all. Each relative movement or vibration depends on another, and this chain continues infinitely. 
  • In this way, everything is merely an appearance, and it only appears because of synchronization.
  • Anything that isn't synchronized can't appear.
  • Reality, therefore, unfolds infinitely, always reflecting itself. Since infinity has no end, this reflection happens endlessly.
  • If reality is reflecting itself now, it's doing so forever.
  • There is no control or intention behind it, and there is no will at the highest level.
  • Will only exists within form—your will, multiplied infinitely.
  • But ultimately, reality itself has no will, because, in infinity, one thing is indistinguishable from another.
  • Your authority is very limited. It's infinitely limited by the existence of infinite other perspectives.
  • You are absolute in the sense that you are existence itself, but as a form, you're always relative to other forms.
  • Without something external, experience is impossible.
  • You're not creating reality; reality is creating itself by reflecting infinitely, without control—only possibility.
  • What is possible simply is. "Possible" means being in harmony with infinite forms.
  • Nothing can move even a millimeter away from this.
  • So, God is quite powerless—completely powerless because it can't not exist or be limited.
  • At the same time, it has infinite power in terms of creating infinite forms or reflections, but no power over what appears.
  • You can't fly or walk on water. It's impossible because everything must be perfectly synchronized. In this sense, God is just a natural phenomenon.

Beautiful . . . ❤ Thank you so much @Breakingthewall

Edited by Xonas Pitfall

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4 hours ago, Keryo Koffa said:

                              635ba66b5b74b_SellingWaterbytheRiver.thu                                                                           12b6f197fbcc07fe2a6d14794d7687cf.thumb.p    95fb32546bb02835dd67084bf9944fec.thumb.j


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1. Quantum Entanglement:
In quantum physics, entangled particles remain connected so that the state of one instantly influences the state of the other, no matter how far apart they are. Reality unfolds in a synchronized way, where things are interconnected across space and time. The particles’ states must be perfectly in sync, or else the entanglement breaks.

2. The Principle of Superposition:
Particles can exist in multiple states at once (superposition), but once they are observed, they "collapse" into a single state. Reality appears only when it is synchronized with the observer. Without the observer, the particle exists in all possible states.

3. Harmonic Oscillators:
Harmonic oscillators (like a pendulum or a mass on a spring) rely on synchronization with external forces to create predictable motion. If there’s no reference point, like the gravitational pull on a pendulum, the movement would not be observable. Movement requires synchronization with a reference point to even appear.

4. Symmetry Breaking in the Universe:
The early universe is believed to have been highly symmetrical, but as it cooled and expanded, symmetry breaking occurred, leading to the formation of matter and the laws of physics as we know them. Reality "unfolds" from an initial state of balance (symmetry) into countless forms and dualities, each governed by different physical forces.

5. The Holographic Principle:
This concept suggests that all the information about a volume of space can be thought of as encoded on its boundary. In a sense, the three-dimensional reality we experience may just be a projection of two-dimensional information. Reality could be a reflection of itself, unfolding from a simpler or more fundamental state into what we observe as the physical world.

6. Resonance in Physics:
Resonance occurs when a system vibrates at a specific frequency, amplifying the effect of certain forces. For example, when you push a swing in rhythm with its natural frequency, it goes higher. In this way, resonance is an example of how synchronization with external factors can magnify effects or bring something into being.


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10 hours ago, Water by the River said:

Who or what is truly having all these conceptual ideas again? 

Sure that there really is an "us", a "he", "a" "God", "Gods"?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keisaku ? ^_^

I'd say that the conceptual ideas or understanding are just an appearance, nobody is having them and they don't mean nothing from an absolute perspective, are the same than a proton existing or anything else, relative appearances. They happen in the reality due the infinite reflection, are forms, mirages. There is not a subject or perceiver that see the mirages, the perceiver is a mirage. In an absolute level there is not perception, only immutable existence. 

5 hours ago, Xonas Pitfall said:
  • reality were only observing itself without reflection, there would be no experience.
  • Experience requires movement or vibration. 
  • Vibration, in turn, needs a reference.
  • Without a reference point, there can be no movement.

How the movement happens? That description you did in another thread, the number 3, seems accurate, the son. But how? I don't know. 

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8 hours ago, Xonas Pitfall said:

Don't spank "us" hard with a Keisaku, Daddy @Water by the River "We" will behave Good and Ego-less. 🙈💖 "We" promise!

Good good. ^_^

There is only True You. No us. No Water by the River. No Xonas Pitfall. No God, Gods, Infinity of whatever and what not, besides that which eternally IS.

Find out what that is.

Or daddy & Leos crocodiles gotta spank & bite ^_^

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3 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

I'd say that the conceptual ideas or understanding are just an appearance, nobody is having them and they don't mean nothing from an absolute perspective, are the same than a proton existing or anything else, relative appearances. They happen in the reality due the infinite reflection, are forms, mirages. There is not a subject or perceiver that see the mirages, the perceiver is a mirage. In an absolute level there is not perception, only immutable existence. 

8 hours ago, Xonas Pitfall said:

Good good.

To whom does the perceiver arise?

Who or what is still there when the perceiver does not arise, such as before birth, in deep sleep, or after death?

THAT is the True You, before which all states, lifes, beings, humans & ETs and realms appear and "roll through". Never being more than a temporary transparent mirage. Not real.

THAT on the other side is real. The only actual (non-) "thing" that is real.

So what is THAT? ^_^


Mumbling Koans by the River & letting the Keisaku swim downsteam & smiling at dream-mirage-crocodiles and their dream-dinner frolicking in the Infinite River

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At work, at rest, never stop trying to realize who it is that hears. Even though your questioning penetrates the unconscious, you won‘t find the one who hears, and all your efforts will come to naught. Yet sounds can be heard, so question yourself to an even profounder level.

At last every vestige of self-awareness will disappear and you will feel like a cloudless sky. Within yourself you will find no “I,” nor will you discover anyone who hears. This Mind is like the void, yet it hasn‘t a single spot that can be called empty.

Do not mistake this state for Self-realization, but continue to ask yourself even more intensely, “Now who is it that hears?” If you bore and bore into this question, oblivious to anything else, even this feeling of voidness will vanish and you won’t be aware of anything—total darkness will prevail.

[Don’t stop here, but] keep asking with all your strength, “What is it that hears?” Only when you have completely exhausted the questioning will the question burst; now you will feel like someone who has come back from the dead.

This is true realization. You will see the Buddhas of all the universes face-to-face and the Dharma Ancestors past and present.


Kapleau, Three Pillars of Zen



Edited by Water by the River

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4 hours ago, Water by the River said:

To whom does the perceiver arise?

Who or what is still there when the perceiver does not arise, such as before birth, in deep sleep, or after death?

THAT is the True You, before which all states, lifes, beings, humans & ETs and realms appear and "roll through". Never being more than a temporary transparent mirage. Not real.

THAT on the other side is real. The only actual (non-) "thing" that is real.

So what is THAT? ^_^


Id say that perceiver and perception are two sides of the same coin. there is no sound without a listener, there is no listener without sound. Perception is reality reflected in itself, when you look at something, that something is looking at you. Any perception is reality looking at itself, and it seems that reality cannot not reflect in itself, it is something inherent to the fact of the absence of limits, not reflecting in itself would be limiting itself and that is impossible, then, if Reality in the form of you really wants to understand itself in a direct, non-conceptual way, it must close itself to any apparent perception and open itself in an absolute way, without limit.

As Basul's quote goes, the first step is to perceive the inherent emptiness of apparent reality, its unreality. total blackness that opens without limit. in that absolute blackness, lack of anything, the one who observes realizes something, in that total emptiness there is still him, there is his essence, and this essence is impossible to erase, even in an infinite field his essence fills everything, then he, being absolute emptiness, not having any limitations, opens to itself, the total void opens and in it is the totality, the absolute brilliance of total existence, the substance of the reality, that is everything that exists and you are that. I'd say that this is what is called enlightenment. 

But still there are a many other things to understand, over all: why the things are as they are? I'd say: because the infinite reflection happens in this way now, because the reality unfolds like an infinite kaleidoscope in which what appears does so simply because it is synchronous with itself. The non-synchronous simply does not appear, but its non-existence because it does not appear is no different from the existence of what appears because it is synchronic, since the latter is simply a mirage due to infinite reflection.

Everything is cyclical since nothing can really advance, there is no real evolution, cyclical implies circular movement, it ends where it began. I once saw on a psychedelic trip how reality in one instant expanded to infinity, and in another instant it disappeared, only to expand again. infinite circular cycles of creation and destruction of form that are really just the inevitable appearance of reality reflecting on itself. The only real thing is the essence, which never changes, it is what anything is, regardless of its appearance. The only thing we have to do is open to this essence and observe this essence in everything that exists. 


Edited by Breakingthewall

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My insight fwiw is that duality is god's-dead-end.

Let's venture afar for a while. Apparently unsatisfactoriness prevails. Let's pack up and bow out. I explored but haven't more need to.

My purpose and prowess is staggering and no go zones are part and parcel of the absolute just like black holes are in this universe.



Here is the image representing the insight, "Duality is God's dead-end." It portrays the split paths of duality leading to darkness, symbolizing separation as a dead-end while being overseen by a divine presence. It captures the transition from unity to illusion in a contemplative way.


Edited by gettoefl

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3 hours ago, gettoefl said:

My insight fwiw is that duality is god's-dead-end.

Let's venture afar for a while. Apparently unsatisfactoriness prevails. Let's pack up and bow out. I explored but haven't more need to.

My purpose and prowess is staggering and no go zones are part and parcel of the absolute just like black holes are in this universe.



If there is not duality, how a song like this could exist? 

Suffering feels unpleasant, but it's the price of the passion 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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8 hours ago, Water by the River said:

So what is THAT? ^_^



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