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Enlightenment in dreams

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Let me start with some backstory. About 4 years ago, I had an awakening experience on a small dose of LSD. It was definitely the most life-changing experience to date. Since then, I've had about 5 dreams in which I've experienced almost exactly the same "feeling" compared to that awakening experience 4 years ago. I just woke up from a 1.5-hour afternoon nap in which I had that experience. In the dream, I was lying in my bed in my room and in exactly the same position compared to reality. It felt like something between reality and dreaming. All of a sudden, it felt like the wind had started blowing, and I had a vision of a bright light. Also, my body just started folding into itself. Meanwhile, I was just thinking about breathing deeply, being present, and letting the experience take me wherever it may take me. Then it passed, and I thought I wasn't dreaming anymore. I sat more upright in my bed and than the real thing began. I had the same feeling of wind and vision of light as before, just more intense, and my body started to sink into itself even more. Still the only thing I was thinking was breathe deep and accept the experience. Than I just kinda woke up, and extreme calm washed over me.

All of the dreams were very simmilar to this and my response in every single one was to just let it be. Has anyone had simmilar experiences? How would you enterpret them? Thanks a lot!

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I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Come and join The Glory. 

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@Rozka I once had a dreamain which i explained the whole of reality to a friend.  As I was talking about eternity, a portal-chasm opened on the walls of the dream where bright light came through and I died. I woke up to concensus reality.

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28 minutes ago, Malekakisioannis said:

@Rozka I once had a dreamain which i explained the whole of reality to a friend.  As I was talking about eternity, a portal-chasm opened on the walls of the dream where bright light came through and I died. I woke up to concensus reality.

That sounds very similar. I'm guessing it was incredibly intense? After my dreams, it feels like my ego is truly frightened, and it takes me a few days to reground myself.

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@Rozka yes it was fairly intense but I have had plenty of intense experiences, far scarier than that, dreaming and awake. My kundalini is very active since I was 17. I am 27 now. 

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Coool! I once asked the dream to show me enlightenment. What happened was that everything froze. I was elevated up in the air like an inflating balloon, and then I popped and I became everything. What I liked most about it was the feeling of utter amazent and awe.

I often lucid dream, and when I do I usually tell the dream to show me something I wanna see. For example if I wanna f*ck Megan Fox, I imagine that she is behind the door, and I have to really believe it, and when I open the door (in the dream) I see her. And you can imagine what happens next. 

While in a lucid dream its easy to get overly excited and wake up. To stay in the dream - spin around. It prolongs the lucid dream.

Edited by QandC

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