The Universe

What To Do After Full Awakening. Should I Just Wait For Enlightement ? :)

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What to do after full awakening, surrendering, embracing... Should i just wait for Enlightement ? :) 

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By full awakening you mean "having an awakening experience"?

Don't try to become a Buddha. Just be yourself. That is the Buddha.

Bliss out to LeakyBliss ? ➡


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1 minute ago, Be Yourself said:

By full awakening you mean "having an awakening experience"?

No like having zero thougts all the time, knowing this beautiful presence, feeling empty sometimes, not being neurotic...Yes having that experience which stays because it's always there and i surrender completely to it to the point that i feel "one" with it. :)

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1 minute ago, The Universe said:

No like having zero thougts all the time, knowing this beautiful presence, feeling empty sometimes, not being neurotic...Yes having that experience which stays because it's always there and i surrender completely to it to the point that i feel "one" with it. :)

Ok, you just confused me a bit by saying "Should I just wait for enlightenment".  Enlightenment itself is awakening but a permanent one. There are also awakening experiences that can happen but don't stay permanent. Usually, after an awakening experience there is no way back. Once you've seen the ultimate reality it's really hard to unseen it. So yeah, it's about embracing, surrendering, and letting go.

Don't try to become a Buddha. Just be yourself. That is the Buddha.

Bliss out to LeakyBliss ? ➡


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29 minutes ago, The Universe said:

What to do after full awakening

When full awakening has become established then it never leaves you, it is always there; just like your shadow it follows you. Then you have become an individual. Then the individuality has also to be lost. Become one from many and then become zero from one. This is the whole mathematics of spirituality -- from many to one and from one to nothingness.

One has become the rest. Ordinarily, when you are a person, you are in tremendous unrest. Restlessness is what you are. When you come to full awakening you have become very, very restful. You are and you are rested, deeply rested. In enlightenment you have disappeared, there is only rest, nobody resting... eternal rest.

Full awakening you can feel for the first time what enlightenment can mean. The first taste, or the first distinct perfume of enlightenment, comes through full awakening. So full awakening is helpful; but anything that is helpful can be a hindrance if you cling to it and you feel that it is everything. full awakening has a bliss that can fool you; it has a bliss of its own. Because you have not known enlightenment, this is the ultimate that comes to you, and you cling to it. But if you cling to it, you can change that  which was helpful, that which was friendly, into something that becomes a barrier and an enemy. So one must be aware of the possible danger of full awakening. If you are aware of this, then the experience of full awakening will be helpful.


Edited by Prabhaker

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2 minutes ago, unknownworld said:

What is the difference between awakening and enlightment?

Awakening is getting very close to your center. And as you get closer to the center, falling back becomes more and more difficult because your new experience is gathering power, strength, experience, and the old is losing. But the old is still there; it has not disappeared. Ordinarily people don’t fall from awakening, but the possibility remains: one can fall.

Full awakening or self-realization is reaching to your center. Many religions have believed that self-realization is the end—you have come to your ultimate truth. It is not true. Self-realization is only a dewdrop which has become aware, alert, contented, fulfilled. It is almost impossible to fall back from self-realization—but I am saying almost impossible, not absolutely impossible, because the self can deceive you; it can bring your ego back.

The self and the ego are very similar. The self is the natural thing and the ego is the synthetic, so it happens sometimes that a self-realized man becomes a pious egoist. His egoism is not going to harm anyone, but it certainly prevents him from dropping into the ocean and disappearing completely.

Enlightenment is the dewdrop slipping from the lotus leaf into the vast, infinite ocean. Once the dewdrop has fallen into the ocean, now there is no way even to find it. The question of turning back does not arise.

Enlightenment, hence, is the ultimate truth. Awakening, reaches to self-realization. Then one quantum leap more—disappearing into the eternal, into the infinite.

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@unknownworld okay man. awakening is reaching the experience of seeing reality as it is. However, with an awakening, this experience lasts only a period of time. when we say enlightenment, we refer to having that experience permanently. 

This is how we generally define these two terms in non-duality. But remember, words can be used to mean different things depending on person, setting and more - which is fine! But as I said, what I gave here is the general definition of the words. 

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Enjoy it, and don't cling to it. There may be some backlash, or maybe not. Just remember that nothing can take this from you no matter what you feel like day to day. This is a state, and what is happening is that your body is in awe that the natural state of beings is not total suffering all the time. I remember thinking, holy shit, I was so unhappy before that I didn't even know what happiness truly was. I know you are going to hate to hear this, but from this point on, the process takes care of itself, and there is really no for sure time frame. What I did, was started researching a bunch of enlightenment stuff. What that did was it made my conceptualize something that I thought enlightenment was, and that made me start to grasp at it. Then I realized how silly it was to chase something that when I thought about it, I had no fucking clue what I even thought it was. I just knew I wanted it. This couldn't have happened any other way, and taught me a valuable lesson, but the obsessive information gathering was unnecessary. There is a deeper wisdom at work inside of you than you as a thought have any power to control. It is an awesome experience. Let it unfold and remember that the best way to understand awareness is to continue to see the things you are not, and most of all, just be it. Being what you are is all that's needed.

I am very happy for you. I am not all the way through awakening. It's not really a process, but I have stopped trying to box it in by knowing it. That can't be done, and I don't even know why I ever would have wanted that to be a possibility in the first place. You are it. There's nothing to be done except going with the flow and being it. 

Meditation is the mind training itself. You are just along for the ride.

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If you are still on this forum you are not fully awakened.

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@The Universe Have you had a full awakening? How do you know it's full?

Is waiting for some future event real?

These are not questions for you to answer to me but to yourself.

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1 hour ago, Martin123 said:

@The Universe intuition. Follow what feels good.

Oh ! Never think about that ! :D I'm gonna' use it now Thank you :)

1 hour ago, Martin123 said:


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5 minutes ago, Toby said:

Do the dishes.

Yes It's gonna' carry by itself and decide by itself ! :D Ok.

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2 hours ago, WelcometoReality said:

@The Universe Have you had a full awakening? How do you know it's full?

Is waiting for some future event real?

These are not questions for you to answer to me but to yourself.

Well my ego is completely separate from the "me" that lives fully in the present moment, love to help people, feel one, know that life is a game, hasn't got any kind of neurotic reaction anymore and feel complete ! :) So yes i'm awakened, no doubt about it :)

Maybe waiting for some future event will never happen tho but every Guru that i watch say that after awakening there is nothing to do to get to enlightement so i was wondering if this was real ! :D


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2 hours ago, Malelekakis said:

If you are still on this forum you are not fully awakened.

Well i'm on it Just to question awakening because i know that i am not enlightened yet :) . That's it ! :D

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10 hours ago, Prabhaker said:

When full awakening has become established then it never leaves you, it is always there; just like your shadow it follows you. Then you have become an individual. Then the individuality has also to be lost. Become one from many and then become zero from one. This is the whole mathematics of spirituality -- from many to one and from one to nothingness.

One has become the rest. Ordinarily, when you are a person, you are in tremendous unrest. Restlessness is what you are. When you come to full awakening you have become very, very restful. You are and you are rested, deeply rested. In enlightenment you have disappeared, there is only rest, nobody resting... eternal rest.

Full awakening you can feel for the first time what enlightenment can mean. The first taste, or the first distinct perfume of enlightenment, comes through full awakening. So full awakening is helpful; but anything that is helpful can be a hindrance if you cling to it and you feel that it is everything. full awakening has a bliss that can fool you; it has a bliss of its own. Because you have not known enlightenment, this is the ultimate that comes to you, and you cling to it. But if you cling to it, you can change that  which was helpful, that which was friendly, into something that becomes a barrier and an enemy. So one must be aware of the possible danger of full awakening. If you are aware of this, then the experience of full awakening will be helpful.


Ok, it will live by itself, and i'll don't care about enlightement just so i can get to it. :) Thank you. :)

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6 hours ago, The Universe said:

Well my ego is completely separate from the "me" that lives fully in the present moment, love to help people, feel one, know that life is a game, hasn't got any kind of neurotic reaction anymore and feel complete ! :) So yes i'm awakened, no doubt about it :)

Maybe waiting for some future event will never happen tho but every Guru that i watch say that after awakening there is nothing to do to get to enlightement so i was wondering if this was real ! :D


There is still work to be done and after awakening there is alot more traps than before. It's funny that you say that the ego is separate from you because that shows you that it's not complete. You have gone from one duality to another but the truth is that there is one.

My advice is find a teacher that can help you. And enjoy! ?

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@The Universe after you know who you are, there is nothing more to be done. I mean it's just a game from here on. You're a lucid dreamer, congratulations.

-1/12 is Infinity 

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9 hours ago, Toby said:

Do the dishes.

Have yall seen that Paul Hedderman bit where he tells the story of his girlfriend telling him to do the dishes, to which he responds: "there is no Paul", and she told him Fuck you do the dishes. Makes me laugh every time.

Meditation is the mind training itself. You are just along for the ride.

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