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I’ll do an experiment. My hypothesis and experiences

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So, I’ve done most of what can be done to get enlightened. Long retreats, shaktipat, various techniques, and so on. 
I’ve reached various attainments like cessation that some call enlightenment, but it’s just breadcrumbs compared to the cake of enlightenment you can reach with psychedelics. 

The hypothesis:  

You can get enlightened to the highest level via divine substances, but you have to be there for long periods of time, I’m talking months, to callibrate, to soak it up, to make it your home, to learn how to live this new life, and then you can stay there.  

The “clinical trial”: 

I will injest medium to high dose of shrooms/lsd/other every or every other weekend and I will follow their guidance how to live to maintain that state.  

From my experience, it’s a life of ultimate, original creativity mixed with the deepest stillness and bliss.  My mind and body are healed there. It’s heaven.  

It’s also a natural life - alot of nature, pure, light foods, and so on. But it’s all intuitive.

I noticed that if I follow what I am guided to do, I can stay awake for many nights without any negative effects, with continuous bliss and a clear mind, coupled with a non-dual or close to a non-dual, beautific state.  

I think you can’t penetrate into higher levels using meditation or any other technique, as you’re trying to solve an issue from the same level. You need  help from above.  

It’s also not recommended to anyone who hasn’t trained their mind to a high level, because the mind grows more powerful the higher the state, so you MUST control it near perfectly or bad things can happen. You have to know how to maintain a positive, conscious inner state.

You have to be savvy in the realm of higher states, which comes from training your mind and from dozens of trips.  

You also havo to understand the power of the mind. You can trick yourself completly and utterly there. If you believe demons will get ya - they will!  Literally!

You have to control your mind perfectly and only perfection will manifest.  

Otherwise, it’s the story of the Son who stole his Father’s heavenly horses and destroyed the earth.  

I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone tbh, only to myself as I know my level of training and I’ve done many many trips.


I know that I will feel miserable in a higher state if I enter it without preparing my body. To do so, I’m doing a 3-week fruit detox to purify my system. Daily time in nature and alot of yoga as well. Retaining my, ammm, let’s just say no sexual thoughts and similar stuff.

Also doing a mental detox: using the internet only for enlightenment stuff and work. Staying conscious throughout the day. Maintaining a positive attitude. Not judging anyone or anything. 

Closing thoughts: 

The last time I did lsd I stayed in an enlightened or an almost enlightened state for 3-4 days. No sleep, little food, only beauty, love, perfection. No side effects after. I did have to live a life where I follow what my intuition says I need to do to stay there. Spent nights in nature. Was amazing and beautiful.

It’s such a huge shift from a mid life to a perfect life that it’s uncomfortable. Disorienting. But after alot of visits I feel less and less confused. 

I hope to stay there and live that new, higher level life. We’ll see how it goes.  

If I see that it’s working I might create videos as it’s so fun to share original, conscious, positive, fresh thoughts that arise from a higher level of consciousness. 

If it works I will be maximally happy, as then, it turns out that I don’t need to work towards enlightenment for many thousands of hours via meditation as I though, but it can be given just like so. 🙏🙏 What’s better than getting Heaven with no effort? 😁

No resistance. No thinking. Silence. Flow. Surrender. Let Love in.

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21 hours ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

The hypothesis:  

You can get enlightened to the highest level via divine substances, but you have to be there for long periods of time, I’m talking months, to callibrate, to soak it up, to make it your home, to learn how to live this new life, and then you can stay there.  

Your Hypothesis has already been tested.

Timothy Leary and Ram Das locked themselves in a mention and kept taking psychedelics for months on end.

No matter how high you get, you always come down. 

Read more here:

21 hours ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

The last time I did lsd I stayed in an enlightened or an almost enlightened state for 3-4 days. No sleep, little food, only beauty, love, perfection. No side effects after. I did have to live a life where I follow what my intuition says I need to do to stay there. Spent nights in nature. Was amazing and beautiful.

You can't get enlightened through a substance or a method. Only through Grace after the ultimate surrender. 

Best of luck.  

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