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Hero in progress

Your Human Self Is Consciousness, Consciousness Is In The Absolute

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The human self is consciousness.

Consciousness is in the absolute.

The absolute is.

Now this may seem confusing, but I would like you to consider that there is no difference between the 3.

These are only distinctions that I have made. But really the self, consciousness, and the absolute are not separate. There is no separation at all. But all experience is composed of distinctions, which gives the experience of separate "things" distinct from one another. This way there is a diverse world, of relativity. The play of opposites. Good~bad, big~small, light~ dark, love~ hate, pain~ pleasure.

Just imagine that before there was  anything there was nothing. No- thing- ness. 

No quality, no sound, no sight ect. Just timeless nothing.

Now imagine that you are currently inside this timeless nothing. And everything you perceive around you is floating in this. Right now. 

The 5 apertures (Doorways) into this realm we can call objective experience, composed of sight, sound, touch, smell, and audio phenomena. Obviously.

And also we have the "mind" which is immaterial words & images (concepts) 

All of experience is objective, meaning it can be grasped is some way, held onto, or known in someway or other.

So the one that experiences, is the subject. The subject is the timeless nothing. It can't be objectively grasped or held because its not a object or "thing" this is one of the biggest obstacles to understand because the mind will try desperately To grasp it, and it can't. it just can't. There is no grabbing onto it, there's nothing to grab. You can only be it. You already are in fact. but the whole thing of enlightenment is to consciously be it.

Become a empty vessel, and it will be obvious. You can't lose it, it is you.

Consciousness is infinite

But the absolute is the infinitude of infinity.

The deeper you go, the wider it gets. Don't be afraid, fear comes from personhood, but infinity is not afraid, because its nothing. Its invincible. This may be one of the reasons that there is inherent peace in your true nature. Because it is literally Immortal, indestructible. And once the ego fully melts away there won't be anyone to be afraid.

So think about that.



Edited by Hero in progress

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