
Aren't women more conscious than men ?

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54 minutes ago, Jannes said:

The most intelligent women I know has asperger syndrome. Dont know if they are necessarily more conscious though. 

That sounds reasonable

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22 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

《For more individual personality traits, such as creativity or a tendency toward the rational rather than the intuitive, there has been little or no evidence supporting a residence in one area of the brain. In fact, if you performed a CT scan, MRI scan, or even an autopsy on the brain of a mathematician and compared it to the brain of an artist, it's unlikely you'd find much difference. And if you did the same for 1,000 mathematicians and artists, it's unlikely that any clear pattern of difference in brain structure would emerge.》

Did some googling and it does look like a myth but then the researcher I quoted was full of crap, in the guardian, wtf 

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Can a donkey appreciate that humans are more conscious? Probably not. 

Therefore if women are more conscious than men, men might not even be aware of it, nor appreciate the implications of it. 

On the other hand, maybe men are more conscious and women don't realize it. 

Or another option could be men and women are roughly equal. 

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1 hour ago, Sugarcoat said:

Who do you consider most conscious? Do you mean mystics?

Yo yo

Yes i meant mystics indeed, also gurus, personal development coach, politicians, psychoanalysts etcetc.

I suppose that it's because :

1)There is more pressure on men to be competitive, wanting being more conscious is lowkey, as you like say eheh, a strategy to gain power ; Spirituality in general is a strategy to obtain power even if it's in deny. 

2)Because of testosterone exposure, men's brain responds less well to the external environment so anxiety moves to holons with a smaller surface area (less stressful in absolute terms) but also therefore greater depth (politics, spirituality, mathematics, etc.) 

1 hour ago, Sugarcoat said:

why aspie

Because of obsessive tendencies and lake of social considerations.  

Edited by Schizophonia

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@enchanted Or it's a stupid useless dichotomy for the sole sake of petty ego games.

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6 minutes ago, Loveeee said:

Did some googling and it does look like a myth but then the researcher I quoted was full of crap, in the guardian, wtf 

Weird, no way scientists would ever disagree or be wrong about anything, they're experts after all.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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38 minutes ago, Loveeee said:


Also isn't it you that once said men are autistic versions of women ? In a video 

That's false.

Autistic men have both exaggerated feminin and masculin tendancies.

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1 hour ago, Loveeee said:

《 If you look at functional studies, the left of the brain is more for logical thinking, the right of the brain is for more intuitive thinking. So if there's a task that involves doing both of those things, it would seem that women are hardwired to do those better 》

Also isn't it you that once said men are autistic versions of women ? In a video 

That is poor evidence and jumping to huge conclusions. Those studies say nothing about higher consciousness.

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10 hours ago, enchanted said:

Aren't men and women equal?

This is a question worth questioning.

Lungs and kidneys are both equal that without them you die. But, they are asymmetrical. 

Stage green fantasy of equal outcome is a big error.

Edited by Thought Art

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1 hour ago, Schizophonia said:

Autistic men have both exaggerated feminin and masculin tendancies.

Could you elaborate?

I would like to dig further, so if you could point me to some source I'll be happy to go carefully through it.

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4 hours ago, Sandhu said:

Women are just more kind/soft hearted than man. Don't confuse personality traits with development.

Women can show stage green qualities more heavily than man, but in a naive way. SD isn't good enough for understanding women psychological development.

Wow, that is a dangerous thing to believe.  Women manifest their shadows in less obvious ways than men.  Here is an analogy I used in the past:

Rape and murder:  Women are less likely to rape because it takes strength and a working model to derive any benefit.  Many women will kill for money, possessions, envy, etc.  It is the biological separation of needs between males and females.  And women are much more adept at psychological manipulation in the average case because of social conditioning.  The contexts are different in the way the sexes do it.  Spend a little time with your shadow and you will begin to recognize the existing differences.


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1 hour ago, Schizophonia said:

Yo yo

Yes i meant mystics indeed, also gurus, personal development coach, politicians, psychoanalysts etcetc.

I suppose that it's because :

1)There is more pressure on men to be competitive, wanting being more conscious is lowkey, as you like say eheh, a strategy to gain power ; Spirituality in general is a strategy to obtain power even if it's in deny. 

2)Because of testosterone exposure, men's brain responds less well to the external environment so anxiety moves to holons with a smaller surface area (less stressful in absolute terms) but also therefore greater depth (politics, spirituality, mathematics, etc.) 

Because of obsessive tendencies and lake of social considerations.  

Ok I see

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You don't need to rape and murder when you give birth to the rapists and murderers.

A woman is like the necromancer class in Diablo, using minions to do all her killing xD

Edited by Leo Gura

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This is just anegdotal experience:

Feminine seems to develop more organically. Slowly. They intuit to ground it in the body, they know the importance of trauma work, of movement. Better at wet, intimate, deep work.

Masculine is better at piercing through. Deconstructing, ascending. Progress seems to be faster.and more radical but often trauma work, emotions, body is neglected. 

The key is to balance both.


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2 hours ago, Davino said:

Could you elaborate?

Asperger (men, even if it apply on women too ofc) tend to be more anxious, so they will be more obsessive on certain subjects (because they unconsciously think it's somehow primordial),be more egoistic (because the anxiety is too moved toward self-image and anything that unconsciously involves the survival of the self rather than being moved toward external objects) and submissive. For the fun anecdote, i had an aspie friend at high school who joked about how he prefer being in "total submission" in case of conflict lmao, he had more self-deprecating than me.  

They may seem more "grounded" than average but that's just a defense against anxiety, all the aspies i've seen are actually sensitive, day dream about love and anything that boosts self esteam in general.

Men are "grounded" because they don't perceive so much anxiety, or learned to diminish its perception by experience, not because they cope by managing to hide it (freeze/flight), it's very different. That's why masculine man are combative and social, that apies men are not really most of the time.

Asperger syndrome is a mix between a genetic terrain and obsessive neurosis traits.

2 hours ago, Davino said:

I would like to dig further, so if you could point me to some source I'll be happy to go carefully through it.

I read text or watch videos about Freud and Lacan theories.

Jung is excellent too, but for others ideas.

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You don't need to rape and murder when you give birth to the rapists and murderers.

A woman is like the necromancer class in Diablo, using minions to do all her killing xD

lol...Amen, I agree, of course.

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On 10/18/2024 at 2:00 PM, Leo Gura said:

Where is the evidence?


On 10/18/2024 at 3:29 PM, Breakingthewall said:

Women are more attached to the social thing because their genetic evolution, and this is a disadvantage in spirituality 

7000 females and 26000 males are on this forum (numbers might be misleading, still...). Why? If population of both genders is almost the same?  

I think females are NOT more conscious than males because they are more focused on relationships/family/society. And they probably confine themselves or they have different biology. 

But females are better in humanity/goodness score. Also females are physically softer so they are less likely  to be hooligans or thugs. 

They don't develop because they are not challenged intellectually,  because our society has fixed roles for them (baby care, homemaking, cooking, beauty/makeup 💄/sex). 

NOT talking about the EXCEPTIONS. In general this happens. 


Edited by Genius100x

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Women are more socially harmonious in my opinion but the majority of philosophers and great thinkers throughout history have been men. I don't think that is evidence of men being smarter or more conscious than women in of itself but it think that women derive more from connection than men do and therefor are on average less motivated by the significance of reality itself.

For example Teal Swan appeals mostly to women and crystal feminists and her content is largely about connection and feelings. Not so much why something is, but maybe I'm conflating understanding with consciousness in an erroneous way.

Just spitballing.

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Enlightenment is a sort of metaphysical castration of your balls (pride, arrogance, ego) in a way. So it's easier for women because they don't have them. 

At the same time you need to have balls to dare to climb the highest peaks. To be willing to drop everything for something otherworldly. And women struggle with that more I believe

It's all about balls in the end. 

Edited by Salvijus

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3 hours ago, Salvijus said:

Enlightenment is a sort of metaphysical castration of your balls (pride, arrogance, ego) in a way. So it's easier for women because they don't have them.

There are plenty of enlightened people well inserted in duality, my own mentor has fun with his clairvoyance siddhis.



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