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You Know ...

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Recently I was puzzled by the fact that dreams and reality have no real differences.

It's all the same, except that reality "seems" to be our main dream.
Everything in a dream appears as normal and real as reality, the only real difference is the time allocated to the dreams.

Reality also appears more real because we identify way more with our character, since reality seems longer than dreams, the sense of self is more opaque.

If you've already started to drop the identification of your sense of self, you've started to notice, when you're still, that what you look at is as real as in any dream.
If you look at a tree, and if you don't labelize it, you start to feel that the tree has some sort of "soul".
In a dream, everything has this sort of "soul" energy, everything seems alive, radiant and beautiful, and you often switch perspective and characters (sometimes you don't even play a character).

Feelings and emotions are as real in a dream than in reality too, you can be sad, happy, have a broken leg or have your arm cut off.
There is no limit to it, and since that you're (usually) not aware of your mortality in a dream, you do things you wouldn't in reality, you just experience what the dream as to offer without any limitation.
Dreams that are very far fetched aside (obvious magic and such), every dream you have is just like reality, except you play an another character and that your sense of self is never there.

Does that makes the dream less interesting ?
Does it make the dream boring ?
Or does it makes you more alive, joyful and adventurous ?

The answers are no/no/yes, right ?

With that in mind, what proofs do we have that dreams aren't real ?
What proof do we have that this reality is more real ?

The proof we think we have, is that we firmly believe that our sense of self is solid.
We have a past, a future, and we think that we will die, so reality is REAL, RIGHT ?!

But what if all that was not true ?

In any dream, you have this sense of not really existing, but still existing, you just don't think of the past and the future, you just experience what's there, you just are ...

Do you remember what it was like to be a child ? Wasn't it the same feeling as in a dream ?

It was ...

There was no past, no future, there was only now, there was only this moment.

Everything was magical, AS IN A DREAM !

You were just pure presence, experiencing life without any assumptions and desires, you just wanted to have fun, to share your happiness with others, and you loved deeply anyone and anything that was close to you, as if they were a part of you ...

There was no point to do anything, but we were doing it anyway, there was this ecstasy, this joy, of being there, together ...


You do remember, DON'T YOU ?!

Remember it, even if just for a second ...

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Shin, interesting thread.

In the beginning (new born) we were really experiencing the truth of this reality. Then as the mind started to fabricate meaningfulness to everything we sensed, the truth started to get hidden by cover stories (veils).

For example. When we hear something, our cover stories immediately present themselves as to what those particular sound waves represent. We no longer experience just the sound waves - without interpretation. The sound waves, in this realm, are not just facts, but true. Our interpretations are purely interpretations, and not necessarily revealing the truth, that they are just sound waves.

Like you pointed out. Our so called perceived reality is purely a fabrication by our own mind.

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