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Eternal Return:where is my past ?

1 post in this topic

I have great memories that make me smile whenever I remember them my first kiss first lay first sexual intercourse.. and when some random bodyguard saved me from drowning in the sea ..some football matches that I really enjoy and still watch them on trip to the US in my 18th first earned salary etc 

I wonder..where did those experiences "go"?

I've read recently about the Ackashic recorders and also the eternal return by Nietzsche ..I knew the idea before but is it just a fantasy ? Is it possible to invent a time machine that allows us to travel back in time ? If everything is stored in an  infinite Zip file as Leo said in his infinity video then does that mean my past exists right now in some potential state (since its obviously not being experienced by me right this moment) ?

What are your thoughts guys ..on time travel ..the past ..time machine..eternal return etc?

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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