Princess Arabia

How Manifestation Really Works

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Please don't get hung up on the terms, words, labels and what they should be called. Concentrate on the underlying message and what I'm trying to point to.

There's only One. God/Absolute/The All etc.. It's Infinite. We are all expressions of that. There are levels to existence:

7. The Absolute/God/The All/The One Consciousness /The One Awareness/The All knowing/Existence itself. There is no other. 

6. The manifestation of #7. The I AM/Your I AM Awareness of BEING. Being aware of Yourself as that one Reality. The Absolute's expression

5. Your I AM identity. The All in physical expression. Whatever you say I AM. This is where the Law of Assumption comes in. Whatever you assume yourself to be.

4. What you assume about yourself and the world. 4 and 5 are ideas/assumptions.

3, 2 &1 goes together. Thoughts, feelings and emotions. Thoughts and feelings combined, creates the emotions. These are not reality and have no source. We get caught up in them believing they are Reality but they're not. We're trying to control these and get caught up in the vicious cycle. This is not where creation is. It's at levels 4 - 7.

The one energy source that permeates everything is the I AM. The I AM is nothing but that ONE EMOTION. There's only one emotion and the rest are sensations of that one emotion. The emotions you feel are filters of that one source. They are not reality but expressions of reality.

When you feel an emotion that is uncomfortable or "negative", it's an emotion being filtered from who you truly are and is not true of your true identity otherwise it wouldn't feel like that. Something that is not a fundamental truth does not feel good. That one emotion, the I AM is being expressed through you as love, gratitude joy, freedom and bliss, etc. These are elevated emotions that are true to the ALL. You are already all that. It's a state of being. 

Your personalized physical expression of the All in you is expressed as a result of your assumptions about yourself and the world. Everything else that you see in the 3D world is like the show, the circus, chaotic and out of control - so it seems. These are also expressions of your identity but they are not reality only ideas and expressions of the true reality.

Now, we try to create from these ideas of reality by trying to cope, trying to change them and trying to deal with the circumstances of this non-reality. This is very tiring and only creates anxiety, depression anger and resentment. This part of reality is like the weeds and remnants and is not relevant as far as creation goes and what experiences we have. There's no emotional stability in the weeds and circus where things are always changing (emotions, thoughts and feelings). Trying to change our thoughts and feelings is an indication that we believe those are reality and we get caught up in the cycle. Never feeling fulfilled. 

One has to be at levels 5,6,7, knowing you are already that. Trying to change your feelings which are not permanent doesn't do anything. You have to know you're worthy safe and loved. You will never feel those upper emotions from the level of trying to change things in the weed. It comes from KNOWING who you truly are. The thoughts and feelings keep you trapped, they make you feel unfulfilled and needing to do something about them. If you already know who you truly are and have formed assumptions based from that, even if thoughts, feelings and emotions overtake you, you will not identify with them because you know they are fleeting and changing and does not matter. All that matters is that you stay at the higher levels where true creations take place and stay there.

This video explains my post. I'm not writing this post because of what I believe this man is saying. It's from being in the field for a few years, absorbing everything from every angle, from every experience to every insight, to what every guru says, to every notion of no self, to every thing Leo teaches, to every one that says there's no you and that its all illusory to every comment to every thread to every whatever. It all boils down to God Realization and how you use that for earthly manifestation and how to do it properly. There's nothing in the 3D world to change to get your desired reality. We have to stay with the identity of the one true reality and ignore everything else and allow that reality to work through you to bring forth it's expression.



What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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What i see is that any feeling or thought that is not openess is something that is creating the self. It's the same good or bad, for example being in love is "good" but is creating the self, because implies possession. Only the total openess is the real thing, and the total openess is an homogeneous feeling, you feel it for everything, but the people is close and it's difficult to communicate with them, only few are open, with an empty mind. Empty not is the sense of silent , but without emotional charge. Any emotional charge about anything is closeness, it's grabbing an handle that keep us prisoner. The emotional charge is what creates the self, and the self is the separation. The change from being in the self, trapped in the emotional, or being open, absolutely free, is something that happens in a Instant. In moment you are open and you are totally out of the psyche, of the emotional, the good and bad. You are absolutely simple, just open, nothing more. But it's easy to fall again in the self mode, because almost everybody is in that mode. The relationship with the others is what makes you get in the self mode because are those relationship what created the self, then you have to be able to be absolutely open with the others to prevent that they close you

Edited by Breakingthewall

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1 minute ago, Breakingthewall said:

What i see is that any feeling or thought that is not openess is something that is creating the self. It's the same good or bad, for example being in love is "good" but is creating the self, because implies possession. Only the total openess is the real thing, and the total openess is an homogeneous feeling, you feel it for everything, but the people is close and it's very difficult to communicate with that, only few are open, with an empty mind. Empty not is the sense of silent , but without emotional charge. Any emotional charge about anything is closeness, it's grabbing an handle that keep us prisoner. The emotional charge is what creates the self, and the self is the separation. The change from be in the self, trapped in the emotional, or be open, absolutely free, is something that happens in a Instant. In moment you are open and you are totally out of the psyche, of the emotional, the good and bad. You are absolutely simple, just open, nothing more. But it's easy to fall again in the self mode, because almost everybody is in that mode. The relationship with the others is what makes you get in the self mode because are those relationship what created the self, then you have to be able to be absolutely open with the others to prevent that they close you

You are not realizing that this here is all illusory and all thought. What posted is how as existence and the one true reality one can make things "magically" seem to appear in all this mirage and appearance. This is not a post on how to become what you already are, but how to manifest expressions of that one Reality to seemingly appear within the illusion. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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9 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

You are not realizing that this here is all illusory and all thought. What posted is how as existence and the one true reality one can make things "magically" seem to appear in all this mirage and appearance. This is not a post on how to become what you already are, but how to manifest expressions of that one Reality to seemingly appear within the illusion. 

There is something absolutely real, the existence. What appears in existence is the same, but if you are open to the existence there is not doubt that it's real. What is illusion is the emotions, the thoughts, the mental world that we create, that must dissapear. The only thing that is real is the existence, that is the absolute. You could be open to that full time, it's like have your heart open, your mind open, then the reality is clear, obvious.

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11 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

There is something absolutely real, the existence. What appears in existence is the same, but if you are open to the existence there is not doubt that it's real. What is illusion is the emotions, the thoughts, the mental world that we create, that must dissapear. The only thing that is real is the existence, that is the absolute. You could be open to that full time, it's like have your heart open, your mind open, then the reality is clear, obvious.

It's already open. Reality is already clear to me. It's what's the case.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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6 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

It's already open. Reality is already clear to me. It's what's the case.

Then you understand the difference between open and close. If there is mental world with emotional charge, you are closed, I don't mean the world that we imagine, the earth and that, I mean your mental history, seeing yourself as a timeline . If you don't see yourself as a timeline, if you have no past , not history with emotional charge, and no future, nothing about you that is running in your mind about your future, just the now, and in the now the only emotion that is happening is openess, then you are open . I didn't say that you aren't, I said that if you are the thing of the mental bubble is obvious

Edited by Breakingthewall

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1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:

The Absolute/God/The All/The One Consciousness /The One Awareness/The All knowing/Existence itself. There is no other. 

6. The manifestation of #7. The I AM/Your I AM Awareness of BEING. Being aware of Yourself as that one Reality. The Absolute's expression

5. Your I AM identity. The All in physical expression. Whatever you say I AM. This is where the Law of Assumption comes in. Whatever you assume yourself to be.

4. What you assume about yourself and the world. 4 and 5 are ideas/assumptions

I was trying to understand but now I cant. Anyway, Do you see? You are trying to sharp your mind. In the other thread you said: it's all mental loop, no mind sharp, everything is the same, nothing exist...then?

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1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:

What posted is how as existence and the one true reality one can make things "magically" seem to appear in all this mirage and appearance

I don't think that reality make things, it's just a mirage that appears due the reflection of the reality in itself to the infinite power, something inevitable. There is not any god creating anything, no will, no intention. Just infinite reflection of the reality in itself. It's free and wild, nobody is at control . Anyway it's always wonderful because it's always the reality, that is, let's say, wonderful, absolute you, your heart open and in it everything is, the totality of existence 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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Anyone here considering that manifestation simply does not exist?

Stanislav Grov once made a comparison. Imagine you watch a movie, and you see a man (let's call him Luke) shoot another man. The man that has been shot starts to bleed, he goes to the ground. He winds himself in pain. Eventually he lies still on the ground and we as viewer of the movie believe that Luke,  the shooter, killed man no. 2.

But nothing like that has happened. The man that has been shot is alive. He's well. And Luke, our shooter, did nothing of consequence. get where I am going, right?


Edited by theleelajoker

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@Princess Arabia I can agree on Your Breakdown, there are for sure levels to Existence and Manifestation..

One question, where does Perception lye in the sequence, Perception does not only happen via our 5 senses, as ppl have intuitions about things and such "fuzzy" stuffs...

As well we have to consider Karma (Residual consequence of all the actions that have taken place in this life and maybe previous lives, action is in 4 areas, Body/Mind/Emotions/Energy, its causes and effect, every action ever happening has a residual effect), and/or Conditioning that happens within this Life via so many ways..

Its quite complex how we created and how we develop in life as time goes by, then there is Awareness, what is that and how does it happen too..


Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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1 hour ago, theleelajoker said:

Anyone here considering that manifestation simply does not exist?

Stanislav Grov once made a comparison. Imagine you watch a movie, and you see a man (let's call him Luke) shoot another man. The man that has been shot starts to bleed, he goes to the ground. He winds himself in pain. Eventually he lies still on the ground and we as viewer of the movie believe that Luke,  the shooter, killed man no. 2.

But nothing like that has happened. The man that has been shot is alive. He's well. And Luke, our shooter, did nothing of consequence. get where I am going, right?


Well this comes down to what is Real and what is not Real combined with the ability to Experience..  I say drop a 50lb brick on Your foot, tell Us how the Experience was and if it was real and that will answer Your question...

Analogies like Grov don't prove really anything, they are just intellectual conjuring's in a way, what we see in movies can affect us on Emotional and Mental levels, and the Brain does not know the difference btwn what is vividly imagined and something that really happened..So again the question of what is Real comes up.. In the End all You have is Subjectivity, none of Us have ever Experienced anything outside of Ourselves, all our senses are inward bound and experience within Yourself, just as Time (past or future) is only Experienced in this Moment, so in reality all that exists is this Moment, just like all that exists is Your Subjective Experience..

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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7 hours ago, Ishanga said:

Well this comes down to what is Real and what is not Real combined with the ability to Experience..  I say drop a 50lb brick on Your foot, tell Us how the Experience was and if it was real and that will answer Your question...

Analogies like Grov don't prove really anything, they are just intellectual conjuring's in a way, what we see in movies can affect us on Emotional and Mental levels, and the Brain does not know the difference btwn what is vividly imagined and something that really happened..So again the question of what is Real comes up.. In the End all You have is Subjectivity, none of Us have ever Experienced anything outside of Ourselves, all our senses are inward bound and experience within Yourself, just as Time (past or future) is only Experienced in this Moment, so in reality all that exists is this Moment, just like all that exists is Your Subjective Experience..

@IshangaHm my post is coming from a different perspective. It's about causality and the individuals ability to create specific manifestations by following a certain method.

  • The 50lb brick - this will hurt, I will scream and do everything to avoid the physical pain. It's real as hell. I don't want to go into the "not real all emptiness" discussion, I am quite tired of this.
  • What I mean is that "I" can come up with 1000+ explanations how I manifested the experience. How I can direct my experiences, how I can casually create this or that experience (Wealth, love, adventures etc.) - and maybe none of this is true? Several 1000 years of humanity, and every week there is a new video "how to really manifest, how to powerfully manifest, how not to manifest". I habe been influenced by such concepts as well, currently I am becoming more an more skeptic
  • Let's assume we put these people in the trenches of war in Ukraine, let their plane crash in the andes etc and then see if their manifestations techniques work.
  • Now you maybe rightfully ask what is the alternative? For me, simplicity has a certain charme.  Simiiar to Breakingthewall's "open and closed" it simply goes like that:
    • 1. Minimize your resistance to what it (open to experience, or closed to it).
    • 2. Experience and express (goes along with emotional charges that might be there)
    • 3. See what happens next
    • 4. Repeat
  • What's the difference now? I am not claiming to "manifest" anything, to create anything. I am just taking the ride that is offered. Maybe that's the only choice we have in life? To resist, or to not resist? To be open, or not to be open?

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1 hour ago, theleelajoker said:

@IshangaHm my post is coming from a different perspective. It's about causality and the individuals ability to create specific manifestations by following a certain method.

  • The 50lb brick - this will hurt, I will scream and do everything to avoid the physical pain. It's real as hell. I don't want to go into the "not real all emptiness" discussion, I am quite tired of this.
  • What I mean is that "I" can come up with 1000+ explanations how I manifested the experience. How I can direct my experiences, how I can casually create this or that experience (Wealth, love, adventures etc.) - and maybe none of this is true? Several 1000 years of humanity, and every week there is a new video "how to really manifest, how to powerfully manifest, how not to manifest". I habe been influenced by such concepts as well, currently I am becoming more an more skeptic
  • Let's assume we put these people in the trenches of war in Ukraine, let their plane crash in the andes etc and then see if their manifestations techniques work.
  • Now you maybe rightfully ask what is the alternative? For me, simplicity has a certain charme.  Simiiar to Breakingthewall's "open and closed" it simply goes like that:
    • 1. Minimize your resistance to what it (open to experience, or closed to it).
    • 2. Experience and express (goes along with emotional charges that might be there)
    • 3. See what happens next
    • 4. Repeat
  • What's the difference now? I am not claiming to "manifest" anything, to create anything. I am just taking the ride that is offered. Maybe that's the only choice we have in life? To resist, or to not resist? To be open, or not to be open?

Ok, this sounds good imo... When it comes to our interpretations of reality for sure we are  making up all kinds of conclusions, and their changing quite often threw out our lives, its like modern day science, first they see it is like this, then they change their minds or have a huge discovery and it blows their theories out of the water,  So I think it is wise not have too many conclusions about life and how things manifest and such, its way too complex anyways..

Really the only things we can do in life is Accept what is as it is, for me this is a stress stopper, there is no stress response when Your in Acceptance, but acceptance doesn't mean letting life rule You, or that You like it this way, it just means there is no resistance to what is.. The 2nd thing is Responding vs Reacting, when Your Reacting Your Compulsive, Responding is Consciousness, if You You only Respond to certain things (likes for eg), then Your cutting off Life Experience, so one has to Respond to what ever is happening equally, don't divide life up into Likes and Dislikes, just Respond to Everything with full Intensity and Awareness.

There is a thing in Indian Spirituality called Sanātana Dharma. its basically about Cosmic Will, certain things are set to be a certain way to allow things to exist, we function within that, we may be in a terrible situation, and we can't do anything about it, other than how we Respond to it and how we Accept it, that makes all the difference imo..

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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11 hours ago, Lyubov said:


Manifesting doesn't work, you need to try 50 different plans to find a working one

Manifesting mentality will make you physically sick and neurotic

Please try this for me, stop manifesting today, relieve yourself of this psychosis

Make a plan based on inklings and research of what works for you, it's likely multi-faceted like a well-balanced prism

A good, decent, working solution can unlock your happiness, peace and satisfaction 

Edited by LoseYourvelf

There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum — it's breathtaking... I suggest you try it.

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40 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

Ok, this sounds good imo... When it comes to our interpretations of reality for sure we are  making up all kinds of conclusions, and their changing quite often threw out our lives, its like modern day science, first they see it is like this, then they change their minds or have a huge discovery and it blows their theories out of the water,  So I think it is wise not have too many conclusions about life and how things manifest and such, its way too complex anyways..

Yes I agree


Really the only things we can do in life is Accept what is as it is, for me this is a stress stopper, there is no stress response when Your in Acceptance, but acceptance doesn't mean letting life rule You, or that You like it this way, it just means there is no resistance to what is.. The 2nd thing is Responding vs Reacting, when Your Reacting Your Compulsive, Responding is Consciousness, if You You only Respond to certain things (likes for eg), then Your cutting off Life Experience, so one has to Respond to what ever is happening equally, don't divide life up into Likes and Dislikes, just Respond to Everything with full Intensity and Awareness.



There is a thing in Indian Spirituality called Sanātana Dharma. its basically about Cosmic Will, certain things are set to be a certain way to allow things to exist, we function within that, we may be in a terrible situation, and we can't do anything about it, other than how we Respond to it and how we Accept it, that makes all the difference imo..

Yeah as soon as the resistance to "what is" goes, the "problem" disappears. Now it's simply an activity, an experience.  Of course, it's simple but not easy :D

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18 hours ago, Ishanga said:

As well we have to consider Karma (Residual consequence of all the actions that have taken place in this life and maybe previous lives, action is in 4 areas, Body/Mind/Emotions/Energy, its causes and effect, every action ever happening has a residual effect), and/or Conditioning that happens within this Life via so many ways..

I can't really touch on this karma thing as I don't think it really exists. I won't debate anyone on this, though, because it's my personal belief and it could well be the case. Also, different people have different definitions of it. My understanding is every moment is a new moment and every pebble thrown is the sea creates a different ripple effect. Meaning, one can change the course of their lives starting from now and doesn't matter what the past has shown. It only seems to appear that way because of how the mind relates to reality and sees it in a linear fashion and our belief that the past matters. It's a construct....just like karma, I believe. If one doesn't believe in karma, it doesn't exist for them. That's how I look at it because time doesn't really exist, and everything happens now. Just my take.

As far as perception, it's individual and how we see ourselves and the world is how we perceive it. Nothing is actually as it seems and that gives room for us to interpret life as we see fit.


Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Princess Arabia The channel you shared, which if I remember correctly, you first shared a few months ago, has been moving mountains! Thank you!

Edited by LifeEnjoyer

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3 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

I can't really touch on this karma thing as I don't think it really exists. I won't debate anyone on this, though, because it's my personal belief and it could well be the case. Also, different people have different definitions of it. My understanding is every moment is a new moment and every pebble thrown is the sea creates a different ripple effect. Meaning, one can change the course of their lives starting from now and doesn't matter what the past has shown. It only seems to appear that way because of how the mind relates to reality and sees it in a linear fashion and our belief that the past matters. It's a construct....just like karma, I believe. If one doesn't believe in karma, it doesn't exist for them. That's how I look at it because time doesn't really exist, and everything happens now. Just my take.

As far as perception, it's individual and how we see ourselves and the world is how we perceive it. Nothing is actually as it seems and that gives room for us to interpret life as we see fit.


Manifestation is Creation, for Creation to happen Karma (Action, Cause and Effect, Duality) has to be in play, all of us come with conditioning within Us, call it instincts or genetics, memory, its all a play of Karma.. How does any object keep its shape? Its karma, its the past coming alive in the Now.,, The NOW is the only thing that Exists, but its foundation comes from what happened in the previous Moment, so although the past does not exist it still have an affect on the NOW.. So Karma is responsible for all Creation, and for Us it makes Us who we are, personality, genes, what Your attracted too, all Your tendencies conscious and unconscious and such, its on deep levels and stored on many levels as well..

The Cure to Karma is too Live Now Absolutely, Accept Now Absolutely, be Blissful of Your Own Nature, when that is Your State of Being, then Karma will not affect You, Your beyond it in most ways, when the Energies catch up You may leave this Body/Mind complex and all Individuality, merge with Absolute, like a drop in the Ocean going back into the Ocean..

It not a matter of Believing it or not, its there, we have to deal with it, better to be Aware of it then not!

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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4 hours ago, LifeEnjoyer said:

@Princess Arabia The channel you shared, which if I remember correctly, you first shared a few months ago, has been moving mountains! Thank you!

You're welcome.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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