
Why Am I Not My Body?

30 posts in this topic

Why do you think you are?

It's nothing more than a temporary sensation, which disappears when you let go into consciousness (and when you sleep and leave the body).
And then there's the science, see my signature.

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40 minutes ago, Brivido said:

Why Am I Not My Body?

Are you your skin?  Your toenails?  Your hair?
Are you your fingers?  Your hands?  Your arms?
Are you your nose?  Your face?  Your head?

Are you your body?

Best to ask what you are not.

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Whatever you can perceive, can't be you.
Even your thoughts, especially the answers that your mind will feeds you.

So what are you ?


Edited by Shin

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1 hour ago, Brivido said:

In this video Ken Wilber explains why a person is not his body, but I can't understand what he means. Can someone explain it in a simpler and more direct way? Thank you.

Simply put, if you are aware, you are awareness.

The thing is you are aware that you are aware. To be aware of something means to know something experientially. 

This is experiential knowing that you are awareness. Because only awareness can be aware.

You are aware that you are aware, but are you aware that you are awareness? I'm talking to you, not the body. The body is a packet of sensations in your awareness.

This small recognition is so super powerful @Brivido 


Edited by Dodoster

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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1 hour ago, Shin said:

Whatever you can perceive, can't be you.

Thank you for your answer, can you elaborate on this? What is the logic behind your statement? 

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Just now, Brivido said:

Thank you for your answer, can you elaborate on this? What is the logic behind your statement? 

Logic won't help you if you go that road.

Simply put, the thing you are is what perceives everything, so it can't be something you can sense.

Just read and do what Leo says in the guide, it's all there, no one but you can help you with this.

God is love

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 Get guided to recognition that you are awareness. Go deeply into it.
As soon as you become aware that you are awareness, you basically are enlightened.

Edited by Dodoster

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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@Brivido You are the body, but the true nature of the body is consciousness, the true nature of consciousness is no-thing-ness. So the true nature of you is fundamentally  nothingness. The nature of nothingness is infinite. So we could say right now you are in a dream. Its up to you to wake up. 

~ rise & shine~ 

After a deep enough enlightenment it will make sense & you won't be identified with your body anymore.

Edited by Hero in progress

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17 minutes ago, Hero in progress said:

@Brivido You are the body, but the true nature of the body is consciousness, the true nature of consciousness is no-thing-ness. So the true nature of you is fundamentally  nothingness. The nature of nothingness is infinite. So we could say right now you are in a dream. Its up to you to wake up. 

~ rise & shine~ 

After a deep enough enlightenment it will make sense & you won't be identified with your body anymore.

He is not the body, this statement makes unnecessary identification with the object in awareness and brings unnecessary confusion to something simple. The body is a collection of sensations and functions which arise inside you. You are the consciousness, it's not that you are a person in consciousness.

The person is the Ego. If you, awareness become aware of the Ego, the Ego will be disproved in your own experience - this is how it dissolves. This is liberation. It's really so in our face. Liberation is super simple, it's who we are OMG?? Nobody else getting excited over this?? LOL

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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It's in our face, but we discredit it because it isn't a mindblowing experience.

Trap #1 of the seeker: Thinking that enlightenment is an experience.


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

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Just now, Shin said:

It's in our face, but we discredit it because it isn't a mindblowing experience.

Trap #1 of the seeker: Thinking that enlightenment is an experience.


Yes, that's why let's hammer this point home for anyone who has not yet grasped it.

The truth is here, if you know you are awareness, you know as much as you need to know on the level of words. There is no better pointer to the True Self than saying the pointer. I am awareness. This pointer is always true, because only awareness can be aware.

If something is true, you can say it without second guessing yourself. Because you know that it is true. You also know that it is true for absolutely everybody else too. Finding out that you are awareness is not the end of the story. It's the beginning of now.

If you don't know you are awareness, you are still awareness, but an awareness that is not aware that it is actually awareness, so this makes you unconscious of your true nature. It's pretty big and super simple at the same time.


Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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@Dodoster I understand your point, and yes you are right, you are not what you take yourself to be "person" 

And when the body dies you will continue, because you are not anything that you can be aware of. this is true as well.  

But your still the body as well, this is why you have the experience of being a body. Because although you are not an experience fundamentally, the fabric of reality is not separate from you. Thus one experiences having a body.

Its like when you go into space you have to put on a space suit, and when you come into this world you get a phenomenal body, to interact with a phenomenol world.

Its a paradox that will only make sense through direct consciousness.

There's a difference between "BEING" A body and being identified with the body 

Edited by Hero in progress

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1 minute ago, Hero in progress said:

@Dodoster I understand your point, and yes you are right, you are not what you take yourself to be "person" 

And when the body dies you will continue, because you are not anything that you can be aware of. this is true as well.  

But your still the body as well, this is why you have the experience of being a body. Because although you are not an experience fundamentally, the fabric of reality is not separate from you. Thus one experiences having a body.

Its like when you go into space you have to put on a space suit, and when you come into this world you get a phenomenal body, to interact with a phenomenol world.

Its a paradox that will only make sense through direct consciousness.

The thing is, you seem to be mixed up still.

I explained that I am not the body as well. Because I am experiencing a body does not mean that I am the body. Just because I am merged with experience and even Ego, doesn't mean that I am that. I am completely merged with it, but also completely untouched by it. 

If I can be aware of it, it is not me. Period. It may be made of me, but it's not me. So I am completely free and untouched by any of it. It can pretend and scream all it likes that it's me, but the jig is up. Ego has no way to survive now!!! GAME OVER!

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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19 minutes ago, Hero in progress said:

@Dodoster I understand your point, and yes you are right, you are not what you take yourself to be "person" 

And when the body dies you will continue, because you are not anything that you can be aware of. this is true as well.  

But your still the body as well, this is why you have the experience of being a body. Because although you are not an experience fundamentally, the fabric of reality is not separate from you. Thus one experiences having a body.

Its like when you go into space you have to put on a space suit, and when you come into this world you get a phenomenal body, to interact with a phenomenol world.

Its a paradox that will only make sense through direct consciousness.

There's a difference between "BEING" A body and being identified with the body 

But yes, as awareness it's really fun to explore this dream!!!! @Hero in progress

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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@Dodoster @Dodoster @Dodoster this may clear up some confusion as to why I said it  like that. This is from the book genuis of being ( peter Ralston) 

outside the distinction of being an internal self object the reason it seems like you're a body is that you are a body but existing as a body or the by-product of a body doesn't provide a consciousness of your true Nature. the central mistake made about the idea of not being a body is that you then tend to  experience yourself as a one inside or Elsewhere and then this becomes the non material object that implies you're something other than a body. here is where the belief arises that the self is a little man within or so or an entity or some other form of being a self object. this is not what I'm asserting when I suggest you're not any of it as far as your experience goes the only thing that you are is a body without it you don't show up or exist. if you entertain a fantasy that you're something else in another form perhaps immaterial, then you're just designating that as your body, because it is inconceivable to you that your true Nature is not an object or substance of any kind, you invent a distinction of an immaterial self object one that's not your body maybe you see yourself as "pure awareness" or the witness or some other notion of a real or source self, it may seem like this is a advance but you would actually be closer to the truth if you were to say I am nothing but a body. Your identification with objects may be necessary in living life, but this insistence you exist in some form, no matter however ethereal it maybe is an obstacle to becoming conscious of your true Nature.

even those who've Directly experienced their true Nature most often don't get this point because the mind will insist on formulating something to be known and this will inevitably become something, even though it is the "nothing thing" getting beyond this takes a much deeper enlightenment  about the real nature of reality and existence. I know this may not help much without the experience but it warns you of a mistake that pretty much everyone makes so as you pump out enlightenments like pez, be mindful of this inevitable trap. ~ peter Ralston.

This is why I tryed to stress this point home. :)


Edited by Hero in progress

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8 hours ago, Brivido said:

... Ken Wilber explains why a person is not his body, but I can't understand what he means. Can someone explain it in a simpler and more direct way?...

Hello Brivido.

A simple and direct answer is my avatar. But I have never met anybody who has seen a Being in a person before.

Put into explanatory words may just be a story to you. So maybe the following statements might strike a cord in you to find your own truth in this matter.

  • I am not here for my self.
  • The superficial "I" is just a fabricated story, by my mind, to make sense of itself.
  • The true "I" is spirit - the essence of what is true. And it has nothing to say about the self, for it is not true.
  • I am here to be true, and to live true.
  • My body is an organic mechanism for expressing truth, which is unconditional love.
  • This expression is to remind others to what is true.
  • Through letting go of my self, truth has space to move through my body to express itself. 


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11 hours ago, Shin said:

Thinking that enlightenment is an experience.

This is another statement that I have never understood, if it is not an experience then what is it? Everything around us is an experience, a perception. How can someone "experience" enlightenment, if it is not an experience? 

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1 minute ago, Brivido said:

This is another statement that I have never understood, if it is not an experience then what is it? Everything around us is an experience, a perception. How can someone "experience" enlightenment, if it is not an experience? 

You don't experience enlightenment, you are enlightenment

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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25 minutes ago, Brivido said:

This is another statement that I have never understood, if it is not an experience then what is it? Everything around us is an experience, a perception. How can someone "experience" enlightenment, if it is not an experience? 

Listen at the cutie.

Edited by Shin

God is love

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