
Leo’s overuse of spiral dynamics

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The whole point of Spiral Dynamics is to see the ranges with the help of the model and then integrating it so much that you don’t need the model to see it. That is the point of any map or model: to understand that the map is not the territory. So in that sense there is nothing wrong with Spiral Dynamics. You are just using it in the wrong way. 

Edited by AION

Wanderer who has become king 


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My suggestion is to learn Spiral Dynamics, and then set aside. Without a strong grounding in other modes of inquiry, it's very easy to use SD as a form of epistemological and sociological bypassing.

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at :

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10 minutes ago, AION said:

You are just using it in the wrong way. 

You're just holding it wrong xD

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I reached coral but I can't go beyond green in my daily ego trip.

I just have to admit I had to go back at the center of where we are. 

No way to communicate without bridge.

100% of my survival was handled by society and family + I was suicidal for Truth.

I burned a lot of step but not everyone need to have sex with 100 woman's to understand the benefit of marriage.

Some people are just born more intelligent never forget that. 

All my situation is pure genetic inheritance and so much luck that it's accurate to say I won the lottery of consciousness level.

I m way more conscious than leo but I still find this place funny once in a while. 

Remember you can't get your way out of consciousness. Some people are just born better in it. 

No amount of training will replace genetic. 

But the good news is. It really don't matter you wish to not be conscious after all. 

Everyone got his own gift and life will fuck everyone so don't be jealous.


Edited by AerisVahnEphelia

nowhere in the bio  @VahnAeris 

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Expand beyond, while including spiral dynamics into integral meta theory. 

It’s funny, I was listening to an audiobook a coworker had in in the truck. It was describing a native tribe and described stage red exactly. Of course, they weren’t taking about stage red, but they were stage red so they fit that description. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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9 hours ago, RightHand said:

Never bypass the hippie stage 😎

I feel like green stage takes at least 5 years to go through, that's where you build solid inner game.

Some people make a house in this bridge and never cross it. They become the torch holders of Green for whole life. 

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I would treat SD like you would a map. I think Leo also said this in his SD Video series that "knowing SD is like the difference between operating in the world with a map vs without one". Therefore, it's just silly to criticize a map for being a "limited lens" - of course it's limited, that's the whole point! It's still highly useful. Just because your map of the city doesn't have all the exact buildings and statues on them doesn't mean you can't use it to navigate the city. Do not expect a model to do something it is simply not designed to do. The map is not the territory. 


7 hours ago, Sincerity said:

You can probably count on one hand the number of turquoise individuals here. I don't know who they are, I don't have anyone particular in my mind, but I am sure as hell this number is very low. The number of yellow people here is larger of course, but also still not THAT substantial.

This is an utter joke. I will never understand how people overestimate themselves so much, thinking they have reached their peaks. I, after starting self-development work in my youth and doing it for 8 years now, having had some mystical experiences and all that stuff, would consider myself green-orange AT BEST. And this is not because I'm slow, this growth rate is good and normal and I'm just not deluding myself about my actual stage.

And people who talk about CORAL should have their mouths shut with permanent glue. No one here has the slighest idea what coral actually entails (including me ofc).

Also agree with this 100 percent. The idea that anybody watches Leo's content and dabbles a bit in spirituality now means they are solidly in tier two is laughable. This is just peak self-deception. 

Edited by HelluvaGuy

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11 hours ago, RightHand said:

Never bypass the hippie stage 😎

I feel like green stage takes at least 5 years to go through, that's where you build solid inner game.

Is that where you’re at?

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11 hours ago, OmniNaut said:

@MajedAnd this is why Ken Wilber pointed out the difference between Waking up and Growing up. (Next to cleaning up and showing up).

Spiral Dynamics is a model that is used for Growing up not Waking up. You have awoken yourself (if I believe it to be true), but that doesn't mean you're in Turquoise my friend. You can be awake in different SD stages, blue, orange, green, yellow, turquoise. If I do the math that means your in your early 20's, 21 to 23 something like that. That is just the age between where the brain is still developing and fully developed. This is the age bracket especially for men they are over confident, lack experience and think they can take on the world.
Get some more life experience first, before claiming Turquoise. It will put things more in perspective.

Although it is true that we're seeing a increasing development in stages. Heck my 14 year old nephew is already deeply in orange, setting up a webshop and YouTube channel. Claiming to be Turquoise at your age, is not impossible but a big stretch, and reading your posts don't convince me to think otherwise.

Maybe we need to introduce a new distinction here, Turquoise kiddies, for people who have (claimed) to woken up but still are in a lower SD development stage. 

To be honest, I think Leo is in part to blame for this mix up that we see now between waking up and growing up. SD strictly speaking is not about awakening or enlightenment. Although in his (pulled) Turquoise video he touches upon this, the rest of his video and comments on the forum are mixed between growing up and waking up when talking about Turquoise. So I'm not surprised about the confusion that arises with this colour.

Well the whole problem is you are a blend of everything.   Just because you act blue in one regard today doesn't mean you are Absolutely blue.  You may have become a mystic which is part of what Turquoise is as I understand it.  So if he has awakened he now has a foot in turquoise.   But the model bases what you are by the level of your mind's development.  The issue is you may act a certain way even though your mind may know better or is more developed.   In other words you are not demonstrating tier  2 qualities even though you know what tier 2 should do.  Does this make you tier 1?  Maybe.  But whose to say tier 2 needs to act like tier 2?  You see The model starts to break down because it deals in Absolutes when the world of form is 100 percent relative.   There are no Absolutes.  So when you see this SD crumbles.  

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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3 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Well the whole problem is you are a blend of everything. 


(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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Doing acid at Burning Man a couple months ago felt like reaching into some high SD stage -- reality became a dynamically generated eternal now manifesting directly from my thoughts, or blurring the lines between "my" thoughts and just psychically absorbing into the thought space around me. I.e. did I really manifest that neon elephant art car, or did I psychically sense it a moment before subjectively becoming aware of the thought in my head?

It really was at levels of -- wave my hands and create exactly what I'm thinking about right out of the dust, on the fly, moment to moment. Hungry? A nearby group hands me a grilled cheese. Wanna dance? A dance floor materializes out of the dust just by turning my head. Feeling ecstatic? Someone suddenly appears next to me and gives me a hug.

But most of the time when I'm sober I'm still mostly stage Green, some stage Orange, even 5 years after learning about SD. I'm reaching towards Yellow but all the Yellow people I'm aware of are deep thinkers I can't meet in my daily life, and it seems that Yellow social structures don't exist yet, or maybe you can consider they exist on the internet only for now. 

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12 hours ago, Sincerity said:

And people who talk about CORAL should have their mouths shut with permanent glue.
No one here has the slighest idea what coral actually entails (including me ofc).

9 hours ago, Arthogaan said:

Hahaha. Blue stage hates green. But they all hate Glue stage.

5 hours ago, AerisVahnEphelia said:

Reached coral, but regressed to green. I survived thanks to others, wanted the truth.
Some people are just smarter, born luckier. I'm more aware than Leo, find this place funny.
You can't stop being aware. Training can't beat genetics. Everyone has a gift and life is unfair. Don't be jealous.

4 hours ago, HelluvaGuy said:

"knowing SD is like the difference between operating in the world with a map vs without one"

26 minutes ago, thedoorsareopen said:

Burning Man acid felt good. Reality blurred. Did I make the neon elephant art car, or did I sense it? I could make anything out of the dust. Hungry? A group gives me a grilled cheese. Dance? A dance floor appears. Happy? I'm hugged. I'm still green, even 5 years later. I want to be yellow, but all the yellow people I know are deep thinkers. There are no yellow social groups. 

@Sincerity Not with that attitude, you won't. :P
@Arthogaan Awakening to how everything is glued together in synchronicity is mindblowing!
@AerisVahnEphelia Genetics are just a past-life inheritance and life is growth by "personal" hardship.
@HelluvaGuy Maps are neat, but lacking them sharpens your perception in other ways.
@thedoorsareopen Who needs Yellow, when you made your first steps in becoming a Psychic? 😁

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤      Synergy     Your Fractal 💗 Heart     Hyper-Space !  𓂙 𓃦 𓂀

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5 hours ago, HelluvaGuy said:

I would treat SD like you would a map.

It's like a map of the world from 1600. So tread carefully. There be dragons crocodiles.

If you think that SD is Google Maps, then you're in trouble.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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57 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

And people who talk about CORAL should have their mouths shut with permanent glue.
No one here has the slighest idea what coral actually entails (including me ofc).

+1 ❤️

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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18 hours ago, Majed said:

I feel like leo overuse spiral dynamics. Like he milked this cow to death. It’s just a limited lens and way of looking at the world. There are millions of other ways to look at reality. Yet leo keep sacralizing it like it is the holy bible or something. 

spiral Dynamics fucked my brain up for 5 years... FIVE YEARS it took me to get unstuck on this model.



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lol excuse the absurdity - it is the holy bible - try Cook-Greuter Ego Development Theory  , or STAGES by Terri Ofallon

Happy to answer questions, can refer resources



Edited by KoryKat

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When Rust Cohle said "time is a flat circle," he was missing a dimension. The spiral is literally how you transcend that circle.

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God is a pretzel.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

God is a pretzel.

Make a new model with pretzels


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