Asia P

All meditation methods won't set you free

30 posts in this topic

18 minutes ago, Ayham said:

Yes you can be aware of awareness, or do self abiding without building up to good concentration or a calm mind, but it would be hard to maintain, something you only do during your session, and probably not as deep.

Calm the mind, then, do non dual practice such as self inquiry or being aware of awareness, then try to expand that to your day to day life.

You're right, I guess that is the typical flow of teaching for meditative practice. At least in Buddhism, where you're usually advised to develop samatha to a certain degree first. But for whatever reason, that can be more difficult for some, and better success can be found coming at it from a different angle. I'd include myself in that group.

18 minutes ago, Ayham said:

I can't speak about psychedelics because I have no direct experience yet.

You're certainly in for quite a treat if you get your hands on 5-MeO-DMT and use it responsibly and in a targeted manner towards spiritual advancement. For someone like you who seems aware of the various signposts of meditation, it's an amazing thing to see the ultra-high levels actually materialize and present themselves in your direct experience. It's like a temporary ride to the top of the mountain, with a compressed tour of the terrain along the way. It can be easier to return to a place you've already been.

Edited by What Am I

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1 minute ago, What Am I said:

You're right, I guess that is the typical flow of teaching for meditative practice. At least in Buddhism, where you're usually advised to develop samatha to a certain degree first. But for whatever reason, that can be more difficult for some, and better success can be found coming at it from a different angle. I'd include myself in that group.

You're certainly in for quite a treat if you get your hands on 5-MeO-DMT and use it responsibly and in a targeted manner towards spiritual advancement. For someone like you who seems aware of the various signposts along the way, it's an amazing thing to see the ultra-high levels actually materialize and present themselves in your direct experience. It's like a temporary ride to the top of the mountain, with a compressed tour of the terrain along the way. It can be easier to return to a place you've already been.

Yes, each person can be different, have you looked into Kriya yoga and pranayama type stuff? that can suit you more for calming rather than samatha

And yes I do look forward to experiencing 5 meo, and I like your description, I am stealing it :P 

I believe in the religion of Love
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6 minutes ago, Ayham said:

Yes, each person can be different, have you looked into Kriya yoga and pranayama type stuff? that can suit you more for calming rather than samatha

And yes I do look forward to experiencing 5 meo, and I like your description, I am stealing it :P 

I'm aware of both and have tried a few practices, but I've found that 5-MeO-DMT has performed the role of energetic enlivening and purification like nothing else I've ever experienced. If your consciousness is primed, this stuff can straight up activate kundalini and blow away entire portions of stuck identity that were previously lodged as stale energy. It's like it permanently leaves you with less of yourself and more of the raw awareness of reality.

Beyond psychedelic use, I do make an effort to continuously embody myself energetically. I find that I'm a dud at using the breath for any spiritual practice whatsoever, and I've been better off trying to use my attention directly while leaving my breath alone.

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2 hours ago, What Am I said:

I'm aware of both and have tried a few practices, but I've found that 5-MeO-DMT has performed the role of energetic enlivening and purification like nothing else I've ever experienced. If your consciousness is primed, this stuff can straight up activate kundalini and blow away entire portions of stuck identity that were previously lodged as stale energy. It's like it permanently leaves you with less of yourself and more of the raw awareness of reality.

Beyond psychedelic use, I do make an effort to continuously embody myself energetically. I find that I'm a dud at using the breath for any spiritual practice whatsoever, and I've been better off trying to use my attention directly while leaving my breath alone.

I see, good work!

I believe in the religion of Love
Whatever direction its caravans may take,
For love is my religion and my faith.

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3 hours ago, What Am I said:

I'm not sure if it's strictly necessary. Teachers like Adyashanti and Ken Wilber attempt pointing-out instructions that bypass the technique phase and move right to "awareness being aware of awareness", to get into the Goldilocks zone of effective awakening. Whether all students are capable of that without prior effort is a good question though.

As a side note, a psychedelic like 5-MeO-DMT is the perfect companion to this sort of practice. In a typical state of unconsciousness, it can be very difficult for awareness to break free and actively perceive itself. But using 5-MeO-DMT, once you've seen where you're supposed to be aiming, it becomes much more accessible, even when you're sober.

There's a problem with this I think, if one has no prior experience sober of an Awakening, or even intellectual knowing of it, then a 5 dmt  meo experience may be way too much for them too handle, just my research before I came to this forum and after being here for awhile shows that.

I think first one should go as far as they can within a certain time, like a year or two of serious Sadhana, then with that and the experience it gives (for sure a level of Awakening will happen) then they can start to dabble in psychedelics and see what happens, but don't rely on that stuff for absolute results, it won't give You that, its like looking over the fence and seeing Reality for what it is, but there is still that fence in the way, the only thing that will allow You to go over the fence is serious Sadhana for the vast majority of ppl, there are always those freaks out there that won't need it or need much at all!

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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52 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

There's a problem with this I think, if one has no prior experience sober of an Awakening, or even intellectual knowing of it, then a 5 dmt  meo experience may be way too much for them too handle, just my research before I came to this forum and after being here for awhile shows that.

I think first one should go as far as they can within a certain time, like a year or two of serious Sadhana, then with that and the experience it gives (for sure a level of Awakening will happen) then they can start to dabble in psychedelics and see what happens, but don't rely on that stuff for absolute results, it won't give You that, its like looking over the fence and seeing Reality for what it is, but there is still that fence in the way, the only thing that will allow You to go over the fence is serious Sadhana for the vast majority of ppl, there are always those freaks out there that won't need it or need much at all!

For sure, I agree with this as being a much more effective strategy. The vast majority of people would pick up a tool like 5-MeO-DMT and have no idea what to do with it, and indeed wouldn't even understand what it's capable of. There's a pretty decent chance of it causing more harm than good.

I'd already been aware of real spirituality for 17 years when I finally got my hands on it, during which time I'd had minor/moderate success in spiritual endeavors. So I feel like I was ready when the time finally came to take advantage of the gifts it provides.

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This is not just what this guy stands for or talks about. He also meditates but not to get somewhere as he totally enjoys it. You would have to be somewhat awaken to really appreciate this guy's channel. It's not for the egoic mind that's chasing enlightenment and believes it's a separate entity. This is why I don't share these small channels as much because some minds tend to like extravagance VS simplicity. Some minds believe it has to do something to attain freedom and to be liberated. These channels are not for those minds it's for the ones who already realize who they are and are trying to stay in that space, to live from that space. 

It's simple and doesn't engage in a lot of outside practices and fancy terms and processes which takes you away from the true self. This guy is the real deal but he will not be recognized as such because most people aren't there yet. They have to go through the endless seeking and endless processes and practices to realize that it will never end. I'm not speaking about the things we can learn like from Leo's channel or other spiritual  channels who goes in depth about the nature of consciousness and so on and about what is intelligence and so on. Just the basics of who we are and the nature of reality as to the illusory nature of it. Not identifying as a human without discarding the human essence is the way to go and will make things reveal themselves to you easier but most people insist on identifying as human and are worshipping false gods and idols saying they are needed to get to where they already know that they are and to show them what they already know that they are. It's the mind's way of keeping itself alive and kicking with all the self-deception and loops it carries on with and consciousness is unaware of itself in those cases. 

This guy is just a reminder and an inspiration to those who are aware of their true nature and has seen through the mind's deception and it will not become popular because most have not seen through that yet, hence gurus and practices galore.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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It seems clear to me that the following has happened.

The content creator has simply found a new style of meditation called non-directive meditation. Where in you practice letting whatever is be, rather than exercising any sense of control of your attention whilst meditating. Do nothing meditation method is not an uncommon practice.

So, in essence, he has just found a different type of meditation method that works for him. The irony is he is claiming that meditation methods won't set you free because he found a new meditation method that set him free.

A better title for his experience would be: Directive meditation methods won't see you free.

That said, the issue of being identified with the observer is a known weakness of mindfulness meditation. But the idea is that after a while the habit of meditating leads to the automatic watching of the watcher. 

Edited by Ulax


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35 minutes ago, Ulax said:

It seems clear to me that the following has happened.

The content creator has simply found a new style of meditation called non-directive meditation. Where in you practice letting whatever is be, rather than exercising any sense of control of your attention whilst meditating. Do nothing meditation method is not an uncommon practice.

So, in essence, he has just found a different type of meditation method that works for him. The irony is he is claiming that meditation methods won't set you free because he found a new meditation method that set him free.

A better title for his experience would be: Directive meditation methods won't see you free.

That said, the issue of being identified with the observer is a known weakness of mindfulness meditation. But the idea is that after a while the habit of meditating leads to the automatic watching of the watcher. 

good point

I believe in the religion of Love
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For love is my religion and my faith.

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All meditation means is to become familiar with. You are already meditating naturally.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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