
Entire Spirituality in one video. Just 14 minutes.

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1 hour ago, James123 said:

Why you are even questioning about what he did instead of focusing on what he said?

If his actions contradict his teachings, it raises doubts about how practical or genuine those teachings are. But I’m not looking for a big discussion, his talks were always amazing.

I will leave it there.

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4 minutes ago, shree said:

his talks were always amazing.

I love them too.

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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10 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

I'm not sure, you can meditate and be totally open to yourself a while but after you could enjoy of the external things. Really, nothing is external, everything is the reality

Realization is realization. Is not one day yes and the next one no.


Realization can never come from external circumstances. It is an Evolution, especially an End of the dream and duality, for ever.

You never come back after Realization. Never. It can not be lost.


You are failing in the same trap Leo fell with the God thing. I 'realize God' for 1 hour while doing 5-MeO and then 'I fall back to a normal state of consciouness'.

Not that you comes from 5-meo especially. I mean generally. The point is nothing external to you can ever give you awakening. 


Because the point of Awakening is Liberation from the outside, if you need any transaction with the outside to feel Good, Realization has not happened. Liberation and Freedom has not happened.

But again, I must be one of the few people here in this forum that stresses and repeats the word 'freedom'. So I´m a nut-case, a weird case, I´m ok with that. My path is a lonely one, not too many adepts. 

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4 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

But again, I must be one of the few people here in this forum that stresses and repeats the word 'freedom'. So I´m a nut-case, a weird case, I´m ok with that. My path is a lonely one, not too many adepts. 

You are the freedom brother, just forget the self. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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52 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

You are failing in the same trap Leo fell with the God thing. I 'realize God' for 1 hour while doing 5-MeO and then 'I fall back to a normal state of consciouness'.

I never talked about god, not even once, I'm absolute sure that god is just an idea. For me the thing is not a realization, is an openess. In a given moment all your mental barriers are dissolved and you are open to your true nature, the absolute reality. You can't think in it or remember it, it's a real thing, not an idea. Then, if the next day the barriers are up again, you are closed. You could conceptualize the openess, but you are still close. The only thing that you could do is try to be open again. Intelligence is needed to understand what closes, what are the mental barriers. It's a subtle thing. 


52 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Because the point of Awakening is Liberation from the outside

Not for me, for me the point is be open to the absolute unlimited. Outside or inside means nothing. 

As time progresses and openness becomes something more normal for you, you are all the time in a state of certain openness, you perceive yourself as existence and you do not fall into the traps of the self all the time, but this does not mean that If tomorrow they tell you that you have stage 3 melanoma, it doesn't matter to you. You are walking between two lands, one the absolute, the other the relative. You can shift from one to the other at any time. If you enter a dense mental loop, you will be in it, it does not matter if half an hour before you were completely open. The longer the time of opening, the more your psyche gets used to the mental frequency necessary to be open to the absolute, and the easier it is to be in it, but it is not something permanent that happens for a moment and you are always there. I guess that it's possible that in a given moment you are almost always open to the absolute. It's depends in certain extent in your focus. If you are interested in worldly things it's more difficult, but for me worldly things are interesting. Why not to enjoy them? There would be time to be a total mystic, or maybe no, it's not necessary. The thing for me is walk in a intermedium point. It's very challenging, like a game, you have to be subtle, sharp your understanding to the maximum. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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48 minutes ago, James123 said:

You are the freedom brother, just forget the self. 

The problem is that who wants to forget the self is the self. Difficult, it's like little by little file the bars of your prison, but you are the prison. At some point you realize that the act of filing makes the bars thicker. It is a difficult art, fine intuition is required

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10 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:
1 hour ago, James123 said:

the self. 

The problem is that who wants to forget the self is the self.

Not to forget, it is surrendering. Letting go. Because, self is holding. İt is hanging.

11 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Difficult, it's like little by little file the bars of your prison, but you are the prison. At some point you realize that the act of filing makes the bars thicker. It is a difficult art, fine intuition is required

That's why it is called the "Path".

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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1 hour ago, James123 said:

You are the freedom brother, just forget the self. 

Definetely, that´s the work 😂


1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

If you are interested in worldly things it's more difficult, but for me worldly things are interesting. Why not to enjoy them? There would be time to be a total mystic, or maybe no, it's not necessary. The thing for me is walk in a intermedium point. It's very challenging, like a game, you have to be subtle, sharp your understanding to the maximum. 




I never talked about god, not even once, I'm absolute sure that god is just an idea. For me the thing is not a realization, is an openess. In a given moment all your mental barriers are dissolved and you are open to your true nature, the absolute reality. You can't think in it or remember it, it's a real thing, not an idea. Then, if the next day the barriers are up again, you are closed. You could conceptualize the openess, but you are still close. The only thing that you could do is try to be open again. Intelligence is needed to understand what closes, what are the mental barriers. It's a subtle thing. 

I get that, I definetely not a mystic anyway if not i would have gone to an ashram, but is clear the only thing that closes openness is attachment to the limited.

And attachment because is based in the belief one will find anything worthwile in the limited.

The issue (or blessing) is that i have tasted at this point way too many times the sweetness of the unlimited, at this point is not just about openess, is literally Bliss, is an explosion, a total Win, a Victory, a Victory of Myself over everything

It feels so good when it happens, is so clear that nothing in reality is as worthwhile as that, because everything else is limited, is not me, only real me is worthwhile, but you have to see it clearly.

Once you see it you want more and more and more, you are not ok with settling with just a bit, you want to walk straight into that, no matter the cost. Because is so good. 

Edited by Javfly33

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12 hours ago, shree said:

Osho’s teachings about life having no purpose and living in the moment sound good, but there's a clear contradiction when you look at his own life. He often said we shouldn’t have goals and that everything is perfect as it is. But in reality, he built a large community of followers who took care of his every need.

If life really has no purpose, why did he work so hard to attract followers and turn them into sanyassins? Why create such a big movement if everything was already fine as it was? It’s easy to talk about having no goals when you have hundreds of people looking after you. This raises the question: were his actions really in line with what he was teaching, or was there a hidden purpose behind it all?




Don’t get me wrong. I've spent a big part of my life listening to Osho, and I deeply admire his work. I’ve experienced the sense of purposelessness enough times to understand his teachings on it. But I don’t see why we should talk about these absolute insights in the relative world, where they can sometimes do more harm than good.

It’s like teaching a child an Old Testament quote, "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil..." It just doesn’t fit in certain situations. Similarly, speaking about absolute concepts in a world where people are dealing with real, practical issues can feel disconnected or even harmful.

EVerything is in Levels, that is a FACT!  In the Absolute/God level/realm, there is no purpose, no meaning, no anything, its a place of No Thing or Shiva (That which is Not), it only has Potential and Possibility as its basic quality..

From that comes Us, here in basically the opposite sort of  Level or Realm, where Duality and Materialism rules, we as Human have the most Potential to recognize this for what it is and Experience beyond it, almost to the top level of the Absolute, to do go all the way we have to Disembody, but we can get very close while embodied and here living on this planet!

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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17 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

get that, I definetely not a mystic anyway if not i would have gone to an ashram, but is clear the only thing that closes openness is attachment to the limited.

19 hours ago, Javfly33 said:


I think that life is mystic. Ashram or anything is the same. And it's the same psychedelics and sober, the distinction between external and internal is mental, when you open yourself there is not external, psychedelic are internal, same than everything else. 

18 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

And attachment because is based in the belief one will find anything worthwile in the limited.

There are a lot of things great in the limited, like friendship, love, adventure, risk, fight ,sex, the blue sky and she open sea. 

18 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

The issue (or blessing) is that i have tasted at this point way too many times the sweetness of the unlimited

The point is taste the unlimited so many times until you see that the limited is unlimited. 

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25 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

I think that life is mystic. Ashram or anything is the same. And it's the same psychedelics and sober, the distinction between external and internal is mental, when you open yourself there is not external, psychedelic are internal, same than everything else. 

If everything is the same generate DMT or LSD expanded consciousness by snapping your fingers now. Can you do it? 

I think I understand what you are saying but in my opinion you are missing an important fact: Existence has rules, and for most people we have to play by this rules. 



The point is taste the unlimited so many times until you see that the limited is unlimited. 

That´s a word game. If you are unlimited and you drink a Coca-Cola, drinking a Coca-Cola means nothing, since you are already complete.

If you are limited and you drink a Coca-Cola, then you drink it to feel a bit unlimited. Same with cigarette, sex, adventure, friendship. Everything is being done because within is not already 'complete'.

This is what most humanity is doing, and thats why most humanity is lost in this game. 


There are a lot of things great in the limited, like friendship, love, adventure, risk, fight ,sex, the blue sky and she open sea. 

All of this examples are ways of feeling a bit 'Samadhi' but never truly work, today samadhi, tomorrow samsara, there are higuer possibilities than this. 

A good friend of mine once said: "Nothing in existence is free". Another way to say it is: "If you do transactions, Everything has a price".

So when we try to get to the unlimited by doing transactions with the outside, the price is bondage and entanglement. 

The normality is pursuing the unlimitation through the physical, the consequences we already know: Slavery and Defeat.

Spirituality comes to Liberate and make you Win in life.

Edited by Javfly33

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7 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

All of this examples are ways of feeling a bit 'Samadhi' but never truly work, today samadhi, tomorrow samsara, there are higuer possibilities than this. 

A good friend of mine once said: "Nothing in existence is free". Another way to say it is: "If you do transactions, Everything has a price".

All that is true if you are operating in a limited, separated way. If you are open, there is not external and internal, nothing has a price because that price would be part of the existence, everything is an expression of yourself as reality. It's the same meditating or talk with someone, everything is the infinity flowing in itself. 


10 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Spirituality comes to Liberate and make you Win in life.

Liberate from what? You still have to breath and eat, and have coats in winter and a place where sleep, the only that you would get is depending from less "external" things, but still there are, then, why not to have more? 

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As an example, the autobiographical book Storms of Steel. The guy spent 4 years in the First World War and he thought it was something sublime. He was in the Battle of the Somme, where on the first day there were 100,000 casualties, and it seemed like pure poetry to him. He was wounded 11 times, then became friends with Hoffman and became a pioneer of psychedelics, Junger, died at 103 years old.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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This conversation would look very different if we could see into each and every one of your guy’s bank accounts, love life, relationships, career, living situation. A bunch of kids wowed by juvenile ideals set forth by a guru who had a bunch of brainwashed minions paying his bills. Little of what he’s saying can reasonably be applied to any of your guys’ lives in the practical sense and even how it fits in with your own personal path towards transcending. Back to work people. Thread #10000000000 of the same exact conversation on this non duality / neo advita / guru crap take on transcendence. 

Edited by Lyubov

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8 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

guru who had a bunch of brainwashed minions paying his bills

Well, all revolutions were made more or less like this, and all had a role in human evolution. In humanity nothing ever happens without being surrounded by shit

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34 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

This conversation would look very different if we could see into each and every one of your guy’s bank accounts, love life, relationships, career, living situation. A bunch of kids wowed by juvenile ideals set forth by a guru who had a bunch of brainwashed minions paying his bills. Little of what he’s saying can reasonably be applied to any of your guys’ lives in the practical sense and even how it fits in with your own personal path towards transcending. Back to work people. Thread #10000000000 of the same exact conversation on this non duality / neo advita / guru crap take on transcendence. 

This is exactly what I thought to myself right before a piano fell on my head

Then I have musical piano key teeth like Tom from tom/jerry

Bing bang boom bop POW (i'm hit by jerry with a comically enormous hammer from behind FEELING the impact fully before each tooth drops out my mouth one-by-one in time to an off kilter jazz crescendo) 

Edited by LoseYourvelf

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32 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

This conversation would look very different if we could see into each and every one of your guy’s bank accounts, love life, relationships, career, living situation. A bunch of kids wowed by juvenile ideals set forth by a guru who had a bunch of brainwashed minions paying his bills. Little of what he’s saying can reasonably be applied to any of your guys’ lives in the practical sense and even how it fits in with your own personal path towards transcending. Back to work people. Thread #10000000000 of the same exact conversation on this non duality / neo advita / guru crap take on transcendence. 

lol. Let people have their fun. They're probably home sitting on the balcony watching the cool breeze while they're talking shit and having a grand ole time. Lol. You know how we do. Talk shit. Then we realize that we need a job to pay for the internet that allows for the talking of the shit. Lol you're reading the shit.


Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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30 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

lol. Let people have their fun. They're probably home sitting on the balcony watching the cool breeze while they're talking shit and having a grand ole time. Lol. You know how we do. Talk shit. Then we realize that we need a job to pay for the internet that allows for the talking of the shit. Lol you're reading the shit.


No way! we are sharpening our mind so that it cuts like a razor blade. Don't you hear how it sharpens? every moment a little sharper, until it can cut the reality

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43 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

lol. Let people have their fun. They're probably home sitting on the balcony watching the cool breeze while they're talking shit and having a grand ole time. Lol. You know how we do. Talk shit. Then we realize that we need a job to pay for the internet that allows for the talking of the shit. Lol you're reading the shit.


I posted before on here from the toilet xD

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50 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

I posted before on here from the toilet xD

lol. Great sense of humor. Love it.

Know thyself....

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