Spiritual Warfare

Is Social Media Ruining Relationships?

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27 minutes ago, Sandhu said:

Women cry to get support from their surroundings but men don't cry, they are capable of helping themselves.

All this you're talking about is just weasel deasel. I don't see women running around town crying and all men being able to help themselves. Some men are living in mommy basements and gf couches eating popcorn and playing play stations and some women are tough inside and don't depend on a soul for anything. Plenty of men everywhere dependent on others for support and plenty of women all over supporting themselves. We need to realize how we're just wrong in all our assumptions about how we think people are, including myself, so I'm not singling you out.

Women don't need to cry to get support from others, all she needs to do is ask. If men are capable of helping themselves so much we wouldn't see so many stories upon stories upon stories of men leeching off of women for support. Plenty of examples of everything all over the world.

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55 minutes ago, Sandhu said:

Nature has made men physically and mentally more tough ( Resilient and strong) than woman.

Resilience is unisex. You just haven't been around women from Third World Countries. They are the most resilient there is, especially from Haiti. Resilience is not an inherent trait, it is learnt, it's a skill. Both men and women can learn this equally. It doesn't take physical strength. You can be as physically weak as a mouse and still be resilient. Nature didn't make people resilient experience and being in a lot of hard times can make one learn how to bounce back easier than some no matter the sex.

Please Google the nature of resilience and you'll see what I'm speaking about. It's not a man's trait. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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15 hours ago, Spiritual Warfare said:

Why do women show themselves half-naked and seek attention from other men on social media? This seems normal in Europe, especially among 16-25-year-olds who try to take sexy photos even though they have a boyfriend. There is a girl on this forum who isn’t very active here, but I found her Instagram through Leo’s account. She has a boyfriend, and I think she has kids, but she still takes sexy photos to make other men excited. I feel like I need to write to her boyfriend about this because a man deserves a girlfriend who is loyal and doesn’t want other men to be excited by her photos.

Why do girls also feel the need to share on social media that they love their boyfriend? Why do people who don’t care need to know? What matters is that the boyfriend knows you love him; others online don’t need to know! Girls really seem to enjoy playing games with people’s feelings. They love attention and want to be at the center of it all. I don’t know how it is in the USA, but in Europe, this is the case, and anyone from there can confirm it.

@Spiritual Warfare Haven't you heard that phrase: "If you see something, say something" lol 

I'm just kidding though. 

Bro honestly you can't know her, and her life from such a limited angle. Who knows what her relationship is like with her boyfriend, or what her life is like for that matter. 

I would say, just use this as a reminder to turn inwards and focus on becoming a better version of yourself. 

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@Princess Arabia 

4 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Resilience is unisex. You just haven't been around women from Third World Countries. They are the most resilient there is, especially from Haiti. Resilience is not an inherent trait, it is learnt, it's a skill. Both men and women can learn this equally. It doesn't take physical strength. You can be as physically weak as a mouse and still be resilient. Nature didn't make people resilient experience and being in a lot of hard times can make one learn how to bounce back easier than some no matter the sex.

Please Google the nature of resilience and you'll see what I'm speaking about. It's not a man's trait. 

I wasn't talking about the situations of contemporary society and it's working. I was saying that at the base that's what genders are. It's a generalisation of course. But to get insights out of generalisation, you need a vast diverse experience of things. Back to the topic, from evolutionary point of view, that's what genders are. 

Women and men are built different but that's not to say that men are superior from an objective point of view. But in a masculine dominated world, masculine traits are celebrated more which lead to feminine feeling inferior and then feminine try to compete masculine for the same characteristics and demand equality where it is not healthy for them. Feminism is needed to be equally celebrated which creates a healthy society. But instead we demean natural masculinity to compensate for feminine insecurity which isn't healthy.

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@Sandhu Crying is the mechanism in which the body forgets things. There is immense pressure in the head and neurons de-attach and you forget. The reason women get over relationships faster is cause they do this and men don't. So they don't forget the emotions and they stay with them. Its not a social thing its literally a super power.

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1 hour ago, Hojo said:

@Sandhu Crying is the mechanism in which the body forgets things. There is immense pressure in the head and neurons de-attach and you forget. The reason women get over relationships faster is cause they do this and men don't. So they don't forget the emotions and they stay with them. Its not a social thing its literally a super power.

Nobody disagreeing 

Authenticity, consciousness, Understanding, Learning, Art, Mastery

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12 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

I'm so sick and tired of seeing these types of comments. First of all, you don't have to look. You will say, it's up in my face, but I visit ig regularly and I don't see that stuff because I'm not focusing on it. Once in awhile I'll go to the main general page and see all sorts of pics, including women scantily dressed and just keep scrolling to see if something interests me like the cute animals or cats or birds or cooking. Other than that, I just stick to my main page where I see posts from people I follow.

Secondly, there are also men posting scantily dressed pics but no one complains. Men aren't saying how they are tired of seeing men's pics trying to seduce women or women saying these men need to go get dressed or whatever - it's always the women getting flack. Also, some women like to show off their beautiful bodies for the world to see and feel good about themselves doing it. Not necessarily to entice men. Some do, but not all. Men are the ones who like to take it upon themselves to believe everything a woman does is for them. There are also beautiful lesbians posting scantily dressed pics because they just feel like it and they are not out there trying to entice men. If other lesbians sees those pics they aren't saying I wish she would go put some clothes on, they are admiring their beauty and maybe are happily enticed - idk. Doesn't matter, if you didn't feel enticed, you wouldn't be saying what you're saying. Some people get enticed by ears, necks, hands and feet - no one complains if they see these types of pictures; maybe only the ones feeling enticed and would rather not be and wish people wouldn't show those pics but not dare say it because they would look stupid. It's only pics of beautiful women that get these kinds of responses.

People fuck goats and horses, do you complain when you see these animal pics. People hump on pillows and bedsheets, do you complain when you see pics of pillows and bedsheets. When men complain about this stuff that they are not forced to see, they are only revealing that they are unwillingly turned on by it. That's your problem because there is an exit button. Leave women and their sexuality alone because you don't have to look. I personally don't post pics like those on social media so this isn't coming from a place of it being personal because I do it too, but as a female, I'm aware that all women that do it aren't doing it to entice but because they love to and feel good doing it. People like to express without intentionally trying to entice. 

I’m talking about relationships, I’m not talking about a woman without a partner. If someone is single, they can do whatever they want online, but there have to be boundaries when they’re in a relationship. In my opinion, it’s not normal for someone to seek more attention than what their loving partner has already given them. If you need validation from others and not from the person you love the most, then you’ve never truly loved your partner from the start.

The end of separation is the end of desire. It’s life, it’s death, it’s unity; it is the absolute. In this profound realization, we find perfection eternal, a state of everlasting harmony.

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8 hours ago, Jayson G said:

@Spiritual Warfare Haven't you heard that phrase: "If you see something, say something" lol 

I'm just kidding though. 

Bro honestly you can't know her, and her life from such a limited angle. Who knows what her relationship is like with her boyfriend, or what her life is like for that matter. 

I would say, just use this as a reminder to turn inwards and focus on becoming a better version of yourself. 

Thank you for this comment, and you’re right that I’ve made a lot of assumptions. I was being somewhat ironic when I first mentioned telling the boyfriend, but the main point I raised is this: why do people do this when they already have a partner? I’m not sure if you’ve read my responses, as there are many comments on this thread, but what do you personally think about this? If you love someone, then their opinion should be enough, no one else’s. I struggle with the fact that some still seek validation from others, even when their partner has been supportive and given compliments.

I understand why someone might post about their body online if their partner has a negative influence on them, but that’s not the case in the situation I’m referring to.

The end of separation is the end of desire. It’s life, it’s death, it’s unity; it is the absolute. In this profound realization, we find perfection eternal, a state of everlasting harmony.

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Just now, Spiritual Warfare said:

I’m talking about relationships, I’m not talking about a woman without a partner. If someone is single, they can do whatever they want online, but there have to be boundaries when they’re in a relationship. In my opinion, it’s not normal for someone to seek more attention than what their loving partner has already given them. If you need validation from others and not from the person you love the most, then you’ve never truly loved your partner from the start.

How do you know she is seeking validation. Maybe she is not. My ex boyfriend used to tell me to dress sexy in public. He used to like that. Maybe her boyfriend likes it. How do you know the nature of their relationship? Why do you assume her boyfriend must be unhappy? Maybe her boyfriend enjoys her posting sexy pics. Some guys like their girlfriends being sexy in public. And anyways it's her personal life and personal right what she does with her body. Posting sexy pics is not considered cheating by any means. 

If my husband posted his sexy photos online and other girls liked it, it won't bother me at all, I won't feel insecure about it. 

Relationships are about boundaries, if the boyfriend is ok then it's fine. If the boyfriend doesn't like it, then maybe she should have to reconsider it. 

But in any case, if I said that my husband shouldn't talk to other women or that he shouldn't post his body pics online, then it hints to my own jealousy, possessiveness and insecurities. It's not his fault. 

It's a different thing if someone is actively cheating on their partner, like excessive flirting or cheating by sleeping with someone, then boundaries need to be drawn and discussions need to be had. But my husband looking at other women or talking to other women is not equivalent to cheating. If the relationship is secure and strong, no partner needs to worry. 

Also cheating is bad, irrespective of gender. So if the girl is cheating on her boyfriend by sleeping with other guys, that's really bad and she can be held accountable for that. But posting pictures or talking to other men is not cheating. Same applies to men with girlfriends. 

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4 minutes ago, Buck Edwards said:

How do you know she is seeking validation. Maybe she is not. My ex boyfriend used to tell me to dress sexy in public. He used to like that. Maybe her boyfriend likes it. How do you know the nature of their relationship? Why do you assume her boyfriend must be unhappy? Maybe her boyfriend enjoys her posting sexy pics. Some guys like their girlfriends being sexy in public. And anyways it's her personal life and personal right what she does with her body. Posting sexy pics is not considered cheating by any means. 

If my husband posted his sexy photos online and other girls liked it, it won't bother me at all, I won't feel insecure about it. 

Relationships are about boundaries, if the boyfriend is ok then it's fine. If the boyfriend doesn't like it, then maybe she should have to reconsider it. 

But in any case, if I said that my husband shouldn't talk to other women or that he shouldn't post his body pics online, then it hints to my own jealousy, possessiveness and insecurities. It's not his fault. 

It's a different thing if someone is actively cheating on their partner, like excessive flirting or cheating by sleeping with someone, then boundaries need to be drawn and discussions need to be had. But my husband looking at other women or talking to other women is not equivalent to cheating. If the relationship is secure and strong, no partner needs to worry. 

Also cheating is bad, irrespective of gender. So if the girl is cheating on her boyfriend by sleeping with other guys, that's really bad and she can be held accountable for that. But posting pictures or talking to other men is not cheating. Same applies to men with girlfriends. 

Posting sexy pictures can attract attention from others, which may not always be welcomed by the partner. The act of seeking validation through social media can complicate how partners perceive their value in the relationship. Even if one partner is okay with it, the attention and comments from strangers can introduce insecurity or jealousy, regardless of intentions.

Moreover, just because one partner is comfortable with a behavior doesn’t mean the other will feel the same way. Many people have different thresholds for what they consider acceptable in a relationship. Some might view posting sexy pictures as a form of emotional unavailability or detachment, even if there’s no overt intention to cheat. 

The end of separation is the end of desire. It’s life, it’s death, it’s unity; it is the absolute. In this profound realization, we find perfection eternal, a state of everlasting harmony.

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5 minutes ago, Spiritual Warfare said:

Some might view posting sexy pictures as a form of emotional unavailability or detachment, even if there’s no overt intention to cheat. 

Do you agree that this could be your assumption and this might not always be the case. Maybe it happens sometimes and it could be true that it could indicate emotional unavailability, however do you agree that this might not always be the case in every situation. Don't look at it as a universal thing. It depends on a specific case. Every relationship is likewise, it's like to each his own. Much can be speculation and assumption and might not apply to it. 

Edited by Buck Edwards

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1 minute ago, Buck Edwards said:

Do you agree that this could be your assumption and this might not always be the case. Maybe it happens sometimes and it could be true that it could emotional unavailability, however do you agree that this might not always be the case in every situation. Don't look at it as a universal thing. It depends on a specific case. Every relationship is likewise, it's like to each his own. Much can be speculation and assumption and might not apply to it. 

In my opinion, the only logical explanation for why girls post these kinds of photos is insecurity. If you have a boyfriend who tells you that you are enough just as you are, that should be sufficient. However, if a girl takes a lot of selfies while in a relationship, it indicates insecurity. If she is single, then she is doing it for attention.

The end of separation is the end of desire. It’s life, it’s death, it’s unity; it is the absolute. In this profound realization, we find perfection eternal, a state of everlasting harmony.

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9 minutes ago, Spiritual Warfare said:

In my opinion, the only logical explanation for why girls post these kinds of photos is insecurity. If you have a boyfriend who tells you that you are enough just as you are, that should be sufficient. However, if a girl takes a lot of selfies while in a relationship, it indicates insecurity. If she is single, then she is doing it for attention.

But guys post half nude Pics of themselves too showing their abs and much more. 

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Just now, Buck Edwards said:

But guys post half nude Pics of themselves too showing their abs and much more. 

Yes, and I don’t support that if they are in a relationship, but the majority are girls.

The end of separation is the end of desire. It’s life, it’s death, it’s unity; it is the absolute. In this profound realization, we find perfection eternal, a state of everlasting harmony.

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This is for those of you in a relationship with a girl who seeks attention from other guys. Talk to your girlfriend and express that you don’t like her posting almost nude photos on Instagram or elsewhere. She should be asked to stop because you, as her boyfriend, should be enough for her.

If she continues to seek attention from male friends and shares revealing photos, it raises trust issues. If she were truly loyal, she wouldn’t share those photos with other guys.

If she doesn’t care about your feelings and insists on posting semi-nude photos, it may be time to consider breaking up. You deserve a partner who truly loves, respects, and is loyal to you.

The end of separation is the end of desire. It’s life, it’s death, it’s unity; it is the absolute. In this profound realization, we find perfection eternal, a state of everlasting harmony.

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15 minutes ago, Spiritual Warfare said:

If she doesn’t care about your feelings and insists on posting semi-nude photos, it may be time to consider breaking up.

Maybe she will be the one to break up first because of his insecurity. Because no girl appreciates her boyfriend controlling her. So good riddance for her. Bullet dodged. She can find better secure men. 

Edited by Buck Edwards

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2 minutes ago, Buck Edwards said:

Maybe she will be the one to break up first because of his insecurity. Because no girl appreciates her boyfriend controlling her. So good riddance for her. Bullet dodged. 

It’s not about control,

it’s about trust.

The end of separation is the end of desire. It’s life, it’s death, it’s unity; it is the absolute. In this profound realization, we find perfection eternal, a state of everlasting harmony.

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1 minute ago, Spiritual Warfare said:

It’s not about control,

it’s about trust.

But she will see it as control. You clearly don't understand women's mindset. 

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Just now, Buck Edwards said:

But she will see it as control. You clearly don't understand women's mindset. 

I know she will see it as control, but that’s not my problem, there need to be boundaries. If she gets upset and feels it’s too controlling, then it might be time to find a new partner. If your boyfriend suddenly started calling other girls every day, wouldn’t you want to know what that was about? Or do you think that would be controlling too? It’s not controlling to question things. Personally, I believe that what is controlling is constantly wondering where your partner is.

The end of separation is the end of desire. It’s life, it’s death, it’s unity; it is the absolute. In this profound realization, we find perfection eternal, a state of everlasting harmony.

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Just now, Spiritual Warfare said:

I know she will see it as control, but that’s not my problem, there need to be boundaries. If she gets upset and feels it’s too controlling, then it might be time to find a new partner. If your boyfriend suddenly started calling other girls every day, wouldn’t you want to know what that was about? Or do you think that would be controlling too? It’s not controlling to question things. Personally, I believe that what is controlling is constantly wondering where your partner is.

Well you talked about breaking up and not about questioning things earlier. The boyfriend can question it and try to know her mindset and not judge her badly for her choices. That's called giving space and freedom. A loving boyfriend will never dump his girlfriend just because she is posting sexy photos, that's quite childish and immature. If my husband kept calling random women, I would definitely want to know what's it's about, but of course I won't break up with him. Relationships are built on mutual communication. So if a partner is not loving, not communicating his insecurities and not holding space for the other person's freedom, that's a huge red flag and the woman is kinda better off without him. If he is breaking up over such a thing, he needs to investigate his own feelings as to why he is so bothered by it to the point that he wants to break up. Breakup usually happen over big issues like cheating or serious lack of integrity or lying or something sinister, they don't happen because someone posted sexy pics.. Your ideas about women are quite outdated. They seem oppressive rather than helping men achieve security or stability. It's like you're playing on men's fears. Men who are matured understand their girlfriends well and also know when to establish boundaries and when to be assertive. You aren't preaching men security, in fact you are misleading men by preaching them insecurity. 

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