Some dude on the net

Imperialism killed over people and US is the Imperial Core.

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America is the peak of Imperialism. It's not an actual democracy. It's actually an Imperialist Oligarchy that it's killing our planet. China is more democratic than US. China & Russia didn't kill 4.700.000 people from 2001 until now. This clip is from the smartest Romanian YouTube, he's a high green. He explains the last 600 years of Coloniasm. When Columb arrived in South America he killed so many people that the planet actually got a little colder. They killed in 50 years 90% of the population of South America, around 54.000.000 people. And the forest retook there farm lands because there was no one anyone to farm. The story is heartbreaking. He has subtitles. Also this books explains 1 on 1 who controls America and it's not the Democrats or Republicans. It's a 3 invisible party, they have more money than the entire GPD of Germany. So in the US you have an Invisible Germany that pulls the strings. This are the guys than when Obama gave his speech in 2013 about Oligarchs, they gave a phone call and Closed the US Government for 16 days!!!!! 

Here is the clip about the last 600 years of coloniasm.(it's in Romanian but you have English subtitles) 

Here is the books that explains 1 on 1 who Controls America from the Shadows.

Here is a 5 min clip I translated into English from one of Moises videos that talks about that book.

Here is the report about the US led wars after 9/11. 

"Other country's hire terrorists, we hire terrorist states" - Noam Chomsky.

Benjamin Netanyahu is literally the Saddam Hussein of the west, with the full support of America and the CIA. 

Also UK imperialism killed in India in 40 years 165 million people.

Edited by Some dude on the net

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"We lost in 100 years what we would  naturally lose in 10.000." 


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I've said 2 words that mean the same thing.

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1 hour ago, Some dude on the net said:

China is more democratic than US.  


Ok guy. Are you spiral dynamics stage beige or something?

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1 hour ago, Some dude on the net said:

You love Ad Hominem. 


1 hour ago, Some dude on the net said:

You didn't watch anything of what I've send. 

No I don’t care enough to watch it with subtitles, i know the US did a lot of "bad" stuff.

1 hour ago, Some dude on the net said:



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@PurpleTree Because your still green. You don't care about the intricate connections of the world. People dismiss the truth about the world even when it's served on a silver platter. Let others reply, I'm not gonna argue with people that don't even want to watch the info "because if has subtitles". Every time people lose and argument they correct grammar mistakes. The only thing you care about is to looks like a smart ass and defend US propaganda. Go and take DMT and bliss into infinity while the US  butchers 2.000.000 Palestinians. 

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4 minutes ago, Some dude on the net said:

@PurpleTree Because your still green. You don't care about the intricate connections of the world. People dismiss the truth about the world even when it's served on a silver platter. Let others reply, I'm not gonna argue with people that don't even want to watch the info "because if has subtitles". Every time people lose and argument they correct grammar mistakes. The only thing you care about is to looks like a smart ass and defend US propaganda. Go and take DMT and bliss into infinity while the US  butchers 2.000.000 Palestinians. 

I cared about that a long time ago as a teen and esrly tweeen when i used to smoke weed. Now i care less.

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Nice tik tok breakdown. Here are three videos that compliment your post very well focusing on how imperialism works today:



Gotta be careful when critiquing the West as it can offend many Westerners self perception. Critiquing the West challenges the very myth upon which many Westerners have built their identity. The Spiral dynamics framework can even subtly reinforce this notion of being 'higher than' the global south. When you highlight ways in which the West aren't that far removed from attitudes and actions reminiscent of lower stages they reflexively recoil. Its important to not become self loathing which extreme stage green is inclined towards.

Edited by zazen

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@zazen ☮️ Thanks man! Finally someone that gets it. Haha, the first one I've seen it yesterday. I'm not with the west, I'm not with the south. I'm with humanity. The US supplied Israhell with the equivalent of 5 bombs from Hiroshima, 85.000 tones of TNT have been dropped on Gaza. Hiroshima was "just" 15.000. Gaza is 3 times smaller than Hiroshima. America behind the scenes is pure RED. America is at orange but has red mentality, so they are criminals. Blinken approved to bomb aid truck in Gaza. Israel is literally Nazi Germany but with "ironclad" support from US and many Imperial countries from EU. Israel will continue to kill UNIFIL soldiers and will trigger WW3, because Red is impulsive and stupid.

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I haven't watched the video's posted, but I've watched so much over the years I agree anyways with what You say.  We're living in a big fantasy, our government leaders/politicians are not there because they luv the country and what's best for it/us, they do it because they luv power and personal security and control, for themselves, their image and such, so its all a lie..

Our Economic system is completely corrupt and leans towards a small group of elites, whomever they are, yes some outside this group are allowed to come in and prosper but this is for surface level appearances only, to make us think we all can do it too, but we can't there is not enough $$ in the system for everyone to be rich or so called successful, plus who would do the work to get all the shit done??

Our Education system is corrupt, it teaches us nothing about Life, but about facts that change every 10yrs, and how to be a slave to a work/economic/elite system so shit gets done..

Out Health Care system is corrupt, it keeps us alive and able but not Healthy at all, the quality of life does not improve as we age, but we are able to live longer, so they say its working when it doesn't, too many are on pharma drugs and its profitting them billions, and disabling the masses..

Our Social Systems are corrupt, they make us into Zombies, ppl stuck to their phones like its the holy grail or something fantastic, not many appreciate nature or life itself in all its Immensity, their took stuck in the phone, getting brain washed, and full of ideology that is not original to them but borrowed from a millions sources.

War rules makes them tons of money and more power control over the masses, and to depopulate the world unnaturally, we need less population yes, but not via the methods of death and destruction! 

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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@Ishanga "When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die" - Jean Paul Sartre. WW3 is close.  Netanyahu bossing around the whole international community. They will start killing UNIFIL Solders and trigger WW3 with the 40 nations that make up the UNIFIL troops. 


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5 minutes ago, PenguinPablo said:

@Some dude on the net What can we do?

Raise the Level of Your Consciousness/Awareness, be the Light You want to see in the World, live it, then others see it and know its possible, it will take a few generations but maybe we can turn things around!

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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For those wondering the origin of what OP is railing against, where it started:


أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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@PenguinPablo Exactly what @Ishanga said. This is why Mearsheimer is a US imperialist. Israel doesn't control America. Israel is America. US wants WW3 because they know China will surpass them in the next 10 years as the nr. 1 economy. They will get WW3. They send more and more bombs and anti rockets batteries to Israel while they lie about it. US want all of Lebanon, Palestine, Irak and Iran to be Israel, because in the Middle East are 60 % of the world oil reserves. US needs this OIL to remain number 1. They will trigger WW3 because America economy will skyrocket from selling guns. It there was world peace US economy will be bankrupt. America is a Military Economy. They want to starts WW3 to keep the US economy number 1. Israel already attack another UNIFIL base today, the situation will spiral out of control in a few weeks. 

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@PenguinPablo Exactly what @Ishanga said. This is why Mearsheimer is a US imperialist. Israel doesn't control America. Israel is America. US wants WW3 because they know China will surpass them in the next 10 years as the nr. 1 economy. They will get WW3. They send more and more bombs and anti rockets batteries to Israel while they lie about it. US want all of Lebanon, Palestine, Irak and Iran to be Israel, because in the Middle East are 60 % of the world oil reserves. US needs this OIL to remain number 1. They will trigger WW3 because America economy will skyrocket from selling guns. It there was world peace US economy will be bankrupt. America is a Military Economy. They want to starts WW3 to keep the US economy number 1. Israel already attack another UNIFIL base today, the situation will spiral out of control in a few weeks. All of the western world and media is doing now what they did during the Vietnam War. Where they killed 3.200.000 people. Out of which 2.000.000 were civilians. Noam Chomsky explains here.

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Anyone who believes that America is a democracy is simply naive. America is a 'Bourgeois Democracy.' The term refers to the democracy of ancient Greece, which was a democracy only for the slave masters! Now they are no longer called slave masters, they are called oligarchs and Wall Street. The 'American democracy' is a democracy only for the oligarchs, not for the common people. The US wants World War III because they are too afraid of China. China is set to surpass the American economy in 10 years, and this is unacceptable to Washington.The Middle East holds 60% of the world's oil reserves. America wants to exterminate the Middle East to have all the oil for themselves so they can remain number one. Two million Palestinians are being slaughtered to keep the American economy number one, and Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and then Iran are next. Netanyahu is effectively the Saddam Hussein of the West. Israel is not Israel. Israel is an American state in the Middle East. The American economy thrives on war because they are a military economy. They want to start World War III to ensure their economy remains number one.



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Lol🤣 China and Russia are more democratic than the US. If you were there you couldn’t even post something on the open internet.

People here are focused on complaining and shaming instead of improving themselves.


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