
What Is Prediction?

25 posts in this topic

2 minutes ago, Scholar said:

This is what's confusing. Enlightenment is beyond thought, yet people who claim to be enlightenment think all sorts of beliefs and assumptions.

You are right, this is the confusing part.

2 minutes ago, Scholar said:

If they just are, how can they be god, or infinite, or consciousness? All of that is concept, but they cling to it so desperately.

Because we all are god/infinite/consciousnesses. You see, the TV screen that realizes its the TV screen, just keeps playing the movie.
Why would my body and brain suddenly self-destruct and blow up? This monkey will never "reach" enlightenment, i was this consciousness since birth.

This monkey is also not really a self, this amalgam of thoughts, ideas, sensations, just appears to be an aware entity. But if you really look, you will notice it is rather mechanical and incoherent not continuous. It's just a broken machine to be honest.


6 minutes ago, Scholar said:

It's like "This is just being, but oh god, this is god! This is infinite, it's all, bla bla bla!", and they are so absolutely certain of it.

You are fully correct. Which one shouldn't think anything during those moments.
The worst thing you can do when you are fully being, is trying to "understand" it. Because what is trying to understand, is the person on the screen, and he will absolutely fail to correctly understand it. And by trying to understand, the selfing reemerges. Because I try to understand enlightenment, is going the opposite direction from it at that moment.

Afterwards however the monkey can take his time, to try to make some sense of it. The monkey can do whatever he wants, it's not me anyway.


12 minutes ago, Scholar said:

How can being be anything but being?



7 minutes ago, Scholar said:

The talk is not enlightenment, it's monkeyism, isn't it

Yes it is, everything on this physical plane is. But this monkeyism is a road sign towards enlightenment in part.
Self-inquiry is a good tool, it allows you to deeply investigate the monkey's psyche. Through this, the TV-screen will see it is not the monkey, and the monkey isn't real.


11 minutes ago, Scholar said:

you just let the monkey do whatever it wants, resulting in the monkey crying out it's god, infinite, consciousness and whatever?

This monkey will die, it will cease to exist, it will never be god or infinite or consciousness :D 
When we say, "I am god" or "I am enlightened", we are also saying "I am not the monkey". Anything else would be ridiculous. 

@Scholar It seems like you are on the precipice of understanding, which is good. Indeed, all thoughts and ideas and concepts are unnecessary for enlightenment. Realizing it is all monkeyism, is an important step. But you must also realize, this is a forum of monkeys that enjoy talking about tv-screens. And that is quite alright :D 


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3 minutes ago, Scholar said:

Are we just overcomplicating things? Maybe there are parts to reality that are just conceptual, and other parts that are completely beyond it?

yes, 100% yes!!

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@Scholar Your predictions are based on absolutes, concepts/symbolic interpretations which want to reflect reality but are far from it. So lets say there is a "tree" and we give someone a saw to cut it down, the tree will fall down so your believes of what happened are true, but only within your own perspective of you think that is actually happening.

You see, reality is non-discrete like leo mentioned in his last video, which means concepts like a tree have no absolutue value. Is the tree really cut down or is that just your interpretation? You assume that there is a tree and it is seperate from the other entities that inhibit your perception, but actually there is no tree. It was never cut down, but you labeled that action to be so.

These preconceptions you hold will eventually happen and hold true within that perspective of some sort of absolutes. You create a construct of things where things can only happen according those these things, when you get rid of this there is nothing to predict.

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One existence aware of the one existence. 

Different vantage points within.

The vantage points make for seperate realities because the vantage point reduces the one existence to a vantage point.

This can be proven by evidenced of something happening and me seeing the evidence that it happened, even if I can't see it happen.

Also can be evidenced by having someone else's back turned (nonobserving) to what happens that I am observing.




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11 minutes ago, Dingus said:

A lot of assumptions there. For example the mind is not the brain. There appears to be a measure of correlation, but all of that is part of the fiction of this apparent reality. There is no actual causation there. And furthermore there is a lot more to the mind than the part which has neurophysiological correlates. The entire universe and everything that goes on there is mind, and what you call YOUR mind (and/or brain) is in no way separate or distinct from it.

But yes if the mind (whichever part you like) claims to be being then it's false. Nobody who is enlightened will actually believe a single word they say, and a teacher is AT BEST a con artist. Nothing more.

"You are only a disciple because your eyes are closed. The day you open them you will see there is nothing you can learn from me or anyone. What then is a Master for? To make you see the uselessness of having one." -- Anthony de Mello


It's obvious that the mind is not the brain, because the brain is an idea in the mind. This is not the point. The point was that the idea might be referring to something beyond mind, something inaccessable. The idea is a way for the mind to be able to predict.

So, when taking psychedelics, what is happening, why is there enlightenment? I am not saying that "taking psychedelics" is what is really happening, but it seems like there is a complete denial that anything is happening at all. Maybe happening is the wrong word, because what is beyond the mind is beyond the mind, so there might be no concepts to describe it, but there seems to be a completey certainity that there is nothing beyond the mind, because "outside of mind", is an idea  in the mind. But, what if the idea is pointing to something?

Why does taking psychedelics result in enlightenment? And once I take it, all of these concepts make no sense anymore, because the reality is altered. Why though?

Edited by Scholar

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