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the perfect wife - do you deserve her?

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“But, oh! what a heart she has when one finds her! so large and pure and womanly. When the man gets a glimpse of it he wonders if those showy things outside were women. If he gains her love, his two thousands are millions. She’ll not ask him for a carriage, or a luxurious house; she’ll wear simple dresses and turn them when necessary. She’ll keep everything neat and nice in his sky parlor, and give him such a welcome when he comes home that he’ll think the parlor higher than ever. She’ll entertain true friends on a dollar, and astonish him with the new thought, how little happiness depends on money.

Only a true man of character will deserve and see: one day, she just came along in his life. She will be fully impressed with the fact that it is only the enduring character qualities, and similarity in tastes and ideals, that will keep two people together in harmony through all the vicissitudes of life.


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