integration journey

Your experience with Kambo?

6 posts in this topic

Has anyone tried kambo aka frog medicine and can recommend it or not ? 
I have mix feelings about it but would love to discuss it with anyone who actually tried it. 

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I personally have 0% interest in it. Pretty sure it’s just poison 

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3 hours ago, Thought Art said:

I personally have 0% interest in it. Pretty sure it’s just poison 

Yeah I have mixed feelings about it. Some say they feel “stronger” and healthier afterwards but it does sound sketchy a little bit. I don’t know. Maybe I’m not educated enough on how this “medicine” work. 

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Tried it. 
Didn‘t have a long lasting effect for me or anything and the process is just quite uncomfortable. It was an interesting experience though.

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10 hours ago, integration journey said:

Has anyone tried kambo aka frog medicine and can recommend it or not ? 
I have mix feelings about it but would love to discuss it with anyone who actually tried it. 

I had already recived it from indigenous many times. Both of my arms are filled with marks of the dots. They disapear with time. 

After recieving from them and observing well I had one day the courage to apply on myself alone. Since that day I always apply in myself. Now I dont do it more that 2 times a year. Is not good to the body to have to many resets or intense Purgings. 

Kambô frees the body from the Yellow old acid from stomach, a little bit of the excess of fire energy from the liver, what makes you agressive. So after Kambô we feel more Joyfull, Sharp on our Thoughts and Solid and Vivacious. Kambô acts maily on the Suprarenals but also the components it have acts on other levels, emotional and Spiritual too.

I apply it to some friends that already knoe how to hold their process. Never apply to novices because is to risky. 

If you have heart problems better not do it. If you have problems with Low pressure is risky, Kambô  will make your heart beat rise a lot and you feel like a strong fever for some minutes. You drink about 2 litres of water that will come out and this can make the pressure go low. 

So in my opinion is a medicine that clear he body from old energy that my making you feel lasy and stuck. Indigenous use to do Kambô  before go hunting in order to get lucky in the hunt. Actually it helps to get lucky because they have better energy to hunt and clear vision. 

It have amd effect with attracting woman too. I notice that after Kambô woman get very confortable next to me and even Flirty. Again is because  you get clear from energy density and this is actractive.

Hope this helps. Any other questions?

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