
Why is there so much violence and torchure in the porn industry?

105 posts in this topic

6 hours ago, Scholar said:

You make a thoughtless, spur in the moment statement and then you weasel yourself into selling it to us like some sort of gift from the heavens.

@Water by the River

I AM itching for the truth 

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13 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Your own post proves my point.

We get your point, it simply does not add anything to the conversation at hand.

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On 12/10/2024 at 9:13 AM, Leo Gura said:


I also eat animals.

@Leo Gura Aren't you eating animal products due to health reasons. I'm curious, if you didn't have these health issues, would you still choose to include animal products in your diet?

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On 8/10/2024 at 10:25 PM, Pro24 said:

Why is there so much violence in porn industry? Why do they torchure porn stars behind the scenes? (I had read some answers and watched some videos of ex porn stars). 

What's the need? 

Why don't they just do soft sex? 

I dislike 2 things :

  1. BDSM 
  2. Behind the scenes torchure/abuse. 

In this thread, my primary focus is on the 2nd point. Why violence? 

Because humans have themselves that on their mind.

Fear is just a thought

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Porn is just a good representation of what KARMA gets into everything you do, including Sex.

Almost any sex fantasy is Karma. Because you can only do sex withouth creating Karma (dual impressions on Reality) if you do sex out of Love and nothing else.

Which is why religion always told you do not have sex for pleasure.

It never worked because tell people to do something and they will do it even more intensely. 

But the root of why they said that is based on something real. 

Pleasure comes from selfishness, which inevitably will create Karma in sex relationships.

Only UNITY should be the goal when doing Sex. If you are getting pleasure you already creating some Karma.

You should do sex like a Yoga asana. Stricly for the purpose of Love/Unity.

Anything else is animal and ultimately has Karma consequences. 

The consequences are on a spectrum, it can be from normal entangled vainilla sex to the most toxic bdsm shit that vibrates -700 on the consciousness scale. 

Fear is just a thought

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