Leo Gura

Playlist For Understanding Israel Deception

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Just now, Socrates said:

@Inliytened1 If you repeat a lie 10 thousand times you may believe it  but that doesn't make it true ;) 

Here's one for you @Socrates.  What's the difference between a Truth and a lie?


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I strongly encourage to watch the second video, it’s a very high quality intellect and please challenge those.

Edited by Gennadiy1981

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12 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

There is no country on earth with a bigger bullshit story for its justification and existence than Israel. They even surpass those Russian enclaves and break away states in former Soviet Union countries, and trust me those places have some ridiculous bullshit justifying them. White Europeans think they are entitled to that land because their magical bible book says they are cause people 2000+ years removed from them once lived there. 

You really need to look into your disdain for Israel.  Maybe it's because you are Jewish by blood.  But you have to realize that your views are completely subjective and you do not take into account the Jewish peoples need to persist as a race. I think you forget that sometimes. 


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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1 hour ago, Inliytened1 said:

There's nothing objective about it.  

How convenient for you.

Uncovering BS is not a matter of strict factuality. Your mind has to connect dots and see things which are not always spelled out. Facts alone are not enough, you also have to do analysis and synthesis.

Chomsky and Pappe offer high quality, serious analysis, for those who care to understand the situation.

It also requires empathy. Without empathy you are blind.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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25 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

There is no country on earth with a bigger bullshit story for its justification and existence than Israel. They even surpass those Russian enclaves and break away states in former Soviet Union countries, and trust me those places have some ridiculous bullshit justifying them. White Europeans think they are entitled to that land because their magical bible book says they are cause people 2000+ years removed from them once lived there. 

I can feel the anger sister, indeed so much. You were hurt and I can see you develop a hate towards your people, just by reading few lines, I can sense a lot. My advice, return to your roots, go to Chabad, they are nice lance for welcoming those who return and study what our zeidas and babas did and you will come as a proud Jews, do it now, tomorrow and after tomorrow for Simhat Torah Holiday, join dancing and I guarantee you, your mindset will become so much better.

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This whole fantasy of a "holy land" belonging to them is an existential issue, nobody wants to deconstruct their fantasies of identity.

Hence you see them easily justifying 40k dead than deconstructing and dropping the fairy tale story about that land.

The more lies they tell, the more disdain they create for themselves, hence making their survival more difficult. 

Survival goes full circle, the egoism that creates these atrocities for so-called survival always ends up backfiring.


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12 minutes ago, Socrates said:

This whole fantasy of a "holy land" belonging to them is an existential issue, nobody wants to deconstruct their fantasies of identity.

Hence you see them easily justifying 40k dead than deconstructing and dropping the fairy tale story about that land.

The more lies they tell, the more disdain they create for themselves, hence making their survival more difficult. 

Survival goes full circle, the egoism that creates these atrocities for so-called survival always ends up backfiring.


Well i will ask you this: What the difference between 1000 and 15000?  The numbers?  Children and innocent civilians died.  On both sides.  So is one number worse than another?  Yes it is but is one more right than another?  Children died in both situations.  So you are ultimately left with is war right.  That's what you are really left with.   If i lost a bother and you lost two brothers and a sister does that make any one side better?  

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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2 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

You really need to look into your disdain for Israel.  Maybe it's because you are Jewish by blood.  But you have to realize that your views are completely subjective and you do not take into account the Jewish peoples need to persist as a race. I think you forget that sometimes. 

I would not hide behind subjectivity if I were you. If I came over to your house and kicked you out, killed one of your kids and then claimed I had the right to because 2000 years ago in my magical book it says my people lived here, I can tell you now that is dishonesty not subjectivity and you would know how dishonest this is. History will not be on your side here. 

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2 hours ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

I can feel the anger sister, indeed so much. You were hurt and I can see you develop a hate towards your people, just by reading few lines, I can sense a lot. My advice, return to your roots, go to Chabad, they are nice lance for welcoming those who return and study what our zeidas and babas did and you will come as a proud Jews, do it now, tomorrow and after tomorrow for Simhat Torah Holiday, join dancing and I guarantee you, your mindset will become so much better.

I have no problems with being Jewish. I have a problem with Israel. Why do Zionist Israelis think they can speak for the entirety of judaism? What’s worse is I have to now look over my shoulder because of them due to their genocide. 

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17 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

I have no problems with being Jewish. I have a problem with Israel. Why do Zionist Israelis think they can speak for the entirety of judaism? What’s worse is I have to now look over my shoulder because of them due to their genocide. 

What’s Zionism?  It'’s a fiction in your mind.  There is only what you are.  Zionism is some made up conceptual crap that anti-jews use as some sort of movement.  Fuck em.  Where were they when we were being walked to the gas camps.  Most of them weren't even born.

So..genocide.  We got one of the captains last week.   Be happy for that because if he had the chance he would have exterminated you.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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24 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

What’s Zionism?  It'’s a fiction in your mind.  There is only what you are.  Zionism is some made up conceptual crap that anti-jews use as some sort of movement.  Fuck em.  Where were they when we were being walked to the gas camps.  Most of them weren't even born.

So..genocide.  We got one of the captains last week.   Be happy for that because if he had the chance he would have exterminated you.

I’m sorry but it’s this victim mindset that has poisoned our people’s psyche for ages now. My great grandpa killed himself in captivity in Berlin. I know we were treated horribly. I know it was terrible what my family went through. But I value truth above all else. And I’m not going to spin some bullshit story and think me as a white European has claim to some land because some distant diaspora tale from some magical bible book says I do. It’s pure madness. You really believe because some European Jews interpreted their holy book saying they have the right to land FROM ROMAN TIMES 2000+ years ago that it’s ok to go in and remove the people who have indigenously lived there for over 2000 years?

It’s pure madness and a massive lie. To live as an Israeli and believe this is to live a lie and I don’t live lies. At least countries like the USA and Brazil are coming clean and being honest about the ethnic cleansing and don’t spin some story about it. They have owned up to it and don’t have to create a mythos that literally no other country on earth has to in order justify the creation of a state. The only reason Israel continues to survive is because of the backing of the USA and that’s because it’s strategically an incredibly important point of interest for the USA. 

Also no captain from Hamas there would exterminate me because I’m not colonizing their land and where I reside now I am perfectly legal and understood as an honest inhabitant of where I’m living. I’ve not deprived anyone of their home. 

I would also not hide behind platitudes and ad hocs on subjectivity. Many Israelis actively believe in Zionism and are taught a ridiculous fairytale about why they are entitled to occupy the land they currently live on. Zionism is very much alive and well.  

Please share your position. why do you believe a state can be built by refugees from WWII on land that had indigenous inhabitants on it that lived there going back 2000 years, up until the 1940s, just 80 years ago? 

Edited by Lyubov

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53 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

I would not hide behind subjectivity if I were you. If I came over to your house and kicked you out, killed one of your kids and then claimed I had the right to because 2000 years ago in my magical book it says my people lived here, I can tell you now that is dishonesty not subjectivity and you would know how dishonest this is. History will not be on your side here. 

And do you believe that "Palestinians" is a less imaginary concept ? At least Israel existed as a nation for many centuries. 

At least Israel accepted a quite fair two states proposal. But the Arabs didn't, and attacked. And if Israel had been defeated, we know how it would have ended...so of course wars has consequences, it's happen in every war. And Israel had the moral right to do what it had done, which was more moral than what Americans/Europeans/arabs have done in their conquests.

"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are made for"    - John A. Shedd

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I also do not support deconstructing or the destruction of Israel. That would equally cause a huge humanitarian crisis. But resolving this problem in the Middle East can not happen until Israel is honest and awakens from this denial and dishonesty that is the story behind the founding of their state. It’s a ridiculous stretch of the truth, it’s a lie. No reasonable or honest mind can justify the story behind Israel, I can’t educate you on it here. Just read any “history of the Middle East” text book from a university that isn’t inside Israel. 

to solve this issue

- Israel needs to come out of this delusisonal story they’ve spun to justify their state

- all USA militarily funding must be cut including defense

- Israel will be forced to come to the bargaining table 

- land back and all settlements demolished

- defensive structures can be built and there can be a treaty to protect Israel if they are attacked, but only after West Bank is returned and all territory that as been gained since 1947, obviously this can be applied flexibly if there needs to be some exceptions. 

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@Lyubov the indigenous of the land lived there under British control, Otman control, they were never independent nation!! So what's the difference for them to live under Israeli law? And as if they didn't have the opportunity to get their own land in 1948 and they choose to try exterminating Israel 

"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are made for"    - John A. Shedd

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2 minutes ago, Vercingetorix said:

And do you believe that "Palestinians" is a less imaginary concept ? At least Israel existed as a nation for many centuries. 

At least Israel accepted a quite fair two states proposal. But the Arabs didn't, and attacked. And if Israel had been defeated, we know how it would have ended...so of course wars has consequences, it's happen in every war. And Israel had the moral right to do what it had done, which was more moral than what Americans/Europeans/arabs have done in their conquests.

You think you’re being honest when you try to play the subjectivity card? How about I shoot your family and say it’s subjective what just happened? I’m not yielding ground to your lunatic argument. I know Jews too. Everything is pragmatic and sensible about the way we think expect this delusional fairytale claim to this land. 

There was a place called the kingdom of Israel before the Roman Empire. It would not be remotely understood today as what we call a nation. I can’t believe this is even considered a valid point of evidence in this discussion. Why not colonize and create a Jewish state in Africa, don’t we all have roots going back to Ethiopia 300,000 years ago? 

Why would Arabs accept a proposal for land they seen as stolen. It’s like you coming into my house and taking one of my rooms, squatting and then to prevent things from getting violent you wish to force some legal ruling. The whole claim to the land Israel is built on exists outside any sort of reasonable legal framework or school of thought or rational minded thinking. 

What Israel has done has nothing to do with morality: it has to do with survival. 

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15 minutes ago, Vercingetorix said:

@Lyubov the indigenous of the land lived there under British control, Otman control, they were never independent nation!! So what's the difference for them to live under Israeli law? And as if they didn't have the opportunity to get their own land in 1948 and they choose to try exterminating Israel 

You are correct. There was British colonizers there and before that the Ottoman Empire which shared a closer ideological, ethnic and religious heritage to the indigenous people of that land (Palestinians). Many ethnic groups at that time had not yet formed nation states and were not understood in the same way they are today or looked at in the same way they are today. Just as the native Americans had not developed institutions or nations which governed clear geographical line on maps. it doesn’t change the fact Arabs indigenously inhabited the region since the 7th century and were the majority. Many different ethnic groups lived on that land, there even were indigenous Jews there not from Europe who had every right to be there. But this is all apart from European zionists who built a state there because their silly book says their ancestors lived there 2000 years ago, they did it under British rule and then forced the British out by committing terrorist acts and gaining sympathy from Truman who felt bad about what happened in WWII, he also saw it as a strategic opportunity in the Middle East to have a country much closer to the USA, which at the time Arab countries were much further diplomatically, still are . 

Edited by Lyubov

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1 hour ago, Lyubov said:

is honest and awakens from this denial and dishonesty that is the story behind the founding of their state.

And I think Israel is the most authentic and organic inevitable outcome of the circumstances. The realest foundations you can ever think of. 

Edited by Nivsch

🌻 Thinking independently about the spiral stages themselves is important for going through them in an organic, efficient way. If you stick to an external idea about how a stage should be you lose touch with its real self customized process trying to happen inside you.

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9 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

No..I believed it because it was a "reputable" source.   The truth is you weren't there and neither was I.  So next time he asks you for your source just say it's my view based on what I have researched.  There's nothing objective about it.  

To hold that view, you must embrace skepticism as a means of discerning truth. Similarly, you believe that by refraining from placing authority in external sources, you'll get to a deeper understanding of reality.

What if both approaches had serious limitations?

Pick your poison I guess. Take both just in case and enjoy all the contrast in your mind

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes virtuous and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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8 hours ago, Socrates said:

This whole fantasy of a "holy land" belonging to them is an existential issue, nobody wants to deconstruct their fantasies of identity.

Hence you see them easily justifying 40k dead than deconstructing and dropping the fairy tale story about that land.

The more lies they tell, the more disdain they create for themselves, hence making their survival more difficult. 

Survival goes full circle, the egoism that creates these atrocities for so-called survival always ends up backfiring.

And some people dare to say our work has no practical applications

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes virtuous and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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