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Playlist For Understanding Israel Deception

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7 minutes ago, Nemra said:

So, you start killing Palestinians to get rid of Hamas?


That was wrong but Hamas purposely hid themselves among civilians to bait Israel.  And you also have the 1100 or whatever ( @Karmadhi will correct me here so I need to be careful)  Jews who were killed by the Palestinian backed group who wanted justice.  Did they think about that before attacking?  So they wanted to kill Jews to get rid the leadership.  Same thing.  And in fact they struck first.  Now you can claim that they are justified but violence is never justified. 

Edited by Inliytened1


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@Inliytened1, the Palestinian side has lost way more, and they are thought to be Hamas. Is that fair?

Is it fair to continue the settlements?

Was Nakba fair?

Edited by Nemra

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On 10/23/2024 at 0:13 AM, Lyubov said:

I’m sorry but it’s this victim mindset that has poisoned our people’s psyche for ages now. My great grandpa killed himself in captivity in Berlin. I know we were treated horribly. I know it was terrible what my family went through. But I value truth above all else. And I’m not going to spin some bullshit story and think me as a white European has claim to some land because some distant diaspora tale from some magical bible book says I do. It’s pure madness. You really believe because some European Jews interpreted their holy book saying they have the right to land FROM ROMAN TIMES 2000+ years ago that it’s ok to go in and remove the people who have indigenously lived there for over 2000 years?


I value Truth above all else too brother.  (Or sister - not sure please clarify)  

But I don't think they did it because they felt they were entitled because they were the chosen people.  They did it because they wanted  a place to call their own and so they had land to stake a claim and protect themselves from extinction.    They did what they had to do.  Is it wrong? Well i guess that depends on what perspective you look at it from. You believe in Absolute Truth above all else and I agree.  But you are assuming the Jewish people felt entitled.  They don't.  They just want to exist like everyone else.  And there are constant threats to that existence. 

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20 minutes ago, Nemra said:

@Inliytened1, the Palestinian side has lost way more,

This is a losing argument for reasons i pointed out earlier.   The loss of one human being is an atrocity.  You cannot put a value on it so playing the humbers game is stupid.  Shoud Israel back off?  In my opinion yes but the thing is they killed a very powerful leader last week and if they back off now and go on the defensive it could cost them in this campaign.  The campaign has begun unfortunately.  And not by Israel.  Stopping it now will only be with surrender it seems.

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@Inliytened1, unfortunately, Zionists knowingly have started this mess.

Israel had justifications before the recent killing.

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57 minutes ago, Nemra said:



It's impossible to know what is in each leaders heart- is there malice there?  But I think as a whole they are simply trying to protect what is theirs  We already established that global dominance is not their end goal.  So to compare Netanyahu to Hitler i think is a bit premature.

Edited by Inliytened1


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21 minutes ago, Nemra said:

@Inliytened1, I was talking about early Zionists.

Same logic applies.


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39 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

This is a losing argument for reasons i pointed out earlier. The loss of one human being is an atrocity. You cannot put a value on it so playing the numbers game is stupid.

You literally put value on human life.

Hamas isn't going in Israel all day threatening and killing Israelis like the IDF.

Why do you think more Palestinians have been killed?

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3 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Same logic applies.

It was their plan to "displace" Palestinians from the beginning.

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1 hour ago, Inliytened1 said:

That was wrong but Hamas purposely hid themselves among civilians to bait Israel.  And you also have the 1100 or whatever ( @Karmadhi will correct me here so I need to be careful)  Jews who were killed by the Palestinian backed group who wanted justice.  Did they think about that before attacking?  So they wanted to kill Jews to get rid the leadership.  Same thing.  And in fact they struck first.  Now you can claim that they are justified but violence is never justified. 

They didn’t strike first. Israel has forced 2 million (half of whom are children) inside a ghetto with a blockade so strict that half adults are unemployed and most didn’t have access to clean water, they specifically limited calories to put the population on a diet so many were malnourished. Israel periodically bombed Gaza so viciously that the majority of children had PTSD and they had the highest rate of self harm and diarrhea. Gaza had the highest proportion of child amputees. This was prior to Oct 7.

Saying they struck first is like saying when Jews in the Warsaw ghetto rose up against the Nazis the Jews struck first.

It has nothing to do with survival, in fact the Israeli government specifically funded Hamas with the express purpose of making them stronger to justify further expansion in the West Bank.

In the West Bank the PA rules there and hasn’t attacked Israel in over a decade. So the excuse of “Hamas” isn’t active. Yet more children were killed there in 2022 than any year in the second intifada. And in 2023 prior to Oct 7 it was already the deadliest year for children living there. Since Oct 7 Israel has announced the largest land seizure there in decades and settlers and IDF have killed over 700.

Oct 7 is just an excuse for them to make Gaza unlivable and complete the ethnic cleansing. Gaza is the size of Las Vegas and home to 1 million children and Israel has dropped more bombs on it than were dropped on Dresden, Britian, and Hamburg in world war 2 combined. The majority of all buildings were destroyed. Dozens of Doctors who visited Gaza who have seen many war zones said they had never seen so many children with gunshot wounds. Now Israeli media is openly talking about implementing a generals plan which calls for cutting off food, fuel, and medicine to the entire north and they’ve begun bombing residential buildings.

This serves no military purpose, Hamas does not have the resources to destroy Israel and they only pose a threat as long as the Gaza border isn’t properly guarded. 

Bringing up “but if hamas was in charge they’d to the same to Israel” is irrelevant, they aren’t in charge and won’t be of Israel. Prior to Zionism Palestinians lived peacefully with Jews for centuries and didn’t even have an army by the way. Radical groups like Hamas only formed because Zionist’s killed thousands of Palestinians, and expelled hundreds of thousands from their homes and locked them in ghettos where they continued to brutally occupy them. 

You are just making absurd rationalizations for what Israel is doing.

Edited by Raze

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@Raze you really think it's that simple and one sided?  You really think that Hamas just mystically appeared out of nowhere because of Israel's devilry?  OK.   I'll buy that one if you buy Trump is a saint.

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1 minute ago, Inliytened1 said:

@Raze you really think it's that simple and one sided?  You really think that Hamas just mystically appeared out of nowhere because of Israel's devilry?  OK.  

No, I’m saying that the security excuse is just an excuse for them to continue expanding which actually hurts their security, as seen in how historically they keep expanding and their security gets worse.

The former prime minister of Israel Ehud Barak himself said if he was Palestinian he’d be a terrorist. 

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3 minutes ago, Raze said:

No, I’m saying that the security excuse is just an excuse for them to continue expanding which actually hurts their security, as seen in how historically they keep expanding and their security gets worse.

The former prime minister of Israel Ehud Barak himself said if he was Palestinian he’d be a terrorist. 

The reality of it is from their perspective there is a threat whether or not Hamas has the ability to destroy them completely they have the ability with other allies to do damage.  They are just protecting by expanding.



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1 minute ago, Inliytened1 said:

The reality of it is from their perspective there is a threat whether or not Hamas has the ability to destroy them completely they have the ability with other allies to do damage.  They are just protecting by expanding.


Again they themselves said they were funding Hamas specifically to sabotage a peaceful settlement 

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5 minutes ago, Raze said:

Again they themselves said they were funding Hamas specifically to sabotage a peaceful settlement 

From Wikipedia:

Assertions of Israeli support for Hamas date back to the late 1970s and early 1980s, a period marked by significant political upheaval in the Middle East. Former Israeli officials have openly acknowledged Israel's role in providing funding and assistance to Hamas as a means of undermining secular Palestinian factions such as the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Brigadier General Yitzhak Segev, who served as the Israeli military governor in Gaza during the early 1980s, admitted to providing financial assistance to Mujama Al-Islamiya.

Who were the PLO ?

From Wikipedia:

Founded in 1964, it initially sought to establish an Arab state over the entire territory of the former Mandatory Palestine, advocating the elimination of Israel. 


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Just now, Inliytened1 said:

From Wikipedia:

Assertions of Israeli support for Hamas date back to the late 1970s and early 1980s, a period marked by significant political upheaval in the Middle East. Former Israeli officials have openly acknowledged Israel's role in providing funding and assistance to Hamas as a means of undermining secular Palestinian factions such as the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Brigadier General Yitzhak Segev, who served as the Israeli military governor in Gaza during the early 1980s, admitted to providing financial assistance to Mujama Al-Islamiya.

Who were the PLO ?

From Wikipedia:

Founded in 1964, it initially sought to establish an Arab state over the entire territory of the former Mandatory Palestine, advocating the elimination of Israel. 

I’m referring to the more recent support of Hamas through transferring funds.

That was the PLO at their founding, they later acknowledged Israel’s existence and ceased armed resistance. 

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8 minutes ago, Raze said:

I’m referring to the more recent support of Hamas through transferring funds.

That was the PLO at their founding, they later acknowledged Israel’s existence and ceased armed resistance. 

Do you realize how absurd you sound to say that Israel funded and planned the killing of its own women and children to justify it's own expansion?  You really believe that?

Edited by Inliytened1


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11 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Do you realize how absurd you sound to say that Israel funded and planned the killing of its own women and children to justify it's own expansion?  You really believe that?

Them funding Hamas is confirmed.

I don’t think they wanted Oct 7 to happen, but they clearly wanted Hamas to do something so they have an excuse to respond. They admitted to punishing Gazas population, then they funded Hamas, and they’ve talked about how they call it “mowing the lawn” to just take a small loss then mass kill Palestinians every few years all the while they expand and expand. 

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10 minutes ago, Raze said:

Them funding Hamas is confirmed.

I don’t think they wanted Oct 7 to happen, but they clearly wanted Hamas to do something so they have an excuse to respond. They admitted to punishing Gazas population, then they funded Hamas, and they’ve talked about how they call it “mowing the lawn” to just take a small loss then mass kill Palestinians every few years all the while they expand and expand. 

They funded them to avoid such attacks not to have them happen.  That was the only motive. Any other motive that you want to call out is speculation and beyond that actually false. 


Edited by Inliytened1


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