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Playlist For Understanding Israel Deception

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5 minutes ago, MrTruf said:


This is the only time I will address you, so don't bother commenting back. 

I will not engage you, others already did. You run in circles and offer nothing of value.

But I invite you to keep posting.


As you wish. But it seems to me that your behavior is quite childish. If you have good arguments against Zionist I'll be happy to hear. I hope all of us are here because we care about the truth and we want to grow, and are happy when others can point us our blind spots.

"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are made for"    - John A. Shedd

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1 minute ago, Nemra said:

You call Jewish people here Zionists, or, as you would like to say, zios. That's a misrepresentation from you. They don't have to be Zionists to defend their country without relating to the Palestinians' struggle.

The people I called zionists are zionists, where are you going with this? 

Nowhere did I say that all jews are zionists, that's misrepresentation from you.

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11 minutes ago, Sincerity said:

@MrTruf Namecalling is strictly not allowed on this forum ("typical weasel"). Please keep that in mind.

I'm sorry

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12 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

Can’t wait for you to offer "value"

The expectations are high now, my truffle friend.

I had in mind that they don't offer nothing of value to me (that's why I don't see a need to engage in discussion), though I see value in their posting here.

I hope to exceed your expectations.9_9

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3 minutes ago, MrTruf said:

Nowhere did I say that all jews are zionists

Then who were you referring to by saying, "With every message, zios discredit themselves and their case"?

Then you mentioned people from this forum.

So, I thought you might be thinking that Jewish people here are, by default, Zionists.


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@MrTruf, you can get infuriated as much as you want, I also am towards others, but at least understand that I was referring to Jewish people in this forum.

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3 minutes ago, Nemra said:

Then who were you referring to by saying, "With every message, zios discredit themselves and their case"?

Then you mentioned people from this forum.

So, I thought you might be thinking that Jewish people here are, by default, Zionists.


This thread, the previous one, and the big locked one had other Jewish people who were highly skeptical of the Zionist project and the way it's being conducted, Lyubov f.e..

I'm not against jewish people, nor I am for dismantling Israel. But people claiming that they have rights to a land (and in turn do anything to get it) because Bible says so or because they somehow relate to people who lived there 2000+ ago, should have no voice in deceiding on the issue. Paraphrasing Lyubov, one could confidently assert that there is more proof of Bigfoot compared to the "Kingdom of Israel".

Even tho I look childish to some, I advocate for the situation to be taken over by mature individuals. I hate this issue and what it's doing to the world's security and future prospects. Everyone will have to live with the consequences of what’s happening now, one way or another.

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55 minutes ago, MrTruf said:

But people claiming that they have rights to a land (and in turn do anything to get it) because Bible says so or because they somehow relate to people who lived there 2000+ ago, should have no voice in deciding on the issue.

Yeah, it's annoying. I don't like it either.

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It’s absolutely fine for Jews to want to seek refuge after being persecuted for centuries around the world. Palestine/Israel seems to be the most obvious and natural location due to their religious and ancestral connection. For secularists who don’t understand or care for religion, ancestry or belonging - this doesn’t mean not respecting others who do.

Obviously, the problem comes when this becomes a right given to them by one group of people (Brits) at the expense of another group (Palestinians already living there). Aspirations that don’t involve injustice to another group are fine, even beautiful - but thinking in terms of your rights at the expense of another's is where trouble begins.

Rights imply something enforceable, a demand, something concrete you are entitled to. But those rights stop the moment they transgress over another’s.

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@Lyubov I read your post and one word comes to my mind “self hate”, please don’t take it personally or offensively, it’s more of a conceptual word used in psychology. By no means do I meant to offend you in any way. I see you clearly have a beef with Judaism. Zionism is just a cover up, but your true beef is with Judaism because somewhere, someone or something did you wrong and it was perhaps your family or your loved one or even class mates of Jewish descendants. 

To answer your question, what right do I have to Israel. It is because of Torah, because of Bible and because God said so. This is my answer to you. But that is only one of the many aspects of Judaism and I also of course practice other things of “cause God said so” things like giving a tenth of earning to charity, helping humans, be honest in busienss and so much more. 

But I can see in your words the struggle that you go and to be honest, the hate that you are experiencing in yourself, like at the point that you would not want even to be Jewish that your life would be so much better if you were born a gentile. 

As one wise person said, instead of fighting our identity, why don’t you embrace it. 

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5 minutes ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

But I can see in your words the struggle that you go and to be honest, the hate that you are experiencing in yourself, like at the point that you would not want even to be Jewish that your life would be so much better if you were born a gentile. 

As one wise person said, instead of fighting our identity, why don’t you embrace it. 

Gentile, goy, goyim such weird words honestly.


"The term 'Goyim' to be accepted as a discriminating reference to those of non-jewish heritage under the The Race Relations Act 1976"


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3 hours ago, MrTruf said:

or Gennadiy1981...notice, nobody even engages him or his messages.. they stand on their own :D proof that psychedelics without inner work, deep contemplation and introspection is worth jack shit.

Hey @MrTruf  well you engage with me so that’s good. By the way I am very honest man and whatever I say, speak and do is all and the same. And yep I am doing psychedelics and deep inner work at the same time so if you have any questions about it or need guidance feel free to ask me any questions.

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@PurpleTree well it was not meant for offense but for language clarity that’s all. Like duality, a Jew and a gentile, one or the other. That’s all.

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5 minutes ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

@PurpleTree well it was not meant for offense but for language clarity that’s all. Like duality, a Jew and a gentile, one or the other. That’s all.

Yea i don’t really like it. Remember when the failed art student put a star on Jews to differentiate and discriminate.

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You can’t convince a person who believes in a literalist interpretation of religion (whether Islam, Judaism or Christianity) on rights. Because to them God tells them what’s right and wrong.

You’ll have to loosen the grip of literalism and orient them around the essential truths their religion contains, but that no religion including theirs has a monopolistic claim to.

Literalist religionists need to be brought to the realisation that any extras around those truths are just cultural confetti that is contextual to their people’s history, time and place - but that those universal truths are beyond history, time and place.

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20 hours ago, Vercingetorix said:

@Lyubov the indigenous of the land lived there under British control, Otman control, they were never independent nation!! So what's the difference for them to live under Israeli law? And as if they didn't have the opportunity to get their own land in 1948 and they choose to try exterminating Israel 

Except Jews were already expelling them from their land prior to any Arab army invasion, and the partition deal required them giving a minority of Jews the majority of their land with most of the valuable resources, so obviously they would reject it. 

If you are fine with them being there under Israeli law then you should advocate all Palestinians equal citizenship rights in Israel.

Edited by Raze

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4 hours ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

@Lyubov I read your post and one word comes to my mind “self hate”, please don’t take it personally or offensively, it’s more of a conceptual word used in psychology. By no means do I meant to offend you in any way. I see you clearly have a beef with Judaism. Zionism is just a cover up, but your true beef is with Judaism because somewhere, someone or something did you wrong and it was perhaps your family or your loved one or even class mates of Jewish descendants. 

To answer your question, what right do I have to Israel. It is because of Torah, because of Bible and because God said so. This is my answer to you. But that is only one of the many aspects of Judaism and I also of course practice other things of “cause God said so” things like giving a tenth of earning to charity, helping humans, be honest in busienss and so much more. 

But I can see in your words the struggle that you go and to be honest, the hate that you are experiencing in yourself, like at the point that you would not want even to be Jewish that your life would be so much better if you were born a gentile. 

As one wise person said, instead of fighting our identity, why don’t you embrace it. 

Palestinians are found to derive 80% of their DNA from Bronze Age Levantines, if they are descended from the original inhabitants why do they not have a right to their land based on the Torah by your logic?


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6 hours ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

@Lyubov I read your post and one word comes to my mind “self hate”, please don’t take it personally or offensively, it’s more of a conceptual word used in psychology. By no means do I meant to offend you in any way. I see you clearly have a beef with Judaism. Zionism is just a cover up, but your true beef is with Judaism because somewhere, someone or something did you wrong and it was perhaps your family or your loved one or even class mates of Jewish descendants. 

Dude, stop projecting. Every jew like you wants to cry victim and claim antisemitism the moment you guys are held accountable for your ethnic cleansing in Palestine. The entire community is steeped in this victim level thinking, zero responsiblity, just wanting to cry about being persecuted and not looking at any reasons why they are in the situation they are in. No dude, I do not self hate that I am jewish and none of my identity is wrapped up in rejecting judaism nor is it associated with any issues from relatives mistreating me. In fact I cherish my American-Jewish roots and loved every moment associated with them growing up. I do not associate persecution with judaism which is what most Jews do. I don't like that I have to explain sometimes to people that I don't support Israel and bombing kids and killing thousands upon thousands of civilians and ethnically cleaning stolen land like the IDF has been doing shamelessly since the 1940s. but I suppose this is what a lot of Arabs/Muslims went through after 9/11, having to explain not all Muslims support blowing up buildings and killing civilians. A lot of Russians who left their country I've spoken to are tired of having to explain themselves even though they don't support their war. I guess I have Israel to thank for that but it is what it is. 


To answer your question, what right do I have to Israel. It is because of Torah, because of Bible and because God said so. This is my answer to you. But that is only one of the many aspects of Judaism and I also of course practice other things of “cause God said so” things like giving a tenth of earning to charity, helping humans, be honest in busienss and so much more. 

You are so lost in delusion you are not worth having a lengthy discussion with. I'm honestly surprised you found your way to this community. You believe you are entitled to steal land and ethnically cleans people from it who inhabited it longer than you by over a thousand years because your bible says you can. Just mirroring back your belief to you.


But I can see in your words the struggle that you go and to be honest, the hate that you are experiencing in yourself, like at the point that you would not want even to be Jewish that your life would be so much better if you were born a gentile. 

As one wise person said, instead of fighting our identity, why don’t you embrace it. 

I'm happy I was born Jewish, it's opened many doors for me. Thank god I wasn't born in Palestine on stolen land now called Israel though. 

Edited by Lyubov

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Israel: A country founded on the belief that European refugees who suffered genocide and ethnic cleansing during WWII now have the right to build a state and commit genocide and ethnic cleansing because their magic book says they can. You have to throw out all rational and reasonable interpretations of history to wrap your mind around the ethos and reasoning behind the existence of the state of Israel. Keep in mind I'm not even saying Israel shouldn't exist. But the narrative behind the existence of this state needs to be actively corrected for it's complete and total lies and bullshit it's founded upon. Countries like the USA are actively going through this transition now and are aligning more with truth. Israel needs to do the same.  

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@Lyubov Part of understanding truth is to get into the psychology of Jews in Europe 1945. Emotions are as important as rational or physcial components.

Edited by Nivsch

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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