Leo Gura

Playlist For Understanding Israel Deception

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6 minutes ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

Sincere question. A lot of people are disillusioned with the current two options. A lot of people are voting third party solely because of the Gaza issue, since the Biden administration has appropriated $17.9 Billion dollars to Israel since October 7, 2023. Sure, there are other reasons people might vote, lets say, Green Party, but Gaza seems to be the biggest reason.

What do you have to say to those people, who are considering voting third party.


Don't throw your vote in the bin and stop holding maximalist positions.

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39 minutes ago, Alex4 said:

Don't throw your vote in the bin and stop holding maximalist positions.

An argument can be made either way.

That’s exactly what’s wrong with the two party system though. You don’t like our policies if endless wars and such, tough break the other side is an antidemocratic loonie bin better vote us and don’t throw your vote. away

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Rouzan Ashraf Abdul Qadir al-Najjar 13 September 1997 – 1 June 2018) was a Palestinianparamedic who was killed by the Israeli military while volunteering as a medic during the 2018 Gaza border protests. She was shot and killed by an Israeli soldier as she tried to help evacuate wounded Palestinian protestors near Israel's border fencewith Gaza.


The IDF released footage in which she purportedly admitted to participating in the protests as a human shield at the request of Hamas. The video was later found to be a clip from an interview with a Lebanese television station that had been edited by the IDF to take al-Najjar's comments out of context. In the unedited video, she didn't mention Hamas and called herself a "rescuing human shield to protect and save the wounded at the front lines", with everything following "human shield" trimmed out of the Israeli clip.


According to witness testimony, al-Najjar was shot after she and other medics, walking with their hands up and wearing white vests, approached the border fence in order to treat a wounded protester. The IDF first denied that she was targeted, while not ruling out that she may have been hit by indirect fire. Israeli human rights group B'Tselem said that al-Najjar was shot intentionally.


Edited by Raze

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@Some dude on the net

And how exactly is the US supposed to stop it with a phone call? 

Look at it like the school shootings.  The parent gave the child access to the gun.   But they didn't tell the kid to go shoot up a school.  However they could have done more to prevent the child from having access to the gun.   Thus both are responsible.  The kid still used his own mind to pull the trigger.  That's why parents are starting to go to jail now.  But the kid doesn't get to go free.


Edited by Inliytened1


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@Inliytened1 For real man? They sends hundreds of tones of Bombs and weapons every single day. The US wants to wipe out the Middle Eastern for the oil. That's there plan. Check my others post in the imperialism talk. Sry for 30 tags I'm banned on my pc from using a vnp a few years ago. And on the phone I can't delete tags. @zazen@Leo Gura @Leo Gura

Edited by Some dude on the net

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@Inliytened1 @zazen@Leo Gura @Leo Gura I can't delete the tags guys I'm sorry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7V5N_t9IXE&t=914s this dude was the right hand of Bernie Sanders his a high green to yellow. Listen to him. You don't buy your kid and AK, then he kills 10 people and then you give him another $20B of bullets and they you cry some more than he's not listening. 

Edited by Some dude on the net

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12 minutes ago, Some dude on the net said:

@Inliytened1 For real man? They sends hundreds of tones of Bombs and weapons every single day. The US wants to wipe out the Middle Eastern for the oil. That's there plan. Check my others post in the imperialism talk. Sry for 30 tags I'm banned on my pc from using a vnp a few years ago. And on the phone I can't delete tags. @zazen@Leo Gura @Leo Gura

Keep hitting the "x" on your phone it will get rid of the tags.  Then if doesn't back out again and come back in.  Definitely buggy on the phone.  I'll check it out man but even if they stopped right now Israel is their own country they don't have to listen to the US.   They're strong enough now.  But they're strong enough because they took what they needed to.  If not in my opinion they wouldn't have a state.  They would be in the same situation the Palestinians are in now and we would be demonizing the Palestinians.  It's a dog eat dog world man.  And Israel has learned that only too well.

But its like some of us get screwed and are born into a poor family while others are born into wealth.   The poor guy asks why him.

Edited by Inliytened1


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@Inliytened1 Israel is nothing without US support man. Iran wants peace, Syrian wants peace. Lebanon is a graveyard from the pandemic and the Mini Nuke from 2020. The plan of the US is to exterminate the Middle East because there lies 60% of the world oil reserves. The US dollar is directly tied to oil. Check the imperialism thread for more info. Cheers. 

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20 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

I'll check it out man but even if they stopped right now Israel is their own country they don't have to listen to the US.   They're strong enough now.  But they're strong enough because they took what they needed to.  If not in my opinion they wouldn't have a state.  They would be in the same situation the Palestinians are in now and we would be demonizing the Palestinians.  It's a dog eat dog world man.  And Israel has learned that only too well.

But its like some of us get screwed and are born into a poor family while others are born into wealth.   The poor guy asks why him.

What the West should do is give Israel the Russia treatment.

Cut them from SWIFT, sanction the shit out of them and cut ties with Israel.

Obviously also put an arms embargo on them.

If Israel using purely its own means still wants to fight its wars, then fine.

What we want is Israel to stop being a spoiled brat that gets away with every evil the human mind can come up with without consequences.

If they are willing to continue even after facing those consequences then ok.

Russia keeps on the war even with all the Western sanctions and consequences.

Israel is free to do so.

But Israel should face those first.

It has yet to face shit.


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@Karmadhi@Karmadhi @zazen@Leo Gura @Leo Gura it's really buggy on the phone. I've tried with the X. Man you don't understand that Israel is not Israel. Israel is a US state in the Middle East. Biden literally said "Israel is more important to the security of the United States than Nato". Because the US economy is directly tied to oil. This is why China will be the first net 0 emission country, to overthrow the US as number 1. Check the imperialism thread. The game plan is really simple. US is just Green Washing everything while they do more of the same. By 2027 the oil stocks prices will triple. https://nebula.tv/videos/occ-fossil-capitals-real-agenda/ (nebula is paid but it's the best place in the Net for high quality videos) here is the truth about US. US want to kill the planet with fossils capital until we all die from extreme weather. For the US to remain the number one economy they need the Middle East. In the Middle East is 60% of the world oil reserves. China is really the climate leader. China by 2027 will have soo much green energy that it can sustain the whole grid of India. US wants the Middle East for the oil to remain nr. 1. China is going balls to the wall green to get rid of the US OIL schemes. China needs Taiwan to kill it in computer. So the US wants the Middle East to remain number 1 while it's killing the planet. China wants Taiwan to be number one in tech and go green. Here is a breakdown I did on tiktok about the 🌍👔https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGdewRBwh/

"Look at what you're left. Man who are nothing but afraid of you" Leo banned me, he's green not yellow. Check the imperialism threads that the truth, not this bullshit with Israel deceiving itself. 

Edited by Some dude on the net
Why did I got banned? You lie to yourself that your Yellow, your not. I'm not pushing propaganda. It's the truth. Buy all of Chomsky books and listen for yourself.

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I think @Some dude on the net's commentary is relevant and prescient given that the primary discourse related to Israel / US relations is that Israel manipulates the US into giving them what they want, when it's really a two way street and alliance. 

I've said it a long time ago, Israel is a proxy state of the US. Israel is doing the dirty work for the US, and American society is convinced our leadership are dumb and naive lemmings. The US leadership is full of ruthless wolves in sheep clothing pushing forward with Israel's campaign.

Many of you sound perplexed as to why the US does this, or doesn't do that. But when you view it with this frame, the whole thing makes so much more sense and many of these contradictions collapse.

Edited by hundreth

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Candace Ovens started talking a lot about Israel/Palestine/War etc. then she got banned for a while from youtube and since she’s unbanned i haven’t seen her talk about that subject really since. Since she came back she mostly only talks about Kamala etc. it seems. 

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7 hours ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

What do you have to say to those people, who are considering voting third party.

If you think Trump cares about saving Arab lives you are out of your mind.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Can the US Say NO to Israel?


Edited by royce

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

If you think Trump cares about saving Arab lives you are out of your mind.

 But those voting for a third party candidate are not voting for Trump, they’re voting for a third party candidate.

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

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8 hours ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

 But those voting for a third party candidate are not voting for Trump, they’re voting for a third party candidate.

No, they're voting for Trump.

Edited by royce

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47 minutes ago, royce said:

No, they're voting for Trump.

This just shows your own bias

Were you supporting Trump, you would be saying they're voting for Kamala

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