Leo Gura

Playlist For Understanding Israel Deception

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

It's not like Al Jazeera is gonna be your only source of information on this issue. It's one arrow in your quiver.

Exactly, it's somewhere else to check the news, not the only one.

It's not surprising Israel doesn't like this medium because it exposes things they prefer hidden. Not only they don't like it, but target their journalists that cover Gaza. A prominent one was Shireen Abu Aklee, shot by a sniper in 2022, another terrorist attack by the IDF. During last year so many journalists of different mediums have been killed, not as a collateral damage, but targeted.

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They assassinated one of Al Jazeera's branch chiefs.

Absolutely dispicable and shameless.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Al jazeera obviously has better quality programmes than fox news or whatever. 

But that a news channel doesn’t really criticise their own country’s actions and government is just a very weird concept to me.

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I think this is probably one of the main reasons why the west will prevail before others ☺️ 

Because there is a lot of criticism and self criticism going around. The left critiques the right and vice versa. The media is critiquing the politicians and so on.

There are blind spots or biases of big news channels but then there are endless youtubers criticising these channels and taking a different position and so on.

While in a place like China there are probably different factions of the CCP criticising each other a little bit. But it’s just probably not nearly enough out of fear.

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1 hour ago, PurpleTree said:

I think this is probably one of the main reasons why the west will prevail before others ☺️ 

Because there is a lot of criticism and self criticism going around. The left critiques the right and vice versa. The media is critiquing the politicians and so on.

There are blind spots or biases of big news channels but then there are endless youtubers criticising these channels and taking a different position and so on.

While in a place like China there are probably different factions of the CCP criticising each other a little bit. But it’s just probably not nearly enough out of fear.

Freedom of press and speech is important, of course, many countries have a path to walk yet. Since the Internet era, a lot more voices can be shared and heard, that it's double edged sword, because a lot of garbage and direct lies get to spread too, but I definitely consider it better than a monopoly of conventional mediums being the only ones giving their version of the news.

Conventional mediums are still extremely strong and have a huge influence on public opinion and politics. Journalism is not profitable, and it's not free, it has to be funded by wealthy bosses or companies that put money into them, the same lobbies that have a lot in the game, and the ones paying put some conditions and red lines, in Qatar and in the West. Many small YouTubers have the same payers as those mediums, so that's not completely clean either. A lot of independent ones ask for help on Patreon, those who don't receive big funds from big donors, I think that's okay, they have to eat too.

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3 hours ago, PurpleTree said:

I think this is probably one of the main reasons why the west will prevail before others ☺️ 

Because there is a lot of criticism and self criticism going around. The left critiques the right and vice versa. The media is critiquing the politicians and so on.

There are blind spots or biases of big news channels but then there are endless youtubers criticising these channels and taking a different position and so on.

Consider other countries don't have the luxury for self-criticism as inner disonance creates weakness which is exploited by other forces.

Only when you have a solid system, a safe country and a prosperous economy that inner criticism is valued and very desirable indeed.

Don't put the cart before the horse, you are having unrealistic expectations on neutrality and bias awareness. The process of developing nations is quite logical when you consider how the West underwent similar transitions not too long ago to reach its current state. It's easy to forget the West faced many of the same challenges on its path to plurality.

Edited by Davino

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There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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6 hours ago, Hatfort said:

Al Jazeera is making a good coverage of the war

There isn’t a single reporter from a Western media outlet in Gaza— not one. They haven’t even employed a local Gazan reporter.


Edited by royce

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1 hour ago, Davino said:

Consider other countries don't have the luxury for self-criticism as inner disonance creates weakness which is exploited by other forces.

Only when you have a solid system, a safe country and a prosperous economy that inner criticism is valued and very desirable indeed.

Don't put the cart before the horse, you are having unrealistic expectations on neutrality and bias awareness. The process of developing nations is quite logical when you consider how the West underwent similar transitions not too long ago to reach its current state. It's easy to forget the West faced many of the same challenges on its path to plurality.

I don’t have high expectations of them. I just say imo they are biased that’s basically it.

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On 10/12/2024 at 4:24 AM, zazen said:

Sad to see most are against it. It’s almost as if the solution has to be imposed by international players as a last resort. But like Leo said, that means the US going against Israel’s military which will never happen.

In this scenario, is the US also going to force the Palestinians hand?

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3 hours ago, hundreth said:

In this scenario, is the US also going to force the Palestinians hand?

Yes. The US has already been forcing their hand indirectly by not enforcing any conditionality upon Israel, who then act forcefully upon the Palestinians. Despite many among them feeling entitled to all the land, I’m sure they’d at least welcome autonomy, statehood and safety. Its better than the alternative status quo they’v had to deal with.

Security is a valid concern, the primary one in fact. If we forget about the factions in Israel who desire to dominate and expand territory, the ones who want to just live in peace with what they have are concerned with the possibility of ending occupation threatening their security. Heres a quote from Thomas Jefferson in regards to abolition:

“We have the wolf by the ear, and we can neither hold him, nor safely let him go” 

That quote captures the tension: the fear of both continuing the institution of slavery and the fear of what might happen if it were abruptly abolished. Just as slavery was morally wrong despite concerns about security and stability, so too is occupation today.

How to end Hamas:


Edited by zazen

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On 10/10/2024 at 11:02 AM, Buck Edwards said:

@Leo Gura you should make a video on "what are the consequences of hatred?" 

@Buck Edwards Leo already made tons of videos on emotions, I think in "what is love" he talk a lot about hate.



Edited by Ash55

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@Leo Gura Mearsheimer is spreading US propaganda. Israel is not Israel. Israel is an American State in the Middle East. Stop listening to Mearsheimer he is feeding you propaganda. Biden is the sole responsable for the Genocide. They bombed Gaza with the equivalent of 5 nukes from Hiroshima, 85.000 tones of TNT feel on Gaza. On Hiroshima 15.000 tones. I've written in my other post everything I know about America, Coloniasm and Imperialism. Don't listen to Mearsheimer he is brainwashing you to think that US can't control Israel. Wrong! US is Israel. The only one speaking the truth is Noam Chomsky, because he is solid Yellow, Mearsheimer is not yellow, he is green. Buy all of Chomsky books and stop listening to Mearsheimer. 



Edited by Some dude on the net

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13 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


You should change the name of the Thread to American Self Deception, because this is what it truly is. Not Israel deception, American Deception! The only reason Israel exist is because of America. 

Edited by Some dude on the net

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2 hours ago, Some dude on the net said:

You should change the name of the Thread to American Self Deception

Start  Another Thread , Why not ?

Edited by royce

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@Some dude on the net If you don't calm down with your ravings you will be banned from the Politics sub-forum. This is place for nuance.

Mearsheimer has done important work in unmasking the workings of the Israel lobby.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura I know what he has done Leo. Chomsky is lightyears away from him. We have other people spreading hate, yet I'm one who gets a warning. Or maybe you don't want to recognize that the US is directly responsible for the genocide. Also EU politics makes me sick. 


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