Leo Gura

Playlist For Understanding Israel Deception

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3 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

You really paint a dark picture of who the Jewish people are or have become.  I think there are some who would disagree with you.  

But I hate to see this.  It's sad.   

Don't lose hope. The half liberal will split and establish their own little Europe in the North, Coastal plain including Tel Aviv, and the Mountain-shelf.

Edited by Nivsch

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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Why do Israelis even want Israel so bad it's like the worst land conceivable.

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@oldhandle My Great Grand father (Haim Bograshov [Boger] ) was part of the Zionist congress and advocated for building a Jewish state. it was seen as our Ancestral Homeland, A place were jews can leave in peace and safety without worrying about Pogroms and later The Holocaust. You have to understand that in Jewish culture even though for 2000 we were scattered and to an extent nomads, we always yearned to go back to Israel. in many prayers and saying, in our most important holidays,  we said and keep saying if abroad "for next year In Jerusalem" -reflecting our yearning for Having our own state in Israel. The connection to the land for many people is spiritual.

Edited by Vercingetorix

"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are made for"    - John A. Shedd

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4 minutes ago, Vercingetorix said:

@oldhandle My Great Grand father (Haim Bograshov [Boger] ) was part of the Zionist congress and advocated for building a Jewish state. it was seen as our Ancestral Homeland, A place were jews can leave in peace and safety without worrying about Pogroms and late Holocausts. You have to understand that in Jewish culture even though for 2000 we were scattered and to an extent nomads, we always yearned to go back to Israel. in many prayers and saying, in our most important holidays,  we said and keep saying if abroad "for next year In Jerusalem" -reflecting our yearning for Having our own state in Israel. The connection the the land for many people is spiritual.

I wonder if those Zionist back then would have known how it would be now, if they still would have wanted to move the project along in this area. I guess they would but it doesn’t matter now anyway because "here we are"


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8 minutes ago, Vercingetorix said:

@oldhandle My Great Grand father (Haim Bograshov [Boger] ) was part of the Zionist congress and advocated for building a Jewish state. it was seen as our Ancestral Homeland, A place were jews can leave in peace and safety without worrying about Pogroms and late Holocausts. You have to understand that in Jewish culture even though for 2000 we were scattered and to an extent nomads, we always yearned to go back to Israel. in many prayers and saying, in our most important holidays,  we said and keep saying if abroad "for next year In Jerusalem" -reflecting our yearning for Having our own state in Israel. The connection the the land for many people is spiritual.

How's that working out

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Just now, oldhandle said:

How's that working out

Like that :o


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11 minutes ago, oldhandle said:

Why do Israelis even want Israel so bad it's like the worst land conceivable.

Speak for yourself. We have historic and religious right to it. Its our safe heaven. And its because of you (not you specifically or maybe not sure, lol) but of the world we need a place that we can go and be safe. I am kinda tired of being minority and pushed around for two thousand years. I am tired of when living in Soviets Union, Jews had a quota of less than half percent to be accepted anywhere. And I am also tired of dubious benefits you guys are offering when we live in foreign countries such as crusades and inquisitions and programs. Thanks but no thanks. 

And I am not confused and I am not self deceived.

I am reading the comments here and posts, and of course doing a very deep awakening work on myself, I come to very interesting realization. I am trying to integrate outside this religious perspective, but posts like this, just keep bringing me back into religion and tribalism. I see most of you cannot filter things properly and fall into biases, so why should I not fall into my own biases if everyone else falls. Its like when you smoke DMT and you see a bear, you mind would tell you that its all Divine creation and you should love it all, but your sober state tells you to wake up because this myopic vision will only get you killed. Its like you guys are the reason that you bring me back to where I came from and the more I try to walk away from religion, the more religion brings me back.

I wont debate here, as most of the stuff is nonsense and its on sided, I can paste the other side as well with probably even more, and by the way if it was so true that all claim, Israel would not exist today, but thank God we have sober people in politics like USA who know what they are doing, and please don't start conspiracy with me.

Niv, you and I had a conversation about it, half a year ago, and you mentioned that you truly want to integrate into European society and I was under impression that you were appalled to religion and you just want to be like everyone else. And maybe subconsciously I wanted to do that, but there is some kind of hidden force that kinda spanks us back and wants us to be separate than others, to be different than others and not to be accepted by others. And look, this forum that has such high conscious individuals (maybe few are off) and yet look how bias they fall. And this is the question that bothers me eternally, are the Jewish prophets in the bible were right from the getgo?  I will be honest with you, this is something I am struggling everyday with.

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1 minute ago, oldhandle said:

How's that working out

We stole the land so I guess we're thieves, on top of being terrorists. 


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13 minutes ago, Vercingetorix said:

@oldhandle My Great Grand father (Haim Bograshov [Boger] ) was part of the Zionist congress and advocated for building a Jewish state. it was seen as our Ancestral Homeland, A place were jews can leave in peace and safety without worrying about Pogroms and late Holocausts. You have to understand that in Jewish culture even though for 2000 we were scattered and to an extent nomads, we always yearned to go back to Israel. in many prayers and saying, in our most important holidays,  we said and keep saying if abroad "for next year In Jerusalem" -reflecting our yearning for Having our own state in Israel. The connection the the land for many people is spiritual.

+1 ❤️

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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22 minutes ago, Vercingetorix said:

The connection the the land for many people is spiritual.

I guess if Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues, Palestinians will start to feel more spiritually connected to their lands than Israelis.

Edited by Nemra

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17 minutes ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

Niv, you and I had a conversation about it, half a year ago, and you mentioned that you truly want to integrate into European society and I was under impression that you were appalled to religion and you just want to be like everyone else

I mean that I identify myself among the 30-40% of Israelis who are Liberal Europeen in their values.

Edited by Nivsch

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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21 minutes ago, oldhandle said:

How's that working out

Compared to what alternatives?

Looking from pure Israeli perspective, Compared to not having a Jewish homeland or having a Jewish nation in Uganda, Quite well! Despite the conflict, Israel is pretty good place to live at. And The Jewish people are happy to have their own country.

From a more philosophical stand point, Let's think What is Life's purpose? I think many people here agree that our purpose is to grow, develop ourselves and In Israel I believe there is enough balance between war and peace to allow such development.

"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are made for"    - John A. Shedd

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38 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

I wonder if those Zionist back then would have known how it would be now

They have succeeded, watching with pride as Netanyahu carries on their legacy.

Edited by royce

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22 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

I mean that I identify myself among the 30-40% of Israelis who are Liberal Europeen in their values.

Its not about identification. Once I heard a lecture that the more a Jew wants to run away from Judaism, the more Judaism will chase him. And for me coming form a very religious background, someone who wants to become like everyone, yet the situation is pulling me back into tribalism. Its like the European world or the Western World would never accept us as theirs. Its like at times resistance to Judaism is futile. I even asked one wise person about my battle and he replied that instead of fighting, just embrace it.

But even on this forum as an example. See how hard and how civilized you are trying to be and convince people, but it just falls in deaf ear and at the end of the day, they still look down at us no matter what we do. We can be extreme liberals or extreme conservatives, secular or religious pro or anti Trumps, we get the same look regardless.

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33 minutes ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

Its not about identification. Once I heard a lecture that the more a Jew wants to run away from Judaism, the more Judaism will chase him. And for me coming form a very religious background, someone who wants to become like everyone, yet the situation is pulling me back into tribalism. Its like the European world or the Western World would never accept us as theirs. Its like at times resistance to Judaism is futile. I even asked one wise person about my battle and he replied that instead of fighting, just embrace it.

But even on this forum as an example. See how hard and how civilized you are trying to be and convince people, but it just falls in deaf ear and at the end of the day, they still look down at us no matter what we do. We can be extreme liberals or extreme conservatives, secular or religious pro or anti Trumps, we get the same look regardless.

The issue is the Israeli government is giving them a reason to right now.  

Edited by Inliytened1


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8 hours ago, Dryas said:

Have you seen Destiny's debates on the matter? Highly recommend

I have.

I like Destiny a lot. But Destiny's weakest political position is on Israel. He is not recognizing the big picture that the entire Israel project is an ethnic cleansing project driven by a toxic form of religious nationalism grounded in cartoonish levels of self-bias and an utter disregard for Palestinian life.

Benny Morris has bad takes on this issue. He's clearly dragging his Israeli bias into it.

Finkelstein and Chomsky have the correct position on this issue. They see through all the Zionist noise.

Edited by Leo Gura

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~ There are infinite ways to reunite that which already is one ~

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30 minutes ago, Exystem said:


Fucking devils.

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