Buck Edwards

My level consciousness is lowest in the morning, why?

24 posts in this topic

What’s your life purpose? Do you have any reason to get up in the morning?

How do you treat sleep? Do you get a reasonable amount?  

What are you eating before bed? 

Are you exercising regularly? 

How’s your diet?

Do you have any unresolved emotional issues, traumas or anything you are spending a considerable amount of time creating painful emotions over? 


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@Buck EdwardsThis is not a problem. This is actually normal. It's called the Theta state. The conscious mind has not taken over fully yet and you're still in a hypnotic state from sleeping. There's nothing you need to do about this; and in fact, you can use it to your advantage to help to reprogram the subconscious mind. This is usually done by hypnosis which, when done on it's own without professional hypnotherapy, is done before bed or just after waking up where the mind is more vulnerable for programming. It's usually suggested that these times be used to try and manifest as the subconscious is available now for whatever is suggested to it at more magnified levels.

We're all different with how these states affect us and how long they lasts. It's usually about a 2hr window, after that the conscious mind is now in full effect. I would suggest that you be cognizant of what you consume during this time as it will slowly become a part of you and turn habitual. 

This is not a problem. You should use this time to daydream and visualize things of your desire because now is the time when the subconscious (what runs 95% of your life), is very vulnerable and will accept whatever you imprint unto it as true. Kind of like when people drink and become uninhibited. 

The mind loves to see everything as a problem. It complexes everything and thinks things need fixing when sometimes, it's pretty normal what is happening. If it's not affecting your life where you need to get important things done as soon as you awaken, then see it as an opportunity, not something to fix. It just means the conscious mind hasn't come on board yet to start fucking things up with it's overthinking and fear-based thoughts. 




Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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If you go so some research on this particular state, you'll see how this time is very powerful. There are people buying things and doing things artificially to get into this state because it's so powerful. Binaural beats are made sometimes to listen to in these states. If you really knew how powerful this state was, you'd be on it. Trust me, it's not a problem. You actually possess a very valuable thing here. We all have it, but yours seem to be stronger and more noticeable. That's why we drink coffee in the morning and do things to wake us up, the conscious mind needs to take over and it's just not there yet. If you were in this state forever and ever you'd be in bliss mode, ok, I'm exaggerating a bit. 






Know thyself....

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