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How to Practice Unconditional Love in Daily Life?

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I had a dream out of nowhere where I experienced rays of light radiating unconditional love much deeper than any love I've ever experienced before. It's really helped to show me I've been missing pure love in life a lot. I would like to work towards giving unconditional love for myself daily and sharing this love with others. I've tried a number of things to practice this but I'm wondering what advice and practices you guys may have.

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Posted (edited)

Depends on how it's being received, unfortunately, most of the people I've "practiced this on" cannot remotely understand or receive it and twist it into something else because they're scared of it.. so now I am more selective, it's a much better experience if you could find people who are close enough to receive it and recognize in their awareness what you're saying/doing. And you'll know when you encounter this ..and most likely you'll receive something from them as well.. but I'm sure you'll figure it out in your own way.

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ❣ Warning: nobody here has reached the true God.

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪ 星空のディスタンス ♫┆彡 what are you dreaming today?

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Do you also embrace love in the ugly?

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Metta, ho'oponopono, and reiki are all lovely. Random acts of kindness can also be a great practice. 

Glory to God. Blessings to All. 

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@LukeZ First you yourself need to be full of Love and then you can radiate it outward toward others.

Breathe deep into your chest with full focus on your the center of the chest, hold for a couple of seconds and then release slowly, do this kind of practice any time you have spare time at work or anywhere.

If you practice yoga, do chest opening exercises, these help you open your heart.

Save up your sexual energy, no ejaculation. This sexual energy can be transmuted into Love. Lust is a very powerful energy, and if you point it towards Love - WOW... You could feel your body light up with Love. I do this practice with my SO, in the mornings we hug each other, I get aroused and then breathe through my spine towards my heart chakra. I feel a lot of sexual energy, but I manage to lower it's fire by just being fully in Love at the moment and not letting this energy escape through some other means like ejaculation. This takes time, but man you can just fill yourself with Love very quickly and for the whole day. It lets you just LOVE EVERYTHING!

Love everyone, even the ones that you don't like. But Loving doesn't mean being with them, Love is different and you need to learn that.

I once asked God what I could give back in return for making this reality so perfect. God said - Be the Light. This means Be Loving and Shine this Love to Others! So you intuitively know what to do!


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Posted (edited)

Appreciate every person you meet

To think poorly of one person means you are not appreciating everyone

Therefore you forfeit the kingdom and you exclude yourself from love

Think how you would want to be appreciated if right now you were walking in their shoes

The opposite of love is to judge because everyone is perfect at being who they are

Love is a choice and can be maintained interaction by interaction, ceaselessly effortlessly

The abc of love:

A love is to be love it to see love


Edited by gettoefl

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9 hours ago, LukeZ said:

I've tried a number of things to practice this

Like what? You must have done something right to get that dream. 

You cannot love what you need. 

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Posted (edited)

Chat-gpt, give me a-z verbs of how I should view, treat, regard and engage with my brother lovingly


A - Appreciate
B - Bless
C - Comfort
D - Defend
E - Embrace
F - Forgive
G - Guide
H - Honor
I - Inspire
J - Join
K - Know
L - Listen
M - Motivate
N - Nurture
O - Offer (support, love)
P - Praise
Q - Quiet (calm their fears)
R - Respect
S - Support
T - Trust
U - Uplift
V - Validate
W - Welcome
X - eXalt (celebrate their essence)
Y - Yield (allow space for their growth)
Z - Zest (bring enthusiasm and joy)

Each verb captures a way of extending love, peace, and understanding to your brother.

In a similar vein, what are some a-z adjectives for ways I should take pains to NOT see my brother as bearing in mind his inherent innocence, perfection and sovereignty


A - Arrogant
B - Blameworthy
C - Critical
D - Deficient
E - Envious
F - Faulty
G - Guilty
H - Hostile
I - Inferior
J - Jealous
K - Kooky
L - Limited
M - Malicious
N - Needy
O - Overbearing
P - Pessimistic
Q - Quarrelsome
R - Resentful
S - Selfish
T - Threatening
U - Unworthy
V - Vain
W - Weak
X - Xenophobic
Y - Yoked to the past (stuck in judgment)
Z - Zealous (in a fanatical way)

These adjectives are reminders to avoid seeing your brother through lenses of judgment, limitation, or attack. Instead, you should aim to see others as expressions of the same divine essence.


Edited by gettoefl

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Realist who you are, everything comes with it. No need to practice love. 

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Posted (edited)


We do not really offer others a blessing in order to love them, but rather we choose to see ourselves as blessed instead of cursed. In that monumental decision, love will extend that state of blessedness through us. It is essential to understand this distinction, otherwise we walk around blessing blithely - in thought, deed or word - thinking this brings about love. Yet this “blessing” will end up being nothing more than an enforcing of separation. Once again, it is not for us to bless, but receive instead God's blessing in order to dismiss the ego’s curse. Thus love and blessing are now freed to be shared through our healed mind in an unending flow of love. There is nothing to say, do, or bless; we need only be.


Edited by gettoefl

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